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Unread postby AngelEyes » 09 Nov 2007, 19:04

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Unread postby AngelEyes » 09 Nov 2007, 19:04

"With this Cyclop + 6 Chieftain strategy, the enemy hero hardly has a chance to cast anything! In my game the battle was over before the enemy hero even acted!"

Very interesting...I hadn't thought of this. I might have go back and re-load my save to try this strategy.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 10 Nov 2007, 15:16

Who can stand aginst such an army? Dang! Might makes right it seems, hehe!

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Unread postby namostmareleg » 23 Nov 2007, 02:48

Why take 2 cyclops instead of 8 wywerns?

The latter is just way more powerful: costs 10000 gold, has 720 hp, regenerates ~40 hp, etc. Well i've only read as far as i am currently in this mission, but talking about an ultra aggressive approach:

I had 3 towns by the end of the first week with a capitol and wywern built. I rushed and took the neutral stronghold and was able to capture the center town without any serious resistance, so i have a pretty nice income to support Gotai with an actual army now. I hope i can repel the enemy from now on...

Wywerns are just great.
Edited on Thu, Nov 22 2007, 21:49 by namostmareleg

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Unread postby maltz » 23 Nov 2007, 06:25

Throughout the campaign I didn't really find any use of the wyverns. Maybe I never had the money to get the building early, so I always had a small wyvern army. Yet the cyclops (unamed) are just too good when you have 200+ chieftains.

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Unread postby namostmareleg » 25 Nov 2007, 08:23

Well the point about wywerns is they regenerate. So the biggest edge you get is when you still have a small stack of them! Then you can win battles that seem impossible, if you can outplay the enemy. The hero's prerequisites to the absolute rage actually help this strategy a lot, divine guidance makes the turns come faster, excrutiating strike pushes the enemy back on the ATB bar, fear my roar also gives wywerns time to regenerate back to their original numbers, so it's possible to win many small battles without any loss. You just build the wywerns on week 1-2, run out and clear your territory with them, it's a nice way to speed up things. When you have to fight those pesky archers/casters guarding the gold mine, it's just too great to have regenerating, flying monsters!

When you have larger armies, it's probably better to upgrade them to paokais, so that they lose the regeneration ability, which doesn't make a difference by then (40 hp regenerated when you lose several wywerns from every hit?), but gain the resurrection from dead enemy stacks.

And after you have 200 chieftains... Come on, nothing really matters at that point.

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby the » 27 Nov 2007, 03:44

for some reason, when i open the replay files of the battles, it automatically starts half life 2. any suggestions why this happens? really wanna see the replays

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby namostmareleg » 28 Nov 2007, 03:54

Probably because HL2 has associated something to the sav files.

Anyways, i'm getting to the end of this mission slowly, tonight tried to beat the last town with an inferior army, 15 cyclops, 60 paokai + the rest... No luck.

Thought i will be cool with Sandro's cloak casting fear of my roar on the titans which won't act at all. Well that part went well, all was relatively fine until the enemy hero hasn't started casting that crap divine vengeance, which killed a big portion of my stacks even with the dwarf artifacts equipped. Puppet master and berserk also hit me hard...

So i have a new idea, i will buy all troops i can afford and transform them into freaking undead and just rush in to kill everything, good luck casting berserk on those! Asha uses all or whatever...

Or maybe actually must wait to gather an army of 200ish chieftains, but even the thought is killing me.

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Unread postby namostmareleg » 28 Nov 2007, 15:38

Ehm, the secret of beating the last town pretty much lies in the golem quest. I took a little detour, picked all of them up (2512 irons), upgraded them to magnetic. They can't be puppeted, frenzied or even killed off by divine vengeance, so all i had to do was fear my roar the titans and kill everything. Well i lost almost all of my orcish army, but still had like 600 centaurs and 1,9k golems left. After that Alaric was just too easy, he even rushed out to attack me, so i thought wtf, but the battle was over pretty soon.

Campaign result: black dragon icon, again ;)

I'd say it may be an extremely easy mission if one is purposedly rushing to the golems and picks them all up, i think it's possible to kill everything with them alone.

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Unread postby the » 30 Nov 2007, 03:33

its funny, when i play this on normal, the number of enemy troops are the same and sometimes more than the troops they discribe in the walkthrough which is supposedly on heroic

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Unread postby Ravenheart87 » 30 Nov 2007, 07:52

It's possible, but if I'm correct, you'll have more resources at the beggining, and the enemy won't cast level4-5 spells. Except Instant Travel and Town Portal.:)

űIt's alos possible, that you attack later, than the article's writer, so the enemy can assimilita a greter army.

