IMO : "No Waiting" for units?

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IMO : "No Waiting" for units?

Unread postby RK » 31 Jan 2006, 08:58

I love H3. I used to remember my shooters will be able to wait till someone get in range before firing to get more dmg. My fliers wouldn't rush in blindly , they can wait till the slow opponents take their turn THEN fly in for the kill. OR , I can let my angels wait till someone gets killed THEN use their ressurection while still safely on the backline not charging in at the balors and gets Vorpal'ed to Heaven.

HOWEVER this isn't possible in H-5

It isn't in-game. If it is, then I must've missed it.
IMO Initiative is something like (I can't find the right words to say it)
: "My mind is quick to decide to perform an action" so if i have higher initiative I can act first, even if i'm slower speed. Correct?

So why can't I tell myself to be patient....sit and wait...and then shoot at the next opportunity? Instead I have to take the shot because I won't get another chance to do so in this turn.

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Re: IMO : "No Waiting" for units?

Unread postby wimfrits » 31 Jan 2006, 09:18

RK wrote:It isn't in-game. If it is, then I must've missed it.
Try pressing 'W'
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 Jan 2006, 09:50

Isnt it that when you defend you that unit plays again twice as fast?

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Unread postby wimfrits » 31 Jan 2006, 10:01

AFAIK defend (the button or 'space') is a full action.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Merciless.Magal » 31 Jan 2006, 11:55

some stuff are not on the interface, like splitting troops you can do it by pressing shift, but its nowere on the buttons... i think this will be fixed for final version... and i guess wait command is a must too.

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Unread postby schaf » 31 Jan 2006, 16:07

The "W" is not working and seeing there is none TO DO button on that turn commands list, i assume they have no intentions of implementing this feature. I truly hope i am wrong.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jan 2006, 17:56

Seeing as they made the BF 8x10 to speed up combat taking out the Wait command makes sense. Long live Heroes of Speed, Might and Magic!
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Unread postby Arzang » 31 Jan 2006, 18:15

ThunderTitan wrote:Seeing as they made the BF 8x10 to speed up combat taking out the Wait command makes sense. Long live Heroes of Speed, Might and Magic!
now does anyone remember when this crusade to make the game faster began? and when did it start affecting battles?

I can't see how fast battles are cooler than medium-paced ones.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Jan 2006, 18:20

I belive it started when Ubisoft decided it wanted to attract new people to HoMM! New people that lack patience.
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Unread postby Ethric » 31 Jan 2006, 18:28

Seems odd to remove the wait-function, it's one of the actual improvements from HoMM II to HoMM III.

Trying to make the game as speedy as possible seems an odd choice when making a TBS-game. At least if it's done at the cost of gameplay.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 31 Jan 2006, 19:53

ThunderTitan wrote:Seeing as they made the BF 8x10 to speed up combat taking out the Wait command makes sense. Long live Heroes of Speed, Might and Magic!
You mean,heroes of speed and magic

I have a briliant idea!Lets remove the manual battle and have just quick ones!Its as fast as a battle can go :devil:

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Unread postby Derek » 31 Jan 2006, 20:56

I can only assume that this feature is going to be added in later. I cannot fathom why they would not include it in the game. I mean, how much could it slow down the game anyways? How could it be such a huge deal anyways, it is not as though Chess needs to be sped up or anything like that. TBS seem to be more focused on strategy than any other genre, and I would hate to see UBI forget this in their zelous drive for more money.
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Unread postby RK » 31 Jan 2006, 21:00

...then sadly I see several advantages of being the first guy to move is lost. I would never ever waste an archangel move to 'Defend' in H3, but I might be forced to do so in H5. I would prefer the Paladins to charge some casualty, have AA resurrect them AFTER they waited...
True, the Paladins have +1 initiative over Angels.

:disagree: I wonder why the step backward.... The battle won't be fast if the opponent takes 5 mins to ponder his next making the battle field smaller and removal of wait option has the effect of limiting strategy instead of improving the speed of battle (I don't think most players have any complaints about long battles, it felt good winning a long battle)

If u ask me, Kids won't dig H5. they rather Dota in WC3. As if they got the patience to learn how fast each creature move etc etc.

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Unread postby Fahtrim » 31 Jan 2006, 22:23

I agree, we should have the Wait feature in battles.

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Unread postby IceCold2000 » 31 Jan 2006, 22:55

No wait feature in Heroes 5? That's bad.

It harks back to those Heroes 1 and 2 days where the fastest units rule the game - the faster you are, the more likely you'll kill the enemy before s/he has a chance to flee. Heroes 3 addressed this problem by adding a "wait" button to make slower units more useful as retaliation absorbers. But alas, no more wait. Who knows? Maybe the expansion pak gets it.

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Unread postby Mutare Drake » 01 Feb 2006, 00:47

No wait??? Bad news, that stinks! This need-for-speed move is really killing me, and everyone else sounds like...agh. Like Ethric said, it seems counterintuitive to speed up stuff so much in a TBS...IceCold, sure hope you're right and the expansions help...

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Unread postby Morannon » 01 Feb 2006, 12:36

How come I haven't heard this before?

Removing the wait function must be the biggest change they've done to the series. I've always supported Nival/Ubi in their attempts to speed up combat because I don't mind heroes taking a little less time. Until now I've fully trusted that they understand that speed must not come at the expense of strategic depth. With this change I just can't see how that can be done.

I don't have the beta so I would love to read a review of the new battle system by someone who does.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 01 Feb 2006, 12:41

TBSTBSTBSTBSTBSTBSTBSTBSTBS.......Got that Ubi & Nival? Not? Sigh :sad:

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Unread postby RK » 01 Feb 2006, 13:36

Impression on Big Battles:

Shooters , Fast ones can no longer save their shot for full dmg. Instead they have to take their shot whether they like it or not. And when prevented by a melee stack next to them, they cannot wait for a chance to shoot.

First aid tents can't wait anymore. I had cases of them being the FIRST unit to move in combat. USELESS

An archangel will have his turn wasted if he moves first in big battle. Why?
1. I dislike charging in with angels, only to get them surrounded and not able to use Ressurection.
2. With no wait option, he can't wait for someone to take casualty before popping his res ability. Instead he only can attack or defend.

The first hero to cast a beneficial spell will risk getting countered by a negative spell (example: Bless vs Curse) Since he can't wait for the offensive caster to take the first cast.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Feb 2006, 13:48

Heres the idea how to speed up battles:Remove the waiting on the begining and the end of each battle(as an option of course).There always were a couple of seconds to wait.Put the blitz(instantenious)attack animation in the manu.There you go,battles sped up by at least 15%.Its quite enough.

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