Playtesters needed for Otter's 1st MM6 mod Release.....

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Playtesters needed for Otter's 1st MM6 mod Release.....

Unread postby motter28218 » 08 Apr 2009, 14:49

Instructions: Just download the file from the link below, copy it over your MM6 folder, will ask to overwrite files, click yes for all, REMEMBER!!!! - Make backups of icons.lod, games.lod, sprites.lod and audio.snd, these are the 4 modded files, or you can always just re-install the game.

Here is a link for Sprites.lod, Mediafire only allows a max of 100MB upload and Sprites put it at just over (103)MB, so for those of you who want to add this file just download it install it over your sprites, I only modded one creature and Flying Devil, not anything extreme, just gave him some evil eyes so he didn't look so goofy.

Here are some of the changes:

Many new quests, including a evil quest line ... qf&thumb=4
Stronger monsters ... 0d&thumb=4
Some modded weapons and classes ... qn&thumb=4[
New sounds, acutally just sound already in the game but for some reason weren't used.
This game is meant to be set mostly in a Medieval/European world, so most Greek/Egyptians etc character's will or have been removed, I am not completely done with that yet as this mod is not completely finished, I am awaiting feedback on this preview first before I go through all the work of completing the rest of the coding. Here are the things I'd like feedback on:

Shrines - The shrines in Sliver Cove, Blackshshire, and Bootleg Bay work anytime of the year even if you don't visit the seer, only once however, if this is an idea people like I will code all the shrines to do this.

The evil sub=quest lines, currently I only did one with Warlord (Kergmond), but have plans to do many other's with the Lich King, the Prince of thieves, etc, these quest will give exp/money but will also lower your rep

The circus, I modded the circus so you can go there anytime, but I reallywant to do something else with it, any suggestions are welcome.

Finally, any input in general is welcome, I know alot of the dialogue may not match up, fell free to report it but it's not a bug, I jsut again am waiting for the final release to do all theose little finishing touches, but look for the dialogue I have changed, please report any spelling mistakes stuff like that. The game currently has no ending, I will finish it in the final release, I know some of you frown on cheating but since this is a playtest you may want to use an editor to help yourself out so you can just "cruise" around and check the game out. Anything else you find let me know. Enjoy.

Last edited by motter28218 on 21 Apr 2009, 20:13, edited 12 times in total.

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Unread postby tomchen1989 » 08 Apr 2009, 15:50

excellent! :D
i hope i can help, but i cannot download the file.
i know lots of file hosting service that may be better:
mediafire, skydrive by microsoft and Project hosting on googlecode are recommended. :devil:

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Unread postby motter28218 » 08 Apr 2009, 15:58

tomchen1989 wrote:excellent! :D
i hope i can help, but i cannot download the file.
i know lots of file hosting service that may be better:
mediafire, skydrive by microsoft and Project hosting on googlecode are recommended. :devil:
There is a link in the original message for Mediashare plus some screens, individual files can be found at Filefont, tried them all and they work. Sorry for the delay.


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Unread postby Sure Valla » 10 Apr 2009, 09:24

If you need an play/beta tester plz PM me. And i will tell my statistics!

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Unread postby motter28218 » 10 Apr 2009, 18:10

SureValla wrote:If you need an play/beta tester plz PM me. And i will tell my statistics!
Definitely, if you want to Beta Test follow the link and download the mod, let me know of any bugs you find or any suggestions comments at all, good or bad, feel free to be honest, if you know any other's who want to Beta test let them know, I want to get working on finishing the mod so any kind of feedback that can help improve the mod is appreciated. Thanks


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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 10 Apr 2009, 20:19

Sorry, but I'm not replaying any version of MM6 ever again until the Knight/Paladin/Archer classes get something to make them better offensively (Armsmaster from MM7/MM8)

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Unread postby motter28218 » 12 Apr 2009, 13:04

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Sorry, but I'm not replaying any version of MM6 ever again until the Knight/Paladin/Archer classes get something to make them better offensively (Armsmaster from MM7/MM8)
I've seen this posted before, it is a good idea, but I think people have to understand the limits of what can and can't be modded, atleast by someone like me who's just some guy messing around with this in his spare time. Some things in the game are very simple to mod, no joke easy as just opening up a .txt file with notepad and changing what you see, other's take quite a programming background and even then the work involved would discourage alot of programmer's.

