Looking for Author of MM7Rev4modR1 or good MODer

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Looking for Author of MM7Rev4modR1 or good MODer

Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 19 Jun 2008, 19:32

Hello to you all!
I was so inspired of this MOD by BDJ that decided to do something by myself.
BDJ changed a game, adding some cool things, I wanna to change game's graphics!
Here is some my works that already enable in my MOD:
As you can see - I can change papper dolls, inventory items and even a monsters (they have 120+ sprites...need more time but possible!)

I'm using BDJ's MOD as a base and changing sprites. But I think that it is a little bit unfair...I wanna to add some new quests, maybe monsters, change some races - but I do not how to do this!! Actually I tryed to contact BDJ on his blog or hiw e-mail - but e-mail is not active already :-\

And his little lessons do such little help for me - I still have a lot of question!!

If you can help, you a good MM7 MODer or you can contact BDJ please help!

Here is a link on my forum but I'm russian and forum on russian language.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 19 Jun 2008, 22:54

Well, look here. He comes to the forum every now and then, so PM him, and he'll surely help you out :)!
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Unread postby zipi » 20 Jun 2008, 07:37

i think we could help out each other. i'm working on MM7 Event Language: viewtopic.php?t=8856. you can contact me on email.

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Mod Assistance

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 20 Jun 2008, 14:48


First of all, I would like to commend you on the 2D ‘Paper Doll’ graphics that you have developed. You are a talented artist that shows good potential. I also commend you for taking the time to figure out **how** to import these graphics into the MM interface/game. It shows a real interest and drive to produce some ‘improvements’ to the MM Game system.

Secondly, I find it rather ‘curious’ that you have not been able to contact me. After all, my email address is provided in the Tutorial that I published. I assume that you have read/completed the tutorial and have ‘working code’ that satisfies the 3-part series?

Now, concerning ‘assistance’ in modifying the MM game(s). If the type of assistance that you are seeking is a ‘course’ on Event Programming including a complete list of the instructions, arguments, parameters, ‘interpreter’ anomalies, and the-like, you’ll have to look elsewhere. I have always been publicly forward to state that I don’t give ‘free lunches’. However, I am available to assist those who are willing to ‘sweat’ their own blood while taking the “Right of Passage Journey” in developing an MM Mod. This was plainly stated in the closing remarks of the tutorial. The assistance that I offered in the 3-part Modder’s Guide was one of ‘empirical methodology’; re; how to setup one’s own experiments to discover their own information. I am still willing to provide this assistance for those who are willing to exert their own energies in the discovery process.

If I can be of some assist to you in research methodology, here’s what I’ll first need from you. Post a .ZIP file to one of the ‘free’ hosting servers (like FileFront) that contains the following content;

1. Your modified, working GAMES.LOD and EVENTS.LOD files from completing the entire 3-part Modder’s Guide tutorial.
2. A .DOC file that provides the details from Part3, Activity 5, statement 3 (page 36).
3. A .DOC file that has the corrected, parsed, and commented CodeSnippet3 and CodeSnippet4.

Let me know via email when this .ZIP is available for download.

Good Luck and Happy Modding!

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.


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Unread postby GrayFace » 29 Jun 2008, 08:53

I was also unable to contact you, BDJ. The mail didn't respond, blog posts just disappeared and you didn't visit this forum often that time. What I wanted is to exchange our knowlage of MM files formats. You can find things I've figured out in http://www.grayface.nm.ru/MMFiles.rar archive. (http://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/ ... php?t=8856 describes what's inside files in that archive) I'm still interested in knowlage exchange. However, I'm busy with WoG exacutable, so I won't be modding MM in the nearest future.
As for methodology, the best way is to combine various methodologies and not impose your methodology as the only one.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 01 Jul 2008, 20:30

Dwarves will be replaced on Drakes:

Dragon-type race.

You can like or dislike it but I'm working on them already!!

