Timeline of Axeoth

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Unread postby Demilich » 09 Mar 2008, 17:24

Still, Rion himself says he was "kidnapped from Paradise". One can hardly kidnap a person from a "state of soul".
Why not? For example, necromancy. It's possible.
Not necessarily. The Forces took on the form of Gods in Axeoth, but not necessarily on Colony. If he were referring to the Forces, Tarnum would have said "Ancestors" instead.
Tarnum is Barbarian, who was born and grew on the post-Silence world, which had lost its technological advance and knowledge about the Ancients after the Silence. So, he didn't know who the Ancestors are in fact. Since the Forces of Dome were named Gods after the Silence, Ancestors told him that the Gods (Forces of Dome) made a truce with the Elemental Lords (created Elemental Planes, as told in M&M3) 10,000 years ago (when the worldseed was created). Since there are plenty of undetailed info in Chronicles, it's the most logical meaning of this statement, since Ancestors backstory was provided in LotA.
And here's final, absolute, undeniable, unquestionable proof from Escaton himself.
Yes, it's final, absolute, undeniable, unquestionable, but he reffered to "elemenal forces", to primordial natural forces Elementals represent. If he meant "Elemental Lords created Enroth" he would not say "destroyed", since Elemental Lords were imprisoned that time. These legends from the Elementals are not necessarily truth. And even if we assume that Enroth was created by the pure Convergence of the Elemental Planes energies (like the one Crystal was going to make), Enroth is the only planet created by the elementals so far. Axeoth, Terra, Ardon, Arc, Bright Star etc. are planets created in the natural way. It's possible that Enroth was created in the same time Elementals were banished to Elemental Planes, 10000 years ago. But I'm unsure Enroth was created by the Elemental Lords, yet it can be possible the way I told about above.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 09 Mar 2008, 18:18

Demilich wrote:Why not? For example, necromancy. It's possible.
Apologies, I just meant you can't kidnap the soul out of thin air. Example - in RoE it is mentioned that Gryphonheart's soul will depart his body within a few months following his burial. Even Necromancers either reanimate just the body or they require the lingering soul to give sentience to their creations. How do you think Jorm captured Rion's soul then - having never entered Erathia - if he didn't go to where all souls are "kept"? And at the ending of RoE, note that Nicolas' soul floats upwards into the sky... where to, would you say? Paradise...?
Demilich wrote:Since the Forces of Dome were named Gods after the Silence,
as mentioned where in Colony's lore?
Demilich wrote:Ancestors told him that the Gods (Forces of Dome) made a truce with the Elemental Lords (created Elemental Planes, as told in M&M3) 10,000 years ago (when the worldseed was created).
I haven't noticed many references to the Ancestors being known as Gods. In the WotW intro the narrator calls them "The Ancient Council". And there are "elemental gods" mentioned by Roland in Armageddon's Blade. There's every probability that these "gods" aren't the Ancestors at all.
Demilich wrote:Since there are plenty of undetailed info in Chronicles, it's the most logical meaning of this statement, since Ancestors backstory was provided in LotA.
Then it's most logical to suggest that the Enrothian peasants were totally wrong about Karigor's location, since the MM Tribute team said so. :D

Nah, seriously, you're probably right. But how could the Ancestors of just one world force the Elemental Lords into such a lengthy truce? Improbable.
Demilich wrote:Yes, it's final, absolute, undeniable, unquestionable, but he reffered to "elemenal forces", to primordial natural forces Elementals represent. If he meant "Elemental Lords created Enroth" he would not say "destroyed", since Elemental Lords were imprisoned that time.
...and without the "elemental forces" they were providing while imprisoned the Convocation of Cataclysm would not have been powerful enough to destroy Colony -
Escaton wrote:"The Convocation of Cataclysm, as powerful as it is, cannot of itself destroy a world."
...so only the powers of the Elemental Lords (once you take those powers away from them and link their planar energies with the world to be destroyed, that is) can amplify this convocation to destroy worlds in this way. And those same powers can be combined to create worlds.

It's the most logical explanation. :-D
Demilich wrote:These legends from the Elementals are not necessarily truth.
Even though Escaton practically confirms them?
Demilich wrote:Enroth is the only planet created by the elementals so far. Axeoth, Terra, Ardon, Arc, Bright Star etc. are planets created in the natural way.
...can't prove this :sceptic: Escaton explicitly says Colony was created by the elements. There is little or nothing to suggest any of those worlds didn't follow the same pattern, nor could they follow another. This is a different universe, it has different laws ;)

Arc and Bright Star are galactic nations, not planets. Lune is an Arc world, and Merdado is presumably a Bright Star world (as mentioned in the books).

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Unread postby Marzhin » 10 Mar 2008, 10:24

Demilich wrote:And is Necros have some role in this book? Or just mentioned? And in what content? Clarify this for me, please
As I wrote in my Sea of Mist summary here on CH :

Sendark appears to be a servant (or at least an associate) of a God of Death called Necros. Necros is the name of the undead villain of Crusaders of Might and Magic, so there may be a connection here. Or maybe it's just the lack of originality in naming.

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Unread postby Avonu » 29 Mar 2008, 20:47

Demilich wrote:The Hive leaders (kings, some captains) also have cybernetical/biotechnological nchances according to Melian (thats why Ancinet Weapons were necessary to take the Kreegans down in M&M6-7).
Not true. He just say:
Thoughter skin and natural defences - bioengienerring OK but not cybertechnics - we didn't see any of these items in Kreegans bodies.
Marzhin wrote:When the Ancients "seed" a newborn world, they begin by creating balance between the Four Elements. To perform this, they create a "cage" that keeps the stability of the elemental powers. This is "the Dome" : an astral plane separated from (but linked to) the Wire (which is more akin to a planetary computer network).

