Hex values for H1 - Creatures, Buildings, Hero stats found!

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Hex values for H1 - Creatures, Buildings, Hero stats found!

Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 10 Sep 2007, 19:29

This is what I found so far.
I used what I knew about the H2 exe filed to find those in the H1 exe file.

This for the 1.1 version, for Windows 95.

Feel free to add more.

Faction order for creatures is: Knight, Barbarian, Sorceress, Warlock.

0x90460. Each creature contains 31 bytes, laid out as follows:

bytes description
----- -----------
0-1 cost in gold
2-6 ???
7 base growth per week
8-10 ???
11 hit points
12 speed
13 ??flags??
14 attack
15 defense
16 min damage
17 max damage
18 ???
19 shots
20-31 ???

Building Costs - Starting at 8F7B8:
(uses reversed pondering, i.e last byte for a value is first and first is last)

Only first 2 bytes of each value seem to have effect, last two are 0 in all cases, they seem to be some sort of flags)

28 bytes per building:
1-4 Wood
5-8 Mercury
9-12 Ore
13-16 Sulfur
17-20 Crystal
21-24 Gems
25-28 Gold (i.e.12-34-00-00 means value is 00003412)

Note: since there is reversed pondering.. The left most byte is used as the one with the least valuable so any changes should go to those bytes (1st,5th, etc.)

List of buildings:
Mage 1
Mage 2
Mage 3
Mage 4
-????? 2000+5+5
Thieves Guild
-????? 2000+5+5
*******Last Castle byte at 8F8EB*******
******First Peasants Hut byte at 8F980******
Peasants Hut
Archery Range
Jousting Arena
-Same procedure for other races ending with byte at 8FC1F
(Last byte of Dragon Tower)
Note: Faction order for Buildings is: Knight, Sorceress, Barbarian, Warlock.

Starting at 91068- primary skill chances table
36 bytes per class: Knight, Barbarian, Sorceress, Warlock
A,D,S,K for lvl 2-9 (first 32 bytes, 4 individually per level)
A,D,S,K for lvl10+ (last 4 bytes)
last byte at 910F7

I don't know why they did it that way for levels 2-9. Took me a long time
and a lot of tests to figure out how it worked.

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Unread postby HeroesIIftw » 24 Sep 2007, 19:02

This may be a completely useless response, but I have the values for the heroes 1 creatures (How they get stored in saved game files) that I figured out for my own dirty purposes. I hope it could help somehow, although I heavily doubt it :P

00 = Peasant
01 = Archer
02 = Pikeman
03 = Swordsman
04 = Cavalry
05 = Paladin

06 = Goblin
07 = Orc
08 = Wolf
09 = Ogre
0A = Troll
0B = Cyclops

0C = Sprite
0D = Dwarf
0E = Elf
0F = Druid
10 = Unicorn
11 = Phoenix

12 = Centaur
13 = Gargoyle
14 = Griffin
15 = Minotaur
16 = Hydra
17 = Dragon

18 = Rogue
19 = Nomad
1A = Ghost
1B = Genie

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