Just to let you know tho I did/am doing something to make the Knight into a new class that will be much more useful, I have modded Paladins to be the new Knights, also Archers to be more melee and no Spells, so in my mod the hybrids are gone, there literally are 3 unique Might Classes, 3 unique Spell Casters. Only problem is I had to mod the .exe file to do it and I'm not sure if I can publicly post it without getting into some kind of copyright issues. Maybe I can just make a patch to get around it, I have to make sure, but if I can you will see you will definitely want my new warrior class in your party, especially early in the game.

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Unread postby jeff » 12 Apr 2009, 13:56

motter28218 wrote:
UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Sorry, but I'm not replaying any version of MM6 ever again until the Knight/Paladin/Archer classes get something to make them better offensively (Armsmaster from MM7/MM8)
I've seen this posted before, it is a good idea, but I think people have to understand the limits of what can and can't be modded.
First off though they start off a bit slow, the last thing the archers need is a boost, parties made solely of archers and even Paladins can easily complete mm6. Knights are the ones that are very challenging, but not impossible. While this seems like a good idea, he fails to realize that adding a skill like that which works well elsewhere, may completely screw up an otherwise great game. I am not dead set against adding it, but the whole skill system would have to be modified along the lines of mm7/8. If there was an easy way to import the entire mm7 skill system into mm6 that would be fine, but I suspect it is not even possible, but would require a top to bottom rewrite. It is unfortunate he takes the line he won't play it, as it is his loss alone. He can take his ball home with him, but unless he is Steve McQueen in a POW camp bouncing the ball against a wall will get very boring. :snore:
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Unread postby BMJedi » 12 Apr 2009, 16:02

Otter, thanks for sharing all the hard work. I'm really glad there's still so much interest out there in this great game.

I think I'll wait for the finished mod before I try it, though. I'm on vacation this week, and I'm in the middle of spending the whole vacation playing a vanilla MM7 game.

I just wanted to write a short note to let you and Maestro and BDJ know how much I appreciate you and all you do. :)

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Unread postby Herry Hardfoot » 12 Apr 2009, 18:51

I'm afraid your mod has defeated me, Otter. I made it to level 3 killing a couple of goblins at a time, running back for healing, killing a couple more. etc. Then either a goblin shaman or an apprentice mage toasted my entire party with a single shot, at which point I gave up. I would call this a game-god level of difficulty. For us ordinary players, monsters at perhaps half (or even one-third) their current strength would be a more realistic challenge.

Then again, some players out there may be very happy to see something this tough. Has anyone else tried it, and what do you think?

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Unread postby motter28218 » 12 Apr 2009, 23:45

Herry Hardfoot wrote:I'm afraid your mod has defeated me, Otter. I made it to level 3 killing a couple of goblins at a time, running back for healing, killing a couple more. etc. Then either a goblin shaman or an apprentice mage toasted my entire party with a single shot, at which point I gave up. I would call this a game-god level of difficulty. For us ordinary players, monsters at perhaps half (or even one-third) their current strength would be a more realistic challenge.

Then again, some players out there may be very happy to see something this tough. Has anyone else tried it, and what do you think?
Good post, you too BM Jedi, if I can just add this however: First, yes, this mod if for those who want more of a challenge, second, it's really not that hard, you just need to re-think your strategy, the point of the mod is to make the game different, so for sure you don't want to go around slapping a group of Goblins around with a starting party like you used to, so on that note mabye you'll give it a another try??? If not I respect your opinion and encourage ALL feedback, good or bad, thanks for trying it, I listen to every opinons and take i under considertation, just remember, this game is just a playtest, based on feedback I will adjust it for the final mod.

BTW, Goblins have no ranged attack anymore, you were more thank likely hit by something a Mage threw at you, if Goblins are range attacking you then you must have a diff mod than mine.


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Unread postby Sure Valla » 13 Apr 2009, 09:08

Otter i told you the mod was to hard for some people

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Unread postby motter28218 » 13 Apr 2009, 12:28

SureValla wrote:Otter i told you the mod was to hard for some people
Well, like I say, it's actually not, if you play the game the way you did before it will be to hard, but if you realize some monster's are tougher than they used to be and avoid them till you're a higher level you will see this mod is not as tough as you think. I've played it and have had no problem leveling up to 20 and could go on and complete the next set of quests, I realize I have an advantage in that I made the mod and know where everything is and what monster's have been modded and which haven't so without wanting to give everything away I will give a "beginner's tip".

