[H4]Faceless Destinies

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Unread postby Akul » 25 Feb 2008, 14:59

Not much, I am afraid. Scripting and storytelling don't produce the sreenshot material and lack of time (because of school and co.) menaged to capture a lot of my attention for few days.
The story sample will not be up for a long time because I find myself rewriting every text here and then and I am still not ready to make any of it public.

However, I do hope to post some news soon(TM).
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Unread postby Muszka » 25 Feb 2008, 15:04

There is anything I can help you with.
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Unread postby Muszka » 25 Feb 2008, 15:04

double post
Last edited by Muszka on 25 Feb 2008, 15:06, edited 1 time in total.
"Rage against the system, the system, what kills the human spirit."

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Unread postby Akul » 25 Feb 2008, 15:05

Muszka wrote:There is anything I can help you with.
Thanks for the offer, but not right now. Once one of the new features is implented (Sylvan Energy, Advanced Thieves Guild...), I'll ask for help.
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Unread postby Muszka » 25 Feb 2008, 15:10

Akul wrote:Once one of the new features is implented (Sylvan Energy, Advanced Thieves Guild...)
You do that by scripting...? I could help with that if you explain what you want. I have tons of free time, and I get depressed 'cos of it.
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Unread postby Akul » 25 Feb 2008, 15:22

Help with scripting ain't needed, I am afraid.
However, now that I think about it, I could use some help with ballancing and testing the entire map so except a PM from me soon once I make a map suitable for first testing purposes.
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Unread postby Akul » 10 Mar 2008, 22:30

So, here is the story sample. This is just a bit of text that appears first day of playing with the Undead faction.
BTW, just to warn you: I like reading ASOIAF and I don't like censoring. Which means that evil guys shall be shown in cruelest possible way.
Day 1

Jessica felt yet another sorrow in her unexisting heart for she remembered how she loved the feel of night air during springs in Saphire. Spring was now in Saphire, but her undead "skin" could feel nothing at all. Only emotions, and dark emotions they are…
Still, Jessica wasn't able to recognize if she felt anger, or sorrow, or pleasure while she was glaring at the minotaur called Harndor, the very bull that sacked the city of Saphire and dishonored her. His hide was black, his horns have been talen out from his head and his left arm was removed from his body, as are his eyes. Zombies were holding him so that he woudn't fall on the floor.
"Tell me... Harndor...." Jessica started. Bull didn't seem to care. "Can you feel the air? It is night, you know. I used to dance every night with my mate while the beautiful blue flames were burning at their pedestals... ah it was so beautiful... But you don't know how that is, do you?"
The minotaur told nothing. "What? Lich ate your tongue? Oh wait, it did... or it didn't... well, at least the lich removed it... but why again?"
"Ah yes! So that you could get the accent your ancestors had! Don't you want to dance from gratefulness?" Jessica sit quiet for few minutes, and then: "Tell me... do you love your pathetic god?"
"Mmmm..." Minotaur rised his head as if he could see her.
"Yes, you do… I loved my people as well, you know! And you know what happened to theme?" she stood up and got closer to him. "Well... the same thing shall happen to Daravan."
"Ah, be quiet!" she struck her skeletal hand into his heart. "Don't think that you are lucky yet! Once I find another way to torture you, I shall ressurect you..." she took her bony hand out. "Take the pathetic thing out of here! I have… chores to attend to!"
When her zombies obediently took him out, she started speaking the magic words. After about twenty or so minutes, a glowing circle appeared around her. She moved to the wall, sit on her throne and spoke the last word: "Appear!"
As the word was released from her soul, her three "generals" appeared before her.
One of theme was Holdor. He was her lover and advisor when they were still living. The accursed minotaur Harndor burnt him alive while she was looking. When Jessica returned to Saphire as a Lich, she ressurected him for he knew a lot about Life and Order magic. And he was a good schemer as well. The feelings they felt one for another dissapeared when their first life ended… together with his honor.
The second one was Hale, her and Holdor's son. He was one of few in Saphire who survived the sack… in a way. Like other elven survivors, his chivalrious spirit was broken by pain that they and the forrests felt and he became a Grey Elf, alive but not in his soul. Still, he was an ambitious lad and his talents were usable.
And there was Tear. She was ressurected by a necromancer so that she could be his general during the End of Life. When the necromancer died, she was free, but without a will. This wandering general served in many military campaigns. Her last one was under Marxus whom she helped invade this land. When Jessica became a lich, she ressurected emotions and wishes in Tear and she is now serving Jessica, by her own, free will.
"The day of our vengeance has come!" Jessica told viciously.
"I think I read that sentence few hundred times alredy in some books." Hale commented.
"Shut up!" Jessica yelled. "Are the armies ready?"
This ain't the best sample, but I felt bed for not posting anything in long time. In coming days (I hope) I shall post few more samples that shall better represent the story including representation of choices and their consequences.
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Unread postby Dracomancer » 11 Mar 2008, 05:37

Wow! This has the potential to be one of the greatest Heroes maps ever made, if you find the time and energy to pull it off. The text is well-written, and from my humble point of view (I'm not a mapmaker) the map looks good as well. I wish I could help you, but all I can to is to wish you all kinds of luck. It's good to know that new maps are still being made for HoMM4.
I maintain nonetheless that yin-yang dualism can be overcome. With sufficient enlightenment we can give substance to any distinction: mind without body, north without south, pleasure without pain. Remember, enlightenment is a function of willpower, not of physical strength.
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Unread postby Muszka » 11 Mar 2008, 13:54

I don't remember this element in the map. I guess it was implemented after my version. Anyhow, it remembers me the times when I played the SoD campaign for the first time. I liked the story of Sandro, it was how the story of an undead lord should be, and now, again. Good work Akul. Excelent.
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Unread postby Akul » 11 Mar 2008, 17:11

To Muszka & Dracomancer:
Thank you guys :)
Words and interest like that are fuel for every mapmaker.

