Might And Magic 7 questions/BDJ tutorials WHERE???

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Might And Magic 7 questions/BDJ tutorials WHERE???

Unread postby Quickshot14 » 25 Dec 2008, 02:10

Hey all i've decided to look into possibly modding MM7, of course i'm not a big gfx guy more code but i'm just a little loss on where to start I know BDJ setup a bunch of tutorials on scripting/editing MM7 and the like but for some reason or another his page no longer contains them and I can not find them anywhere i've looked over the forums a bit here, and i'm going to check TELP's forums a bit just to see but I still cant see anything yet. Of course I can figure it out myself but well it be easier to at least have a refrence on what I cant do and can do specificly.

So basicly I'd like to know where these tutorials are if they still exist or if theres a genreal resource and also any other tools I amy be missing (I have the MM8level editor as well as mm7view and mmfiles, just some simple direction is all i'm asking for. Thanks so much.

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Big Daddy Jim
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 25 Dec 2008, 05:18

You can find them here.


This ia a temporary 'home' until DarthVadre can get them posted on his site.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.


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Unread postby Quickshot14 » 25 Dec 2008, 10:53

Big Daddy Jim wrote:You can find them here.


This ia a temporary 'home' until DarthVadre can get them posted on his site.

Ahhh there there hiding hehe, buried more in there and i thought i'd check everything, thanks so much BDJ. I do appriacte it.

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Unread postby zipi » 25 Dec 2008, 12:29

if BDJ doesn't mind, i'm hosting these tutorials since the last time it disappeared. you can always get it from: http://www.iwiwiw.hu/mm/BDJ

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Unread postby Quickshot14 » 25 Dec 2008, 23:16

Wow okay my brain hurts lol no seriously there awsome tutorials and they help a ton the place i'm sliping is the opperands and the like, i'm getting the basic idea of how that all works/functions i've only finshed the first two tutoruals and i must say super awsome. But before I continue/finish I want to to try and understand better about the opprands. I get the structure somewhat, I guess my problem is knowing what opprands do what, I know we have some information from that from the examples you give and of course the mm8editor a bit, and also ther variations as well.....so i'm trying to wrap my head all around it and I just need a break lol

I've dealt with opprands and the like before with sims 2 modding but the tool provided made it a bit easier...i'm still not sure and obviously i'm not a whiz there ethier, when it comes to hex i'm definlty a big novice lol so that dosnt help ethier but i get the basic ideas witch is important. I just need to let everything else catch up ya know lol. If theres any extra insight or help you can provide in this area it be great, just a list of know opprands and there varations with fill ins would be a huge start and probley fill in the gaps. I just need to go over more the examples and codes a bit more and i'll problem start to get it. But its hard without a real basis, and i know you have done a ton of work here BDJ. So any insight will always help.

Otherwise its great to see what can be done, even simply, but I really need the code part so i have a lot of re-reading and checking to do before I can continue and for whatever reason theres a stupidy block in my head lol i wont be able to do the things I want to do at least not completely but anywayz enough ranting. Time for a break, hehe.

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Unread postby zipi » 26 Dec 2008, 11:50

some assembly programming experience can help much.
Ohh, and it's good that you opened this topic, cause i wanted to correct BDJ's tutorial. It's about that the first hex is not the opcode, but it means how long is the forthcoming command in bytes.
Eg: you open an evt file. it starts with let's say 05. It means that the first command is 5 bytes long. You read the next 5 byte, that is the actual command. The next byte after this 5byte is how long is the next command, and so on...
search for an earlier topic for more information: event language compiler/decompiler and you can also find a few useful files here: removed

  • BDJ/ - BDJ's tutorials
    MM7_debug.zip - original exe modified to start debug mode
    decompiler.zip and decompiler/ - event language decompiler
    decompiler_bdj.zip and decompiler_bdj/ - BDJ's mod event files decompiled
    decompiler_orig.zip and decompiler_orig/ - Original MM7 event files decompiled
    evt.txt - not so complete specification of the event language
    mm7ll.JPG - proof of debug mode in original exe
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Re: .