Most of you I'm sure have learned "hit and run" styles and how to lead monsters away from a dungeon entrance, so.... lure the few Goblins guarding Abandoned Temple away, jump across the stream and kill them from range if you want, or just rund past them, the mages, although their attack is greatly increased still have the same wimpy bodies, one or two arrows will kill them, and know this as well, in addition to inheriting the Genie attack mages also inhereited the Genie Experience Points so killing a Mage is like killing a Genie, so there's some quick easy gold/exp, just make sure you don't get hit. So, do the Abandoned Temple, it's filled with wimpy creatures who haven't been moddedat all, EXCEPT things like spiders, bats, etc all give out gold, next, do all the easy quests, some of the mainline quests are still the same, Kilburns shield, Magic fountain for Mage Promo, so after Aband Temp head to Bootleg Bay, all creature outside can easily be killed by a low level party, just have to use some Dodging against the Lizard Archers, after that level up, you should be ready to tackle some more quests. Hope this helps.


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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 13 Apr 2009, 22:42

Ahhhhh. A change in strategy required? I like it!!!

Good job, Matt!!!!

Big Daddy Jim
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Unread postby Variol » 15 Apr 2009, 10:52

I just downloaded and installed it to the game. I assumed it should be installed in the root directory? ..might be worth clarifying.

I would also be very nice to be able to select all 4 starting skills, instead of 2 and having the other 2 fixed.

Also: I'm just starting the game, but I don't see any differences. How do I know I installed it correctly?

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Unread postby motter28218 » 15 Apr 2009, 15:24

Variol wrote:I just downloaded and installed it to the game. I assumed it should be installed in the root directory? ..might be worth clarifying.

Well, I said copy the MM6 folder over your current MM6 folder, it does the rest itself.
Variol wrote:I would also be very nice to be able to select all 4 starting skills, instead of 2 and having the other 2 fixed.

I'm working on that.
Variol wrote:Also: I'm just starting the game, but I don't see any differences. How do I know I installed it correctly?
Not that I recommend it, but go fight the Goblins in NS, you'll see a difference there, but a better idea is go talk to Maria in the Tavern, she gives you a quest, not a new one, just switched, nearest new quest is talk to Wilbur Humphrey in Ironfist, remember, this was just a preview, even as I'm writing this I have coded tons more of the game based on initial responses, but even this preview has lots of new things to do.

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Unread postby kognefaure » 15 Apr 2009, 16:37

Indeed, it's really harder. I Had to abuse of AI glitches to get rid of goblins :D

You said the mages gave as much experience and gold as Genies, but they don't! They indeed cast Genies' magics and fly around, however give normal exp. and about 8-12 gold. Goblins do give about 500 gold though, and much more experience than usual.

Thanks for that mod. Looking forward to follow the evil quest line

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Unread postby motter28218 » 15 Apr 2009, 17:04

kognefaure wrote:Indeed, it's really harder. I Had to abuse of AI glitches to get rid of goblins :D

You said the mages gave as much experience and gold as Genies, but they don't! They indeed cast Genies' magics and fly around, however give normal exp. and about 8-12 gold. Goblins do give about 500 gold though, and much more experience than usual.

Thanks for that mod. Looking forward to follow the evil quest line
Are you sure? I jsut checked the chart, says 1st level mage is giving out 1,419 - 2nd leve 2,376 - 3rd level 3,575, as for the gold, Genies never gave out consistent gold, they just had about a 30% chance (depending on your perception level) of giving a high level item, I kept that feature yet also made them pay out some gold all the time.


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Unread postby Variol » 15 Apr 2009, 17:14

Thanks motter,
I assume you are referring to her comment about the "monsters in the water"?

I really like seeing new equipment in the game as well; and of course the quests. Otherwise, it's just the same ol'..

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Unread postby jeff » 15 Apr 2009, 20:55

motter28218 wrote:
Variol wrote:I would also be very nice to be able to select all 4 starting skills, instead of 2 and having the other 2 fixed.
I'm working on that.
My only question about that is, aren't certain skills required for certain classes. I suppose as along as all of the choices are skills needed by that class giving choices for all spots would be a good thing.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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