MM6: Metamorphosis - monster's corner

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MM6: Metamorphosis - monster's corner

Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 20 Dec 2008, 10:07

Hi there.
Started new topic for the monsters of MM6.
There are 54 monsters in MM6. Every monster's got about 60 sprites so this is rather easy to replace all of them.

But I do not want to reproduce all monsters as they were - it sooooo boring! I want to change some of them to extreamly new monsters!! So this topic is about bestiary of MM6. I will try to create new monsters to replace existing (for 10+ years are boring now).

You can give your advises here or judge mine oppinion.

Lets start with something easy - NPC.

What do you think about her? Is she a good citizen of MM6 universe or she it to vulgar and arogant for it? Maybe I need to add more contrast (shadows)?
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Unread postby Variol » 20 Dec 2008, 10:50

I think she looks very good, but keep her vale at the back as one simple piece.


Unread postby Deyja » 20 Dec 2008, 15:22

nice done vladimir B-)

Variol wrote:I think she looks very good, but keep her vale at the back as one simple piece.
Hmm i think Variol i right in this point.
its a bit too much, but just my opinion.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 20 Dec 2008, 20:28

I think that in MM6 was not a scaling files!

In MM7 - there are all monsters done in 256x256 resolution and their scale done in ither file. And in MM6 - all monsters has got their exact size.

Thats why MM6's monsters look so good even in close combat :-D
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Unread postby Stryfer » 21 Dec 2008, 01:41

Here's an idea...but just to say I never played through MM6 fully, but I think a time does come when you face the kreegan aka devils right?

Fact is that the devils (and a lot of other monsters) look puny and pathetic compared to their homm counterparts. When I heard of devils in MM7 i thought I would see something like the Archdevils from Heroes was I disappointed...

So if there are devils, make them fierce! The Archdevils really strike fear into the hearts of men...those other guys in MM look like they're wearing pjs with a mask and claws.

Same goes for over half the other monsters...the dragons of MM7 and 8 are also getting boring and could be scarier...i dont know if there are any in MM6...

I want to feel like I'm in a middle age fantasy world full of monsters, not a halloween party with a bunch of low budget losers! :mad:

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 21 Dec 2008, 08:37

There are 2 types of devils - walking and will see the diference in their look soon...I've got sprite for walking devil...:cute goddy"

Fearsome enought?
Heavy infantry of the Krigans - some kind of Hell Dogs
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Unread postby Stryfer » 21 Dec 2008, 10:20

Perfect :D Thats what I'm talking about!

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Unread postby bungleau » 21 Dec 2008, 16:43

That is nice!
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 21 Dec 2008, 17:46


You should be ashamed of yourself, Vladimir! :D

Enticing an old fool such as myself into the MM6 world! And to complicate matters, I've been bitten by the infamous Modding Bug again, and cannot find the antidote!

Ya wanna join forces and combine talents to produce either a modified MM6 or a 'new' MM6 game? You'd have to handle the massive graphic reworks and I could re-code the game and database files. I have someone in mind for the story-line. And perhaps we could entice Matt Otter to join us for his creative ideas and coding capabilities.

What say ye?

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Unread postby Variol » 21 Dec 2008, 19:29 and respect would abound! :proud:

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 21 Dec 2008, 21:06

If it is possible to create new MM6 based game with new story-line - it is really cool thing!!!

But I doubt to suggest it to you because of your health problem, BDJ.

I thought that to recode whole MM6 codes - is very big and hard I've planed to do graphic part.

If you feel yourself good and think that you could resist a big work with coding - COOOOL!!! I'm fully agree!!! ;) ;) ;)
But do not violence yourself if it is hard work.

Here is a possibility of new gargoly...or...better to say Gargoless :hoo:
Ir was very painful to do her with proper colors! It tooks about 3 hours but now gargy looks great (P.S. She is not naked - she is made of stone and her clothes too!!!)
P.S. I putting only preview images - there are not monsters of this type done as well! Only a possibility of creating them.
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Unread postby Storm-giant » 21 Dec 2008, 21:17

BDJ, never get pressed by anyone, if your health problem doesn't let you to make hard working, don't worry, your work won't be missed.
However, if you are sure you can't, both(you&maestor) have my aproval for a MOD for M&M6 :-D
And Maestro, those monsters look great, the gargy f*cking good :hoo:
Great work!! :applause:

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 21 Dec 2008, 21:58

vladimir-maestro wrote:If it is possible to create new MM6 based game with new story-line - it is really cool thing!!!

But I doubt to suggest it to you because of your health problem, BDJ.

I thought that to recode whole MM6 codes - is very big and hard I've planed to do graphic part.

If you feel yourself good and think that you could resist a big work with coding - COOOOL!!! I'm fully agree!!! ;) ;) ;)
But do not violence yourself if it is hard work.
Actually, it is far easier to code a new game than to modify an existing one, assuming that the new game has a well detailed and sequenced story line, has defined all of the NPC's and their locations, and has detailed all essential and optional quests.

As far as health issues go, I'd rather 'go out' doing what I like than to live cautiously in fear of the inevitable.

If I can get the right story line and Vladimir is willing to redesign/rework all sprites, NPCs, armor, weapons, et al, I'll give it a 'go' on the assumption that all maps remain the same. That way, I can start to code-up the game and not wait for the new graphics.

Now, to make a few contacts in search of a story line.

Hmmm. Should we allow dual-classing in this game?

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby Variol » 22 Dec 2008, 02:54

It looks very good, but I think it looks more like a succubus now. Similar to Disciples 2.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 22 Dec 2008, 12:02

This one should be a little bit lighter...I think.

Ahaha!!! Just look at them!!!
tests gone successful!! :hoo:
Now all sprites can work even in MM6 :hoo:
Now it time to do fully animated NPC (without parot's hat) and look how she is working ;|
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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 22 Dec 2008, 18:40

I like how Vladimir can find a way to turn almost every monster in the game into half-naked idealized women. Ah well, the devil monsters look good. I will most likely play your mod, so keep up the "good" work.
Back from the dead? Maybe.

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Unread postby The Oracle » 22 Dec 2008, 19:44

Would you consider joining forces with the MMX team to speed up the development, rather than starting a new game? Just an idea...

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Unread postby Stryfer » 23 Dec 2008, 11:07

Yea Vladimir, I'm sure people would love to see some of your graphics in MMX!

Oh yea, if you are going to mod MM6, *please* change the appearance of the PC's! They are ugly as hell! And i mean all of them, male and female.
The only decent looking PC is the 4th guy in your screen shot, the rest are just terrible...and there is that guy who is soposed to sound british...he just seems gay :S

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Unread postby zipi » 24 Dec 2008, 21:13

long time no see, didn't had much time in the last months
i see you had made some nice progress with modding ;)
i would love to mod the original mm7, extending the events, maybe the graphic system too
what do you say vladimir? moding mm6-7-8, or making a new game?
i still have sources for mmapviewer, maybe we could make a framework for making levels?
please contact me, if you have any ideas
happy christmas

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 24 Dec 2008, 21:31

I do not think that I have experience to produce a game. I do not know how to construct a game - the only thing that I can do - change some sprites :proud:
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