Unread postby Quickshot14 » 26 Dec 2008, 19:40

zipi wrote:some assembly programming experience can help much.
Ohh, and it's good that you opened this topic, cause i wanted to correct BDJ's tutorial. It's about that the first hex is not the opcode, but it means how long is the forthcoming command in bytes.
Eg: you open an evt file. it starts with let's say 05. It means that the first command is 5 bytes long. You read the next 5 byte, that is the actual command. The next byte after this 5byte is how long is the next command, and so on...
search for an earlier topic for more information: event language compiler/decompiler and you can also find a few useful files here: http://iwiwiw.hu/mm/

  • BDJ/ - BDJ's tutorials
    MM7_debug.zip - original exe modified to start debug mode
    decompiler.zip and decompiler/ - event language decompiler
    decompiler_bdj.zip and decompiler_bdj/ - BDJ's mod event files decompiled
    decompiler_orig.zip and decompiler_orig/ - Original MM7 event files decompiled
    evt.txt - not so complete specification of the event language
    mm7ll.JPG - proof of debug mode in original exe
Yeah thats the nature of it lol. I dont know much of assembly my brother did but even he admits hes wayyyyyy out of pratice on it. Hmm that is intresting and i think that makes more sesne cause my issues/problem was figuring out what the opcodes (the actual numbers) were and I think thats what I wasnt understanding but you mentioning that does make a bit more sense in that area, i'll have to try it over with all this info/link that you gave me. ANd your welcome hehe and thanks so much for your insight and help its very appriacted, i'm still going to give it a good try, i'm a modder/aspring programmer after all. ANd who knows not only maybe will I learn to mod mm7 but learn some decent other helping things as well. THanks so much.

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Unread postby Quickshot14 » 26 Dec 2008, 19:51

Just wanted to let you know zipi i think BDJ decomplier may have been a bad upload, cause i'm getting an unexpected end of archive error each time i open it/try to unzip it, i'm getting the same thing with orig decompiler too the decompiler.zip works fine thou. And i dont think it was my side cause I did try dling them again. Just to let ya know man thanks again.

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Unread postby zipi » 27 Dec 2008, 11:58

thanks for noticing it. can you try it this time?

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 27 Dec 2008, 12:00

Awfull translation of Monster Tutorial!!! Need help with correct translation :) ;)
You can contact me here:
vladud @ yandex.ru - preferred one
Site about MODs: http://www.mmgames.ru
if you wish to upload some materials for this site - let me know.

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Re: .

Unread postby Quickshot14 » 27 Dec 2008, 20:26

zipi wrote:thanks for noticing it. can you try it this time?
Yuppers works just fine now ty so much.

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Unread postby Quickshot14 » 27 Dec 2008, 20:29

vladimir-maestro wrote:Awfull translation of Monster Tutorial!!! Need help with correct translation :) ;)
Just at a glance maestro its not that bad of a trans, I would clean it up for you and such but I cant translate and my english grammer skills have something to be desired lol. Still its a great resource and small tutorial and ty, i'm not much of a gfx guy but who knows maybe i can make some use out of it.

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Unread postby Matt.J » 13 Jan 2009, 13:10

Yeah thats the nature of it lol. I dont know much of assembly my brother did but even he admits hes wayyyyyy out of pratice on it
Assembly is a relatively simply language, infact I'm sure even monkies could make use of it; the problem is more-so understanding what the repercussions of what you're doing, most of the people I've met who claim to know assembly are nothing more than parrots of opcodes, 9/10 had no idea what a partial register stall was even.

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Unread postby DarthVadre » 13 Jan 2009, 16:09

http://www.jimtheenchanter.pcriot.com/i ... _Resources
Official host for BDJ's tutorials.
Your perception determines your experience.

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Unread postby GrayFace » 14 Jan 2009, 11:59

Here are 010Editor files with command I've figured out and some other stuff: http://www.grayface.nm.ru/MMFiles.rar
If you don't have 010Editor you can use these files as event language reference. I mostly focused my attention on MM8.
MMevtInclude.bt - file with all commands definitions.
MM8evtInclude.bt, MM7EvtInclude.bt, MM6evtInclude.bt - files with variables definitions.
MMevt.bt - template for .evt files editor
MMevtInLod.bt - template to edit an .evt file inside a .lod. It requires a bit of manual work to place the needed file extracted in the end of .lod archive. The trick allows editing this file right in the .lod without a need to restart the game. Just reload savegame and the new script version will be used. I can explain how to use it if you want.
MMlod.bt - template for .lod files
MMstr.bt - template for .str files

Using the templates to edit events:
First, look at 3 lines in the begining of MMevtInclude.bt. ATM only "MM6evtInclude.bt" isn't commented. Comment it and uncomment another line to edit events from another MM game.
In 010Editor edit a line and replace it with a space to delete it. Replace it with +12 to add a command number 12. Values in strings can be edited too. Or click on cross and edit the fields there, but note that the string then won't be updated automatically, only when you press F10.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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