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby Dam0cles » 01 Dec 2007, 06:14

hi. your walkthrus are great. just thought i'd chime in here. i'm finishing up hunting the hunter now and had such success using your goblin trapper strategy, but I found out something quite useful i thought might be interesting. in your walkthrough, you mention you had trouble at times defending both the starting town and the necropolis town you took in the first week. first off, the goblin strat worked great with my gotai and his triple/flaming arrows ballista, and i was able to take the necro town on like day 4. but, I think i found a way to defend both towns after you take them, locking in an easy victory for this mission. if, after taking the necro town, you station gotai on the road between the purple (a) and the (2e) which is one of the garrisons, he can see and easily reach any enemy hero that would come at either town, particularly if you've got exp logistics. of course, doing this you have to use other heroes to explore and conquer other areas. for me this was challenging at first (normal diff) but using skel archers and cents, you can build up decent ranged stacks to use with the gobbo trackers, and having the vamps from the necro town helps neutralize flyers whom the trappers can't snare. sounds a little boring for gotai, just standing on the road there, but actually my gotai got plenty of action from the enemy heroes who thought they'd come up and take my towns. from there I've been easily spreading south and once i had a hero high enough to replace gotai as sentry, i switched up and had him out taking other towns, which increased my forward momentum. just thought i'd put in my two cents here, as using this WT helped me out a lot. ok, back to putting orc foot to griffon butt!


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Unread postby the » 04 Dec 2007, 23:03

the untamed cyclops and cheiftain strategy does not work very well for me in the battle to take the last academy town. all i did was wipping my cyclops, but the titans still got a turn before i could reach it, it killed half my stack of cyclops at once! i tried this battle many times and the result was the same.

i then had to add my entire centeur stack which was about 980 to use as bait for the titans. i did win, but with a loss of 500 centeurs.

alaric was way too easy...

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Unread postby pigsticker » 23 Jan 2008, 13:39

has anyone else got the full dragon set here? what are your views on it for this mission?

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Unread postby Metathron » 25 Jan 2008, 22:56

The first time around when I attacked the final castle, I fell flat on my face. Then I tried a different approach: I unlearned some of my skills and learned Shatter Dark Magic (which proved to be pretty irrelevant), but most importantly, I regraded my executioners to chieftains; with their Order special (and the hero's), the cyclops got to act an insane amount of time and made short work of the enemy's humongous army (it was considerably greater in my case than in maltz's screenshot). Who'd have thought that one alternative upgrade could mean the difference between victory and defeat!?
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Unread postby Guarderman » 26 Jan 2008, 06:00

I've got the full dragon set.pluss one untamed cyclop every day was not bad;) Had 119 untamed ones when i attacked alaric

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Unread postby Metathron » 26 Jan 2008, 11:26

I only got about 3-4 pieces, never even spotted the other ones on the map, let alone got them.
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Unread postby Corribus » 15 Mar 2008, 03:53

Can someone explain to me why, when I try to attack the final castle, nothing happens? I get the little dagger-pointer but no battle triggers. No way to finish the map!
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Unread postby lead341 » 08 May 2008, 11:05

Maltz did a great job by presenting this walkthrough - but whenever I read the walkthroughs I wonder why the course of action was so different in my game.

I just finished this mission at heroic - but it was completely different. At least the first two months, maybe even three, I was completely alone on the northern part of the map. I conquered the second orc town and then challenged bit by bit the stacks (which was quite challenging). In all this time not one enemy hero appeared - or rather I could see them on the other side, but they never "crossed the borders". But then again: How should they at the beginning? The neutral stacks guarding the passages were far too large for an initial (even strong) hero to conquer. On the other hand, if it had occurred what maltz described here, that already in the first week they started attacking - you wouldn´t have had any chance to survive. Because an army which manages to overpower the neutral guards in the beginning would be too strong.

Another difference is the strength of Alarics army compared to the stationed army in this last town. Maltz wrote that they were similar. In my case, however, this stationary army in the last wizard two was at least three or four times bigger than Alarics (about 280 Jin vezirs, over 60 titans, 180 rakshasa ksahtras etc.) Also strange.

Furthermore the behaviour of Alaric: he never attacked one of my towns but rather stopped in the middle of the two and didn´t move anymore. I attacked him there.

Finally, the thing which annoyed me most was that I lacked the "shackles of the last man": whenever later on an enemy attacked an gotai managed to catch him they flee even before the battle really starts...that was extremely boring.

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Unread postby bolasr2000 » 18 Feb 2009, 13:38

Probably being a bit thick, I only have one orc hero at the start. Can anyone help?

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