As for the story... Besides few biographies and a little bit of texts, everything is in .doc format so thats why you didn't have this text in your map.
When story is so dynamic, you need to keep everything in order and direct writting into editor might result in chaos. The examples that shall come soon(TM) shall hopefully show you the complexity I am aiming for.
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Unread postby Akul » 11 Mar 2008, 18:25

As promised, here is another sample. This is first of texts that shows up first day when playing with Green player. More coming soon(TM).
„I can't understand why you are being so passional about this suggestion, senator Voriel!“ elven senator Ariela replied to Voriel's rejection of her proposal. „It is obvious that our armies can barely defend. How can you even consider the counteratt…“
„We can barely defend?!“ Voriel replied in even louder tone. „What in Oblivion is making you think that fall of just one region means that our kingdom is weak?“
Elven senator Galon replied on this: „Saphire Glade was most stable region of our kingdom, was protected by a powerful druid Jessica with whom a dozen of Sacred trees shared their wisdom. It also had the most disciplined soldiers and powerful veils of Sylvan magic!“
„And, as we all know,“ senator Ariela added „that the rest of the kingdom is filled with rebellious factions, corrupted lords, lazy soldiers and that it lacks any spirit.“
„In that case…“ Voriel's face became grim „Perhaps we should…“
The Queen stoped him from finishing the sentence: „Don't let that unwise sentence come out from your mouth, Voriel. The Fury shall NOT be released a long as I live.“
„In that case…“ Voriel's arrogant persnality returned. „…perhaps we should…“
„You are discussing topic of the Saphire Glade for hours, and you haven't move a bit? How pathetic.“ All eyes turned to a young and arrogant elf who was standing in shadow of a tree during the discussion. „If I didn't dream something ugly, I might have woken up after few days looking at how boring you guys are.“
„How dare you…“, „You unwise little brat…“, „What manners…“ and similiar comments could have been heard in council hall. However, the Queen had another kind of comment to say: „And what do you suggest, Lord Slythar Alieri?“
„I support Voriel's proposal to some degree.“ Suprisingly, Voriel looked outraged for Slythar not naming him senator. „We should certanly counterattack. We should show the nation of Khalan that the elven kingdom can defend itself. A victory shall present our might and calm the rebellious factions.“
Voriel asked. „And with what do you not agree?“
„We shouldn't send a big army there. Few soldiers and a good commander should be enough to liberate the region.“
Half of the senate laughed at this while the other half started thinking about this. But Slythar's eyes were centered on the Queen's eyes. Her word is the law.
„And you think you could… liberate the region?“
„When did I say that it must be me?“ Slythar smiled. Wise words are more respected then direct ones. Thats probably the reason why elves make fun of the senators. „Anyway, as I have heard, we menaged to make contact with Castle Ruby. They should have few soldiers there and a good base of operations. Hit-and-run tactics and good maneuvering shall bring us victory!“
Ariela replied: „Your stupidity shall just make the Glade bleed more.“
„Well, my wise sovereign…“ Slythar replied with an arrogant smile. „…in that case we shall make it bleed until our enemies drown in it.“
„And if you lose?“
„In that case… I guess we are dead.“
Voriel supported him this time: „Better dead with a sword in arms, then with slavers bracers.“
Senator Rawlin, who was silent most of the time, asked: „If what I hear is true, Khalan has abonded the Glade for some reason. Only the easternmost regions are controlled by theme right now. I doubt we can except the invasion from theme for it seems that they got what they wanted.“
Voriel replied: „Yes…. But there are rumors that the undead control the northern regions of the Glade. They could be a greater danger then Khalan ever could be!“
Slythar returned into discussion: „And thats why we must invade and find out more about theme. The only way to answer the questions of Khalan's motives and Undead treat is by going there personally.“
„Yoir words are wise, young elf.“ The Queen started talking. „You menaged to persuade me to send you there.“ Most of senators turned their heads down to hide their anger. „I'll give you an army of hundred men and name you the new Governor of the Saphire Glade. Do you accept?“
„Yes, my Queen.“
„In that case, I'll tell you your objectives. I want you to personally visit cities of Ruby, Pearl, Diamond, Emeralnd and Saphire and tell me what happened there and in what state are they. I also want you to investigate the Undead presence in the region and eliminate any Khalan presence you can find. I shall also assign one of my servant sprites to accompany you and serve you as an advisor.“
„My Queen, I don't need ano…“
„Sillence! You know what I think about your current advisor Vorkh! I don't trust him and I don't want him to poison your mind any further! My servant knows what I think and she shall be my voice. Now go! We have other discussions to attend to!“
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Unread postby Muszka » 12 Mar 2008, 22:05

This is even better than the previous one.
"Rage against the system, the system, what kills the human spirit."

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Unread postby Akul » 22 Apr 2008, 19:19

I...hate...the...spring cleaning...
My parents decided to clean the apartment, collor the walls and turn my room into a temporary storage. Also, I needed to spend entire days with my niece (a great thing!) (because sister and her husband are helping us) who is much, much more energetic then me (very bad thing...).

In other words, work on the map was at 0%. However, cleaning is coming to an end so I hope I can start implenting the Sylvan energy (more word about it in later days) system and the new AI-level up system (to make the map more challenging).