The Dome is ruled by five Forces, which are Bellum, Esoterica, Lurkane, Gaïam and Cosmonium (or, to use Heroes IV's terminology : Might, Life, Death, Nature and Order). BTW, I didn't invent the Forces, they are from MM3. On Axeoth, a sixth Force, Kaos, appeared. Why and how exactly this is possible, you'll discover in the following LotA books :p

Because the Forces of the Dome are not only there to maintain the elemental balance, but also to protect the souls of the living (thus their control over the afterlife, and fate), they also appear as avatars than can interact with mortals. The Ancestors on Enroth were such personnifications of the Forces. So are the Gods on Axeoth.
Well, it is good idea for your campaign but the "dome" was in MM3 something else.
Then descended on the land
The Forces of Dome
To lend into the mortal hand
Power before unknown

Five Forces, they of might and magic
Two champions forged by each
Ten heroes made the tale most tragic
For the Elemental beast

These were the Forces that silently watched from pearch above the clouds as Elementals did battle. According to the legend they never joined the fight, but when they discovered the Elemental's plan to destroy all men and beasts they had pity on the helpless mortals and gave them the secrets of their powers to defend their lives.
These ten were champions of the war against the Elementals, where mortal man was taught the art of magic and ways of war by the five Forces of Dome, Cosmonium, Esoterica, Gaiam, Bellum and Lurkane, the Forces that are above the clouds, above the stars, that indeed guide the stars through their journey acroos the night.
After the battle was over and the champions had used the powers the Forces of the Dome gave them to drive the Elementals lords to corners of the Void, the five Forces picked up the land that had been the battlefield and moved it through the heavens, from the gates of Ancients to the gates of Terra, where the land was set in the midst of water and broken into isles. While the Forces were carrying the isles through the stars the ten heroes built towns to protect the people...
For me it's look the Forces of the Dome were the Ancients itself - powerful, watchers but helped humanoids when they were in great despair.
They transported mention land into Terra (well - it's legend so it not have to be correct about "land") through stars - sounds like CRON and VARNS (and as we know it was - CRON with VARNs sended by Ancients).
What is the Dome? I think it just another world for celestial sphere. Forces/Ancients came beyond this "dome" - distant star maybe?
Marzhin wrote:On Enroth, my theory was that Escaton shut down the Dome before raising the Crystal in Jadame.
On Enroth you have Oracle - see careful corridors with memory crystal podests - one blue, one red, one white and one brown - hmmm... just like colors of elements. Accident?

This is from me for now - I wanted to post more, but it is too late for me.
See you next time.

All what I posted (without quotes of course) is only my speculation and interpretation based on facts.

Marzhin wrote:Necros is the name of the undead villain of Crusaders of Might and Magic, so there may be a connection here. Or maybe it's just the lack of originality in naming.
It's just another "common" in fantasy like Dracon or Elvin. After all we have Necros(s) as city (or kingdom) in H4.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 30 Mar 2008, 11:08

Avonu wrote:For me it's look the Forces of the Dome were the Ancients itself - powerful, watchers but helped humanoids when they were in great despair.
They transported mention land into Terra (well - it's legend so it not have to be correct about "land") through stars - sounds like CRON and VARNS (and as we know it was - CRON with VARNs sended by Ancients).
What is the Dome? I think it just another world for celestial sphere. Forces/Ancients came beyond this "dome" - distant star maybe?
None of those examples seem to disprove Marzhin's theory IMO. The Ancestors also dwell in an Astral Plane above the stars (look closely at the window in the Hall of Judgement). It could go either way, at best.

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Unread postby Avonu » 09 Apr 2008, 19:28

Corlagon wrote:None of those examples seem to disprove Marzhin's theory IMO. The Ancestors also dwell in an Astral Plane above the stars (look closely at the window in the Hall of Judgement). It could go either way, at best.
IIRC they dwelled "Paradise" - no other name was given (correct me if I am wrong). I can be some another dimension not Paradise in sense what we know but that can be only our's theory with no facts from game.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 09 Apr 2008, 20:35

Avonu wrote:IIRC they dwelled "Paradise" - no other name was given
Well not quite. They dwell within the Hall of Judgement (watch the Heroes Chronicles: Warlords of the Wasteland intro):
WotW Intro wrote:Tarnum was a Barbarian King before he became the Immortal Hero. For years, no-one could stop his reign. But all things must come to an end.

Upon his death, he entered the legendary Hall of Judgement to stand before the Ancient Council. There, the Ancestors found him unworthy of entering Paradise. So they cast him back among the mortals where -

(Tarnum says something I can't really make out, sounds like "Ah, but I can hang myself"?)

You want to know how he became King.
Note - Ancient Council? Coincidence? Anyway to me it seems the Hall is like a conduit between Paradise and Oblivion, rather than either of them itself.
Avonu wrote:I can be some another dimension not Paradise in sense what we know but that can be only our's theory with no facts from game.
There will never be any more clarifications or facts from the NWC games since they are no longer made, so fan-canon is the way to go IMO :)

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Unread postby Noneofyourbusiness » Today, 01:03

Demilich wrote: 08 Mar 2008, 19:20 The planes can't be older as usiverse, I'm telling this as physicist, so trust me on this :)
Sure they can; each of the Elemental Planes is a separate universe of its own.

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