Uber MM7 Melee Party

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Uber MM7 Melee Party

Unread postby seedler » 11 Mar 2008, 04:08

After beating MM7 for the 1000th time, I finally came up with this party combination that is just pure COOKIE CUTTER in melee combat.

1 - Knight - Goblin
2 - Knight - Goblin
3 - Knight - Goblin
4 - Druid - Elf

Now, this might seem like an ordinary setup, but after reading this I think you'll understand:

Lowers Intellect and Personality by 90%. Raises Might by 100%, Endurance by 50%, and Speed by 20%. Cured by a Cure Insanity spell or potion. Can be caused by going too long without rest.

By repeatedly waiting without rest for days (save + reload to make sure no one dies), all my 3 knights went insane eventually. Obviously, with pretty much double the melee stats the 3 knights are just pure tanks, and with both elemental and self support spells from the druid my party at level 16 successfully cleared Castle Gryphonheart without too much trouble. The knights are just ridiculously strong melee characters, and basically after the usual buffing spells I just run right up to the Masters of the Sword and hold down A :) It's so satisfying watching your knights hit for 70 damage repeatedly, and pretty much anything just gets mowed down :devious:

Only headache is when fighting gogs and golems, those death explosions really hurt without fire resistance:P

Comments/Suggestions welcome :-D

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Unread postby Dracomancer » 11 Mar 2008, 05:25

I didn't know about that insomnia-induced insanity. I usually let my characters rest whenever they're tired - or cast Cure Weakness. It just didn't (and still doesn't) make sense that they get any stronger when tired.
I feel a bit sorry for those sleepness Knights of yours.
I maintain nonetheless that yin-yang dualism can be overcome. With sufficient enlightenment we can give substance to any distinction: mind without body, north without south, pleasure without pain. Remember, enlightenment is a function of willpower, not of physical strength.
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"

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Unread postby Tress » 12 Mar 2008, 15:35

Actualy i have recived insanity on characters after some time of no travleing/resting/training and always using cure weaknes spell. In one moment team went insane/dead. So its useful to take rest once in while,

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