Also, I'll post the beginning of the Orange players and edited Blue Player beginning soon so you might want to keep an eye on this tread.
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Unread postby Akul » 29 Apr 2008, 21:28

First text that appears on 1st day for Orange Player. Please, ignore the grammar mistakes. This is just a prototyope (written in less then an hour) and text shall be changed when the map enters the storytelling phase of mapmaking (yes, I am still in scripting phase... there are a LOT of scripts). However, it should tell you a little bit more about the storyline.
Raona Alieri was praying at the Chapel of Daravan. Because she is holding a high-ranking position in Fire Temple's militiary, she is required to go through a five-hour Purge of Sins every six days. The ritual was supposed to make her obbedient to Daravan or something. Can't say that she feels more loyal since she joined.
„Enjojing the pleasure of praying, are you?“ a voice spoke.
She opened her eyes and was more then suprised to see that Marxus, High Priest, Lord Commander of Temple's militiary and, some would say, Temple's leader, was entering the chapel.
„All to please my divine Lord Daravan.“ She answered in calm voice and again closed her eyes.
„What a calm voice... people normally start to tremble when I speak to theme.“
„How irronic. Some people start to tremble when I speak to theme.“ Raona replied without moving her hands, „Guess I know how irritating that can be.“
„Irritating and amusing at the same time. Not a common combination if I can say so.“ He replied. „So, what is going through your head Raona?“
„A question, m'lord.“
„And what question?“
„Why the hell are you here?“ Raona replied without changing tone of her voice.
„Tz, tz, tz... what manners...“
„You asked me and I replied without holding the thruth.“
„I hope that doesn't mean you can't lie. Lying in healthy in this world, y'know.“
„If I have a reason to lie, I'll lie. Else, why bother?“ she opened her eyes. „So, will you answer lady's question? Did you come to purge yourself of sins?“
„No way! Do you think I am insane to waste my time like this?“
„And you are still the High priest of Daravan? Tz.“ Raona closed her eyes again.
„Title is a title. Besides, if someone complains I just name him heretic for disbelieving the choosen of Daravan and... cook him.“
Raona opened her eyes „Well, at least you don't need to light the fires. Seems I am alredy surrounded by theme.“
Marxus smiled and moved his right hand. The fires surrounding her dissapeared. „Come, I neeed to talk with you.“
„As you command m'lord.“ She replied with a smile. Everything was better then wasting time like this.
They exited the chapel and found themeselves in a garden that reminded of elven forrests.
Marxus started another useless conversation. „It ain't usual for Temple's priests to have gardens like thiese, but burnt trees started to annoy me.“
„Is there a point in telling me this?“
It seems that Marxus refused to answer this one. „Do you feel comfortable here?“
„Well, you are from elven lands. You were born in human branch of great house Alieri, who are closely connected with the elven branch, right?“
„So, what can you tell me about Alieri's?“
„Human branch of the elven branch?“ she asked.
„House Alieri in general. And please...“ he touched a tree and, in less then a second, all of its green leaves dissapeared and it's brown skin became black. „...remember where your loyalties NOW stand.“
„Useless demonstration.“ She replied without showing fear. „There is a whole library nearby, filled with information about this former royal house of elves. Either go there and read it for yourself or ask me something directcly.“ Dangerous as it may be, sorcerers must NEVER show fear or weakness to their superiors if they are to survive.
Marxus smiled. „All right... what can you tell me about Sylthar Alieri, the current leader of the house?“
„Former leader.“ She replied. „The title of lord Alieri was taken away from him and given to his uncle who is spending his last three years in a bed.“
„And what is the reason for this demotion?“
„I joined the Temple before that happened and my spies in Elven Kingdom don't have anything to tell me about that topic. Either the Senate is trying to hide something or they are just trying to weaken the former royal house.“
„Shame, I hoped that you could tell me more on this topic. Anyway, what can you tell me about his uncle then?“
„As the grand-manipulator Marxus alredy knows, that guy is dying in his bed and control of the house is once again in Sylthar's hands.“
„Grand-manipulator... I like that title.“
„So, why this interrogation about about Alieri's? I tought we are done with theme.“
„And I tought so too... until some problems emerged in Saphire Glade.“
„Yes. I tought that even the Minotaur Brethren can hold the region, but that proved to be a fatal mistake.“
„Lord Marxus made a fatal mistake? Intriguing.“ Raona smiled. „So, what happened?“
„First, Harndor, one of the brothers, dissapeared. Withotut him, Uvodd and Calistar, his brothers, started to fight one another and Uvodd deserted.“
„Thats what happens when you give a ship to the bull.“
„After that, a resistance appeared in the western and central part of the region. Diamond, Saphire, Garden and Autumngard fell in less then a week.“
„Elven counterattack?“
„Worse. Elven rebells and their undead allies.“
Raons was suprised. „Undead?“
„Yes, undead. Seems that whore Jessica refused to die and became a lich. A powerful lich.“
„That doesn't sound nice...“ Raona remembered Jessica. While it is hard to imagine her as a skeleton, she can easily imagine her ally with undead to protect the Glade.
„To make the metters worse, the 'Pixie' Senate saw our weakness and is sending Sylthar Alieri himself to liberate the region. That alone encouraged the elves in Ruby and they rebelled. Calistar lead a great army in order to reclaim it, but the fool last the battle and our settlements in Saphire Glade are now almost defenseless. Of course, the fool menaged to flee to Fort Troia. But he can say bye to his title of governor now!“
Raona knew why he told her this, but she played dumb. „So, what now?“
„I am sending a new army and some generals to the Glade. The new governor better not lose our precious source of Sylvan energy.“
„Don't worry m'lord, I am sure the new governor will settle things down a bit.“
Marxus smiled. „Yes, I am optimistic YOU will show Calistar and other fools how governing works.“
But enough about the story. Lets talk a bit about the map itself.
I am glad to say that mapmaking started to speed up and scripting is going better then ever (errors and bugs in scripting are rare). If I am lucky, I'll be able to tell you a bit more about a new game-feature avaliviable to green (elven) player in a week,
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Unread postby Muszka » 01 May 2008, 12:41

No words Akul... :)
"Rage against the system, the system, what kills the human spirit."