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Unread postby zipi » 01 Jul 2008, 21:30

i vote on dragons ;)

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 02 Jul 2008, 06:35

Seems cool! Could be a lot of changes to compare with original game?

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 02 Jul 2008, 17:18

Not sure what changes you are talking about.
Some of them must be tested in new game only couse of - game saves all maps\items that you have already been\own.

If I will test everything by myself - mod will be realized in more time.

I hope to add some new items but not sure if they will work or obtainable in the shops ;)

I compleate editing monsters but have some bugs in them!! Zombies must summon rats. 1st - 1st rats, 2nd - 2nd rats...the stronger zombie is - stronger rat it must summon...but sometimes...instead of rats - they call DROIDS from the spaceship!!!!! :devil:

And 2nd question:
Is there warlocks from Nighon in The Pit? If they are not - it meens that someone call them!!! And what about Behemots? Not in Breeding Zone - just walking in The Pit??

I didn't compleate BDJ mod and do not know how it must be :disagree:

So by my mod noone in The Pit can summon not warlocks\not behemots\not gigant spiders - but they were in The Pit - BDJ add them or it was my bugs?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 04 Jul 2008, 06:21

Under changes I mean differences in game story. So, not to change some/all monsters but quest line also. BDJ Mod is created in that way. Main line quests are different and also side quests in certain part are changed. Added new monsters and events, so to say and monsters setup in dongeons changed.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 04 Jul 2008, 09:14

I'm not sure about it cause BDJ lessons were basical. I'm not experienced in game code as he. Maybe I'll try to do something but not sure how to make something more difficult, based on BDJ's tutorials.

I wish to add bosses of the map - very tought monsters but not sure if it will work.

And I started to do this MOD only by graphic part only! And step by step add something new, not only sprites.

And I'm not sure what kind of quest can make game more interesting (in case that player wanted to do them)

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 04 Jul 2008, 21:54

O'K. Got it. In My understanding this Mod will be as basic game (in quest line), but with differences related to graphics (pictures are already provided) and monsters also. Because of different monsters, usually game playing strategy should be changed. Sounds not so bad. I mean to keep in mind quests, anyway will be problems to complete them. Team should be prepared. Actually the idea that some monsters could summon other monsters is interesting. My best wishes to fulfill this task (difficult one in my opinion).

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 05 Jul 2008, 08:01

Completed Drake race!

P.S. If someone here has got anought knowledge to make a bunch of new quest - they can help to add some.

My dream to add Obelisk quests:
Quest begins only after reading a obelisk and works in this area. After reading the obelisk a boss monster appear on the map and you should to kill him. Inside a boss monster will be a quest item (maybe boss's heart). You should collect this items and bring to...maybe a person who lives in Eofols (that single house).

But I do not know if it is possible to do such things

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 06 Jul 2008, 08:28

Done first charecter's 56 face sprites!
And they work perfectly!!

Do you wish to test them in rar-archive? Editor from stormcat needed to import!

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Unread postby motter28218 » 06 Jul 2008, 12:30

Hello, I am currently in the process of doing a MM6 mod so I am real busy but if you have any specific questions I will do my best to help you. I'd also wonder if you could do me a favor, your graphics are awesome, and I wanted to modify some of the sprites in my MM6 mod so maybe you could do some of these for me? Let me know.


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Unread postby darknessfood » 07 Jul 2008, 00:43

I can write the story for a obelisk-quest :)
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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 07 Jul 2008, 10:57

Glad to present another fully replaced charecter!!!
So we have 2 charecters with all body\face sprites working!!

I will do now only male face-animation cause I have got emotions of male faces now. Need more time to create female\drake face animations. So I'm making my life easier to do the same job in male faces :lol:

So guys, wait a little bit to see females!! B)

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 28 Jul 2008, 06:31

New interface

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 04 Aug 2008, 19:26

Great job! Keep the speed, good luck.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 05 Aug 2008, 20:00

Some new faces, charecters, loading screens:

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