Dark Messiah Announced

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Unread postby protecyon » 05 Aug 2005, 03:44

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Ethric » 05 Aug 2005, 03:44

I'm not hoping for an RPG *flavour*... I'm hoping for an RPG. Anything less will be of no interest to me.
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Unread postby RenZo » 05 Aug 2005, 07:22

Another Crusaders in Might and Magic world .. i'm sick of it! I need a classic M&M like M&M 6 or 7 :] !!!

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Unread postby Sgt_BFG » 05 Aug 2005, 07:44

Source?? Am I going to have to play M&M on STEAM??

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Unread postby Biggles Final Flight » 05 Aug 2005, 08:33

Arx Fatalis was a fairly decent RPG - though I didn't get into it myself. My intitial reaction is that I would rather new Might & Magic game based on the RPG series. The idea of another Crusader does not turn me on, though I'll give it a chance.

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Unread postby Vitirr » 05 Aug 2005, 09:22

If this must be this way I would prefer an action game that has nothing to do with the rpg M&M. This way we would have some hope for a real M&M rpg in the future. What I don't want is a half action half rpg game as M&MX to spoil the saga.

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Unread postby Sikon » 05 Aug 2005, 12:51

Sgt_BFG, no, you don't. Source and Steam are unrelated technologies, even though Half-Life 2 uses both.

But Source! It's great! Where can one find another engine so flexible and optimized, making the most out of lower-end systems?

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Unread postby Vitirr » 05 Aug 2005, 13:25

Well Vampire the Maskerade: Bloodlines, (Troika's last game), uses Source too and it doesn't run smooth at all. I've heard that HL2 is much better optimized however.

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Unread postby Armageddon » 05 Aug 2005, 13:55

First, this is no Crusader. Crusader was 3rd person action adventure, this is looking like a FPS.

Second, Troika were aiming for a different launch window (Bloodlines came out at the same time with HL2), so therefore Bloodlines runed worse than HL2 on the same configurations since BL used an older version of Source. We can assume that Arkane would be having a better one since the release date is aimed a full year from now.

3rd, as long as it is good, what does it bother you if it is coming out? If you like action games you may give it a try, or you might give it a try if you like M&M. In both cases Dark Messiah is not there to take the place of a MM RPG. If Ubi make enough money out of DM they are going to make a M&M RPG and/or M&M X as well.

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Unread postby Vitirr » 05 Aug 2005, 14:10

"In both cases Dark Messiah is not there to take the place of a MM RPG"

I hope you are right, but I'm concerned about it. I'm afraid they could think to give up the RPG line and replace it for a hybrid action game with some role elements. If that's not the case, then I could very well enjoy a good action game with a good combat system based on the M&M universe.

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Unread postby DemonHunter » 05 Aug 2005, 14:37

I think they'll make a MMX, nwc also made lots of other mm-games (like warriors of MM or legends)

Just give them some time :)

Maybe it will be something legends of might and magic but then in singleplayer too.

Myself, I'll only buy it when you can develop your one character like in MM

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Unread postby Gyx » 05 Aug 2005, 14:46

I agree with Ethric. RPG is much better suited for something like M&M. The Crusader try out didn't please many fans whatsoever, so drop it! I sincerely hope that Ubisoft doesn't try to milk the franchise dry like NWC did. That would put off a lot of loyal M&M fans off. And like Renzo posted: try to restore the former M&M 6 glory....!! I, for one, would really like it if the old M&M series would be restored to its former heydays. Although it would have to take a backseat compared to the HoMM series....

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Unread postby ChaoticCoyote » 05 Aug 2005, 16:00

It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental people can be about something they know nothing about.

We don't know enough about DMoM&M to know what it will be like. Arx Fatalis was a good RPG, and I don't see any evidence that DMoM&M is going to be like Crusader.

I'll wait and see what Ubi comes up with before making any decisions. Who know: You might think DMoM&M is fun! And if it is successful, it gives Ubi even more incentive to develop M&M X.

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Unread postby jeff » 05 Aug 2005, 20:32

Judgemental or not, if it is a first person shooter, I really do not care how good it is. The market is flooded with them. Now I will wait and see, but it is beginning to look like UBI is throwing the Might and Magic name around fairly loosely. This is fine as long as it spurs a decision on their part to make a MM X in the Might and Magic tradition.
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Unread postby kurios » 05 Aug 2005, 21:23

Valve has done good work in the past (half-life was cool, though i am not a fan of FPS games much))...and if they wanna spend the cash to make something...lets wait and see. If its a dog thenthey'll lose cash. If it turns out to be good then good.

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Unread postby butsomuch » 06 Aug 2005, 01:28


"First screens are expected imminently so check back for an update later today."

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Unread postby Ethric » 06 Aug 2005, 06:05

"ChaoticCoyote at 2005-08-05 10:00 wrote:

It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental people can be about s

something they know nothing about."

The game is being presented as a first person action game. From that we know that either they do not plan for it to be an RPG (else they would have said so) or their marketing people think action sounds better than roleplaying.

That is not "to know nothing".
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Unread postby ChaoticCoyote » 06 Aug 2005, 14:55


I guess I'm just very flexible in my enjoyment of games, so I don;t make a lot of assumptions based on a single paragraph description of DMoM&M. I remember people complaining that the Heroes games couldn't be "real" M&M games because they were strategy titles, not RPGs.

DMoM&M may be good or bad; I don't know enough at this point to make a judgment.

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Unread postby DigitalNightfall » 06 Aug 2005, 15:14

Let me say something about Arkane. They have turned down a very lucrative deal to make a new game in an RPG series that is bigger and more dear to them than M&M, because the publisher wanted them to make it an action game, and not an RPG. This is a very important point and I want you all to seriously consider it. Do you really believe that Arkane would then turn around and accept the same deal from Ubisoft, to turn M&M into an action game? I really, really don’t think so. Arkane makes RPGs, not Hexen clones. Have a little faith.

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Unread postby Armageddon » 07 Aug 2005, 11:20

You all forget that however milked by 3DO the M&M franchize was, it was milked by idiots who proved they could take a great game and turn it into bad.

What Ubi are making is what seems to me smart milking - true, games based on the M&M franchize but still looking like good games. And that is what matters.

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