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Unread postby Akul » 06 May 2008, 18:22

Another Tuesday, another update.

Today I'll present you one of the new features that shall appear in the "Saphire Glade".
This feature is called Sylvan Energy (SE in rest of the text). SE is a unique, scripted resource that is collected by towns. Every town has a certain amount of SE that it gives in a day and once you collect enough, you can make a crystal in a city to protect it or an invisible (scripted) artifact that your hero can hold. (only elven and undead player can use this)
Every crystal has few stages of power, one being more powerful then another... and more expensive. So, too cut the talk, here is a list of some crystals that Green Player can buy (this is not the whole list :P):
Wildlife Protection
-A-crystal (hold in town for certain period of time, unless removed, and it affects the region controled by that town)
Weak crystal: Enemies that cross into your lands are attacked by wolves, tigers, griffins and mantises. The stronger enemy army is, a stronger army shall attack them. Enemy heroes that are going through lands protected by this crystal may be attacked every day they spend there.

Medium crystal: A Random enemy hero or town is attacked by wild animals

Strong crystal: All enemy heroes and towns are attacked by wild animals
Sylvan Fortune
-M-crystal (both heroes and towns can use it)
Weak crystal: Increase in Morale and Luck (+1) in battles
Medium crystal: ...(+2)
Strong crystal: ...(+3)
-NOTE: crystal has 25% to disebtrigate after using. If it disentrigates, the crystal dissapears and you gain +1 to luck and morale in current fight
Fortune Thief
-H-crystal (only usable by heroes)
Weak crystal: Absorbs 1 luck from enemy
Medium crystal: Absorbs 2 luck from enemy
Strong crystal: Absorbs 3 Luck from enemy
Elemental Aid
*Increases size of elemental units in army by 50%
*Increases size of elemental units in army by 100%
*Increases size of elemental units in army by 150%
-units dissapear after the fight
Sylvan Murder
*Randomly decreases size of enemy army (up to 25%)
*Randomly decreases size of enemy army (up to 50%)
*Randomly decreases size of enemy army (up to 100%) with chance of killing a hero.
-NOTE: this power is only avaliviable if certain quest is completed
Not mentioned crystals: Ancestral Aid, Sylvan Eyes, Sylvan Avatars, Sylvan Corruption and Ressurection crystals. Not to mention crystals avaliviable to Undead that are completely different then thiese ones.
First four mentioned above have been completed and implented, but I came up with some new ideas how to make scripts be more practical and easier to use and make so it is all going through a makeover.

Next week I'll post a sample of story, dialogue and what all is affected by certain choices you make.

EDIT: If you have any ideas about what else I might add here, feel free to post it in this tread. I'll certanly read and think about it.
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Unread postby Akul » 12 May 2008, 20:02

I promised you a big update and you get a big update.
The 9-page sample beyond show you how the story changes by choices and former events. Have a nice read!
(Keep in mind that this is just the prototype and that text (especialy the green part), along with countless grammar mistakes, shall be changed/removed in final version)
(Also keep in mind that this is just a half (if not less) of actual texts during this event)
(Also keep in mind that I wrote hastily in 2.5 hours filled with helping in house (like going to market at least three times))

*If hero Sylthar Alieri spent four days in Plagued Lands:

Sylthar was sitting on a stone, away from his camp. His eyes were opsesed with watching the trees whos leafs were orange, as if it were autumn. He wasn't sure who was to blame: Marxon and minotaur Brothers who burnt down the forrest, or Jessica who restored it in this, twisted way.
Many thoughts were flying through his head, all of theme interrupted by a fight of his nearing advisors, Vorkh and Lily.
„Hah, I told you the young fool was here!“ told Vorkh, the direwolf whom Sylthar has the pleasure to call Teacher.
„No, you didn't.“ Lily, Queen's sprite answered. „You told...“
„...that he is wasting time thinking about something useless.“
„Why would he think about you?“
Once again, Lily proved that she is a type of sprite that never learns from her mistakes. Vorkh jumped at her. She found herself on the floor, with a scrath on her left arm.
Before Vorkh could do anything crytical, Sylthar yelled: „Stop it you two! If you kill her, I'm gonna be the one who'll spend half of his life in a cage!“
Vorkh agreed and left Lily in peace. While Sylthar doubted Vorkh would kill the sprite, he didn't want to risk. Vorkh's hatred toward the sprite can be felt in air.
„Stupid pupy!“ Vorkh staretd lecturing „Why do you care about that? Kill this annoyance and your connection with the heretic Queen! I didn't...“
„Stop it Vorkh!“ Sylthar raised his hand and stood up. „You may have been mine teacher in past, but you are my subordinate now! Try not to cross the limitations of your position or I'll get new pants.“
„Been? Seems like I should still be. You forgot that I am an advisor here.“
„Try not to cross the limitations of your position...“ Sylthar repeted.
„Hmph!“ Vorkh answered. „As you say your majesty... what a hell are you doing up there Stupid Butterfly?!“ Vorkh yelled at Lily who was sitting on a tree, holding something in her hands.
Lily remained silent so Sylthar walked towards her tree. „Trying to heal the leafs again?“
Lily gave a nod.
„Stupid Treehuger!“ Vorkh replied. „It is hopeless!“
„There must be a way...“ she told. „I can't watch the trees like this...“
„Idiot...“ Vorkh turned around and started walking in opposite direction.
„I know that you sprite soul is gentle... but can't we PLEASE start thinking about this once the war is over?“
„Every second of sauffering is like a year in flames of hell.“
„Hey, look what I found here!“ Vorkh yelled behind the bushes.
Sylthar sighed. „If it continues like this, my foot shall meet every inch of thiese few meters of grass.“
Sylthar and Lily looked behind the bushes. A human boy in rags, around ten years of life, was lying on his back, with fearful eyes centered on Vorkh.
„Vorkh, you scare the child!“ Lily yelled.

What shall Sylthar do?
-If he tells the child to follow them to the camp so they could get him to nearest city, read the text bellow. [This is the only one fully completed and should be used as best example. The other two are just placeholders until better text arrives]
-If he tells the kid to get away, read the red text
-If he kills the child, read the green text

*Shift Sylthar's aligment towards Good*
*Shift Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy towards Dream*
*Decrease Sylthar's reputation with Vorkh*
*Increase Sylthar's reputation with Lily*

-If Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy was Dream, read the text bellow.
-If Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy was Fury, read the next bold text
[I'll explain about Fury and Dream element some other day. For now, just think about Dream as the way of chivalry and of Fury as the way of murder and slaughter]

„You don't need to fear this wolf while I am here.“ Sylthar told with a smile. The child turned his eyes towards Sylthar while leaving one on Vorkh.
„Why doesn't this suprise me?“ Vorkh told and left the scene.
„Well, I feel better without him around.“ Lily turned her attention towards the child that looked into bushes, fearing that Vorkh might jump at him at any moment. „Don't be afraid, little one. Are you hungry?“
The kid opened his eyes as wide as possible. „Hungry? Food?“
Seems Vorkh didn't get very far. „Yes, food you useless ape!“
Kid closed his eyes and put hands on his head the second he heard Vorkh speaking.
„His ears make me tremble more then his fangs and claws, y'know.“
Sylthar noded. „Indeed. So, whats your name kid?“
The kid opened his eyes. „Food?“ noises from his belly confirmed the sound.
„I never saw something so hungry like you.“ Sylthar raised the kid like he would rise a bunny. „And I doubt you can even walk from such hunger.“

-If Vorkh's reputation with Sylthar is 0 or bellow, read the text bellow as well.

„Lord Alieri!“ one of his archers approached him when he got into the camp.
„What is...“ answer was not required when Sylthar saw dead soldiers around the camp. „So, the wolf finally defected... guess we'll need to guard our backs from now on...“


You don't need to fear this wolf while I am here.“ Sylthar told with a smile. The child turned his eyes towards Sylthar while leaving one on Vorkh.
„What... did you just say Sylthar?“ Vorkh asked in vicious tone. „Please, tell me I didn't hear it right...“
„He told that we should take the kid to the camp and feed him you senile, old animal.“
„Food?“ kid asked with hopeful voice.
„Get away from here or I'll make food out of you!“
The child screamed and ran into forrest.
Sylthar turned his head towards Lily. „Go after him. Seems I need to have few moments with this puppy.“
Lily nod and flyed away.
„Puppy... helping the weak... what is happening to you, best of my students?“

-If Sylthar answers with „Not your concern“ or with „I decided to change my ways“, read the bold text bellow
-If Sylthar answers with „I saw potential in this boy“ read the blue bold text bellow

*Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy shifted towards Dream in case he choose the first option*
*Decrease Sylthar's reputation with Vorkh*

„What?“ Vorkh was shocked. „After all I tought you... after all pride I felt towards you... you reply to me like... this?!“
„Yes.“ Sylthar answers in cold tone.

-If Sylthar's reputation with Vorkh is beyond 5, read the bold text bellow
-If Sylthar's reputationwith Vorkh is beyond 0 but bellow 5, read the bold, italic text
-If Sylthar's repuatation with Vorkh is bellow 0, read the Violet bold text

„I don't know what a hell is happening to you... no, I do. I alredy saw this.“
„Really? And in whom if I may ask?“
„In every of my former students. Conrad, Selia, Raona...“

-If Sylthar heard about Raona being Vorkh's apprentice for first or second time, read the bold text bellow
-If Sylthar's repuatation with Vorkh is bellow 0, read the purple bold text

„I don't know what a hell is happening to you... no, I do. I alredy saw this.“
„Really? And in whom if I may ask?“
„In every of my former students. Conrad, Selia, Raona...“

-If Sylthar heard about Raona being Vorkh's apprentice for first or second time, read the bold text bellow
-If Sylthar heard about Raona being Vorkh's student for third time, read the orange bold text bellow
-If Sylthar alredy knows about Raona, read the next bold-italic orange text

„Did you just say Raona?“
„Yes, but ignore that. Thats not your concern now, later, tomorrow or any other day in near future.“
„Raona is our enemy right now. If there is something you...“
„Enough about Raona! Enough about us! Enough about the kid! I don't have any more nerves to listen to you! Keep the kid if you want, but don't let me hear anything about those three things I just mentioned, got it?!“

„You mentioned Raona being your student once again, didn't you?“ Sylthar replied.
„Yes, but ign...“
„...ignore that? I think not!“ Sylthar pulled out his two swords and put theme under Vorkh's head in shape of 'X'. „Sorry for making me do this, but you left me no choice in this matter!“
„What do you think you are...“
„Once again, sorry for making me do this, old teacher. But the Queen and Senate named me Governor and Protector of this region and I plan on doing just that.“
Vorkh looked at Sylthar with vicious gaze for few moments and then replied with: „Allright, if you are so interested in this, I will tell you. But under one condition...“
Sylthar returned the blades where they belong „Condition fullfilled, I guess.“
„Smart kid.“ Vorkh replied. „So, you want to know more about Raona do you?“
„Are you trying to waste my time here?“
„Like you, Raona was one of my students... before she desterted of course.“
„I guess you know about that reason, do you?“
Vorkh ignored the comment. „And like every my student, she was a failure. Yes, she was wild. Yes, she was strong. Yes, she knew the meaning of words Nature's Fury'... better then you, in fact. But she was... an enemy.“
„For the True Path of Fury. For followers of Illusionary Path she might have become a messiah. She used the powers that I gave her... the powers she was able to use because she followed the True Path... against the Fury itself.“
„How can that be possible?“
„Kill me if I know it!“ Vorkh replied to Sylthar's question. „Enough to say we had a fight and I took care... that she gets far away from our homeland.“
„So, my cousin's defection was not her decision?“
„It was, tough not in ordinary way.“ Vorkh turned around. „You might want to take this as warning. My powers are not just magical and physical you know.“


„Should that make me cry? Will you make me die or desert into Khalan?“
For a moment, Sylthar tought Vorkh would kill him, but then the wolf replied: „Be careful... I really don't wish to lose my favourite student...“
„About the kid...“
„Kepp him when you love him so much! Perhaps he starts irritating you and you kick him back into the forrest!“


„Oh, do you... well, let me warn you one thing then.“
„You want to scare me?“
„Isn't it obvious? Do you even remember what I teached you about fear?“
„Fear is the claw of your enemy. It is his weapon and preys death.“
„While I do feel relieved that you still remember this, I can't ignore the fact that you started offending me on every step. So...“
„Get to the point alredy!“
„As you wish.“

-If Sylthar has a romantic relationship with Rose or Sarie read the bold italic text bellow
-If not, read the next bold text

„Continue to dissapoint me like my other students have and you'll find out that I am more then capable of killing your dearest family members, your friends, admirers and... your bellowed pidgeon.“
Sylthar felt murderous intent goigd through his body and, in less then a second, he pulled out his blade and replied: „Be careful with your words you old wolf... or I'll make sure that you become food for crows...“
„Hmph!“ Vorkh turned around. „Brave words from a coward. If you really tought what you were saying, I would have been dead by now. And... while we are at it... do you remember the lesson I tought you about love?“
Sylthar stayed silent.
„I can see in your eyes that you remember it but don't wish to challenge the fate with saying the words aloud.. so I will: Love is a claw of your greatest enemy: Unfortunate fate.“
Vorkh left the scene with thiese words... and fear in Sylthar's wound.


"Continue to dissapoint me like my other students have and you'll find out that I am more then capable of killing your dearest family members, your friends, admirers and followers.“
Sylthar laughed: „Should that be struck fear into my bones? I care little about family that wantes to see me dead, word 'friend' is unknown to me and my admirers and followers are my tools, no matter whitch path I follow.“
„So you say now. But sooner or later, especialy if you follow the path of Dream, you will find someone you respect, someone you love... someone you want to protect with your life... and then I shall jump from my hiding and tear the troat of that person up.“
Vorkh left the scene woth thiese words. Sylthar hates to admit it to himself, but he does feel a small dose of fear.


„Why am I so suprised? You were offending me for days alredy... no, weeks! Like every one of my students, you are a failure. But... you won't get away so easily like they have...“
Sylthar pulled out his blades and prepared his mind fpr casting spells. „So, you...“
„No, killing you would be merciful... I'll break one of my rules this time...“
„What are you... ARGH!!!“ Sylthar felt a terrible pain in place under his heart. The screamed so hard that his army should have heard him. „You... bastard... what have you...“
„Your greatest mistake wasn't the one when you decided to follow another path. You greatest mistake was that you followed the Path of Fury first. That alone left your body vulnerable to my powers so I took my time to put a curse on you.“
„A curse?“
„Yes, a curse. The curse shall eat your personality every day until it turns you into nothing more then an animal. Your willpower might increase your lifespan, but you will fall under it sooner or later. As your final day draws near, you will lose control over your ming more and more often. A curse suitable for the last of my students... for the last of my failures...“
If Vorkh told anything else, Sylthar didn0t hear it. He felt unconcious.


*Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy shifted towards Fury*
*Increased Sylthar's Reputation with Vorkh*

„I saw potential in that boy.“ Sylthar replied.
„Potential?!“ Vorkh yelled in silent voice. „In that bag of patheticness?!“
„I read somewhere that those who felt how it is to be on bottom shall do anything to never fell it again. He might look nice and all right now, but deep inside he is a beast that shall crush anyone to get away from there as much as possible.“
„How do you know he is capable of staying on top? You saw him!“
„The thing I saw was a kid that survived in wilderness filled with insane animals and undead even if he was hungry. Don't you see it Vorkh? That pathetic kid has the potential to become the greatest hero that Nature ever had!“
„While I think you are daydreaming, your words did leave me intrigued. Let us see if your plan succeds.“


*Shift Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy towards Fury*
*Decrease Sylthar's reputation with Lily*
*Increase Sylthar's reputation with Vorkh*

-If Sylthar alredy followed the Path of Fury, read the red text bellow
-If Sylthar followed the Path of Dream until now, read the next bolded red text

„Get away or I'll kill you!“ Sylthar yelled at the kid. It started running, but fell onto earth after two steps.
„Lets return to thefcamp. This pup ain't worth our troubles.“
„It is worth mine!“ Lily replied flyed towards the child. „My, my... you are unconcious.“
„Leave him alone stupid pixie!“ Vorkh yelled.
„No way! You may follow the path of Fury, but I follow the path that my Queen walks.“
Vorkh started losing his temper... again. „ You little...“

-If Sylthar says: „Alright, take him to the camp.“ Read the text bellow. Else, the event ends.

„Alright, take him to the camp.“
„What are you...“
„Listen Vorkh... the last thing I need is the Queen taking away all of my privileges. And don't dare to start talking about usurping the throne. That talk tires me greatly! Now, take the kid Lily and lets go back towards the camp!“

*Increase Sylthar's reputation with Lily*
*Shift Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy towards Neutral*


„Get away or We'll kill you!“ Sylthar told.
Lily was shocked with this announcement and Vorkh was suprised. „That wasn't what I excepted you to say Sylthar. I tought you were becoming a fool!“
„I think you ARE becoming a fool!“ Lily replied. „I'll take care of him. You go to the camp and get some rest. You don't seem to know what you are saying.“
„I am fully aware of what I am saying, Lily.“ Sylthar replied. „In fact, I am more aware then ever before.“
„You are...“
„Shut up! Feed the kid if you want, but don't bring him to the camp. I have better things to do then to feed that mouth!“


*Shift Sylthar's aligment towards evil*
*Decrease Sylthar's reputation with Vorkh*
*Decrease Sylthar's reputation with Lily*
Sylthar pulled out his dagger and, before anyone could stop him, stabbed the boy into his neck. Lily screamed and Vorkh, in contrast to her, stayed silent, with rage in his eyes.
„Why the hell have you done this?“ one of them asked.

-If Sylthar replies with „To cease his suffering“, then read the green text bellow
-If Sylthar replies with „Because he was weak and pathetic“ or „Just so“, read the bolded green text

*Shift Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy towards Neutral*

„To cease his suffering“
„What a hell got into you?!“ Lily screamed. „There are other...“
„I hate to defend you Lily, but I would advice you to remain silent.“ Vorkh warned her.
„You make me look like a madman.“ Sylthar told. „There's no way I would feed this boy while my soldiers are praying to get some meal. And there is no way I would leave the poor child to be eaten and tortured by wild animals.“
„Don't you have any conciousness?!“ Lily yelled.
Sylthar remained silent for few moments. „Not any more. Killing with speed of hundred soldiers per day make you like that.“
„You are... you are...“
„A murderer, I am sure. Now lets go back to the camp.“

-If Sylthar was visited by Deathbringers, then read the text bellow

„Battle does that to you?“ Vorkh started talking again. „Undead, I say!“
„You are talking about Deathbringers?“
„Whom else.“ Lily added. They looked like best friends now.
„Hmph! Think what you want. Governor of Saphire Glade does what he wants, regardless of his subordinates.“


*Shift Sylthar's Sylvan Philosophy towards Fury if he choose first option, else shift his aligment towards Evil if he choose „Just so“ option*

„Because he was weak and pathetic. Quite simple.“
„You... you...“ Lily started, but Vorkh jumped into conversation: „Don't you Dreamers have a ritual called funereal to complete? I have to speak with my student.“
„I am not your...“
„And I think you still are.“ Vorkh turned towards Lily. „What are you waiting there? This is a private matter!“
Unwillingly, Lily noded, took the child into her arms and flyed away.
When Lily dissapeared, Sylthar asked Vorkh: „Why are you looking at me like that? I tought killing weak was the Path of Fury?“
„Killing weak if you are hungry or you need the skin to warm yourself up or if that weakling could prove dangerous is the path of Fury. Anything else is considered evil!“
„Yes, evil. There are many who follow the Fury just so they have an execuse to be evil but, I can assure you, they don't live long. The fury fights the evil!“
„And just why does it fight evil? To protect the weak?“
„Do I need to repeat my first lessons? Those who follow the fury protect the Nature and itself by mercilesly slaughtering the enemy. Those who kill without a reason or only for entertainment, like you did, are evil and thus the enemy of the fury! Mark those words Sylthar!“
As I alredy told, only the "Let him live" option was fully developed. I'll improve other two (which are more then pathetic right now and are just placeholders) later so you can get a better picture of how the story looks.
Tommorow or on Wensday I shall change the other two options.
I am back and ready to... ready to... post things.

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Joined: 27 Nov 2005

Unread postby ByteBandit » 15 May 2008, 18:23

Yeah, this is an incredible Story. I see where this campaign could be fun to play. Very involving indeed! Are you planning on releasing it soon? If not, let me know when.

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Unread postby Akul » 29 Nov 2008, 19:17

Sorry for the lack of news all this time :( I know that some of you started to think that the project is dead because of that.

I confess, the writing goes slower then I would want to, but the last year of high school leaves little time for mapmaking and writing. The project is alive and well, and I hope to post a lore update sometimes in future.

For now, here are two story events for green player that takes the evil route for Sylthar Alieri and another one that has yet to be improved:

7-2-5 |Senate hears about the Murder
Set NFSylthar 30
set EvilSylthar 15
Set RiverhideAnnexed 1
set SenateWHWar 1
set RiverhideReinforcments 3
set RiverhideBetrayal 1

„Sorry for coming late again, my friends.“ Voriel excused himself when he arrived. „I just...“ he wanted to make an pathetic excuse for why he was late (he liked to anger his collegues by coming late now and then), but their serious faces froze him. „Did someone die or what?“
Queen, the only person who didn't look like she was in deep depression, answered: „His grand majesty, the holy Imperial Behemoth Shajin I Alieri, the Divine Lord of White House Alieri has gone to the world of Death.“
Voriel started laughing, both because of the good luck and Queen's weird humour. „Really? Thats great! How did he die anyway?“
This time, Rawlin answered: „Duke Sylthar killed him in cold blood and massacred his and Riverhide's men. White House Alieri was, of course, offended by thi...“
„Sylthar killed him and his entire army?“
Galon, who also seems to be late, replied: „AND forced Lord Riverhide to become loyal to us again. Knowing that coward, he will stay like that this time.“
Voriel was impresed: „I must say that I started to like this man. A true Alieri, no doubt!“
Ariela didn't seem to be entertained by this. „Are you kidding? This war shall...“
The Queen herself interrupted her: „While I do not fully agree with Sylthar's actions, death of Shajin weakened the rebels. Unless the White House has someone else competent in store for us, they will be easy to deal with. Crushing them will mean crushing a great deal of doubt into our rulership.“
Unlike Voriel and Galon, Ariela certanly wasn't satisfied by this: „What are you talking, my Queen? This will certanly hurt our reputation! Our relationships with other nations and rebel forces shall falter because of brat's actions! So why do you look so pleased?!“
„What happened, happened.“ Voriel decided to spare the Queen her words. „Our Queen can do nothing to undo what happened. We should strive to make the most of what Sylthar has given to us. Once he returns, we can discuss his... punishment. Heh heh.“
Golen decided to add his own words to this: „And we certanly can't stop Sylthar now. If my calculations are right, he should arrive at the Glade before our message reaches him... if it reaches him... so recalling him back would be counter-productive. A recall may seem like a moraly right thing to do, but it is in fact a stupid thing to do.“
Ariela started muttering nonsense: „Yes...but...still...but why are you so pleased my Queen? Thats doesn't fit...“
Rawlin answered her question: „The Queen is pleased because Kingdom's position has improved and Sylthar, whom she must consider a rival for the throne, tarnished his own reputation.“ Rawlin never hid what he thought and never hestitated to speak openly, even if it meant displeasing his own liege. For that reason, human kingdom of Josia exiled him and for the same reason the Queen put this human into the senate.
„Once again, you read me like the book, Rawlin.“ Queen replied. „Now, my gentlemen, what shall we write to our beloved Sylthar?“
17-2-6 |Sylthar recevies a Senatorial Letter

Sylthar's army took a short break when they got into the Sapphire Glade. They didn't know if Fort Galdir was still standing so in case the enemy regiments were waiting for them, they decided to rest and make a small re-supplience.
Sylthar decided to climb a nearby cliff and rest under a tree. He loved how his army looked big. He knew that this was in fact a small army, but still the numbers were extravagant.
He thought that Vorkh would share his enthusiasm, but for some reason he started acting strange, as if he feared Sylthar and decided that closed jaw was the best jaw.
He blinked and a sprite in a blue dress appeared in front of his face. He screamed. She screamed as well.
„What a hell...“ Sylthar started. „Who the...“
„I am here on behalf of the Senate and the Queen. I bring this letter to you.“ She handed him a letter, which was sealed by the Queen. „I'll make my leave now, if you don't object.“ She dissapeared in flash of light.
„What a fleshy exit... guess she heard how nice I was towards Shien.“
Sylthar broke the seal. He opened the letter and a small piece of paper fell on the floor. He took it up and saw that it was sent to him by the human senator Hornes Rawlin. Sylthar doubted that the Queen knew about this special delivery.
He decided to read what was written in Queen's letter.

„To Duke Governor of the Sapphire Glade and heir to the Elven Alieri family,Sylthar Alieri

Me and my fellow senators were shocked to hear what you have done in the Riverhide Pass. We are thankful for reminding Lord Hirsen of where his loyalty are supposed lo lie,but feel that you should be remembered of that as well. Declaring war on White House Alieri was certanly a show of disloyalty. A vassal should know where the limits of his powers and responsibilities lie, but you seem to have forgot about that. DO NOT DECLARE WARS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! I am forced to forgive you this sin because you are the last hope for theSapphire Glade and, tough immoral, your methods of getting reinfocments have proven to be effective.

The Queen“

Besides one mentioning of word immoral, it seems that the Queen ignored the assasination attempt on Shajin. The shortness of the letter as well as the Royal forgivance were unexpected as well, but not really bad news.
Sylthar took the second letter into his hands, the one sent by Rawlin.

„From Hornes Rawlin to Sylthar Alieri

I feel a need to thank you for what you have done for the Kingdom. The Queen was very pleased, as well as all senators in Druid's Den besides Ariela.
I also feel a need to warn you that the Queen believes that your own actions couldl be used against you. Once you liberate the region, Queen shall use Shain's death and, if needed, false evidence to excute you in order to get rid of a potential rival to the throne.
I should also mention that, if you continue impressing the senate, you may gain enough support to turn the tables. But I think you are alredy aware of that. Know however, that I am your ally.“

„Ally?“ Sylthar told to himself. „I bet the Queen herself made you write the letter. Anyway, time to leave for Fort Galdir!“
The unfinished story part:
17-2-4 |Sylthar and Shajin arrive in Sapphire Glade
Set CunningSylthar 10
setAgreementWithShajin 1
set RiverhideReinforcments 2

„This is the Sapphire Glade?“ Shajin seemed dissapointed with what he saw.
„Yes.“ Sylthar replied. „Any problems with that?“
„Not really. It is just that I excepted... more.“
„Yes, more.“ Shajin replied. „Something so magical that you would never wish to leave it... or something turned into ash. This looks so... usual.“
„Usual or not, this is a powerful place.“
„Yes, even I know that. Lets continue towards that Galdir place!“

It is fascinating how little people know about strangers. Sylthar tought that Shajin Alieri was an arrogant and prideful man. One of those that value honor and family above all else and one of those whos ambition can only be matched by their ego.
But Shajin is not like that. He has little if no pride and even less honor and ambition. The only thing he is interested is having a fun life. He is so uninterested into his family and house that he left control of White House Alieri to his son who was yesterday declared the new Lord and Emperor, disproving Shajin any more rights with that. Shajin's comment on that was: „Ah well, they have become annoying anyway.“
Sylthar is sure that, as long as he can afford fun to Shajin, he will have a loyal servant. And he is sure that Shajin shall have a lot of fun with upcoming wars.
I am back and ready to... ready to... post things.

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Mace the Councillor
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Unread postby Mace the Councillor » 03 Dec 2008, 22:17

WOW, this campaign concept looks very promising, and looking at the screenshots, you seem like you know how to do the design aspect, too.
I wish you good luck, because this is ambitious, and it is going to be extensive and take a long time. But I'd gladly try this campaign once it is finished.

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