Siege Tips

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Siege Tips

Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 07 Jul 2007, 21:12

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Siege Tips

Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 07 Jul 2007, 21:12

I really like this guide and found it very useful, since I just started playing H4 again, and have found siege battles to be absolutely dreadful...

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Siege Tips

Unread postby Angelspit » 08 Jul 2007, 00:36

Thanks for the feedback. :)
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Siege Tips

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 08 Jul 2007, 03:13

"Do whatever you can to stop the ranged units/spellcasters on the towers from doing anything useful"

Hehehehehe, Song of Peace, baby!
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Re: Siege Tips

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 02 Aug 2022, 17:31

In most cases I prefer to fight my enemy within his castle, as long as I have useful magic. Take a look at this battle that I fought yesterday.

Red Army: L25 General, 1724 Bone Dragons, 1521 Vampires, 500 Venom Spawn, 690 ghosts, 2605 skeletons and 1165 imps.

My Army: Two Archmages (L21 and L19), L19 Illusionist, 89 Titans, 131 Genies, 271 magi and 1160 halflings.

The first key was to get past the 1st round without my L21 Archmage getting killed twice. Slow on the Vampires and Mass Slow on the rest to hold back the flyers and Song of Peace (Displacement, Wasp Swarm or Teleport would have worked as well) to prevent the VS from firing on the second round. My Titans took out the General. Teleport on the BDs and Vampires and Forgetfulness on the VS to defend my troops. The Genies started replicating Vampires (I had a Magic Amplifier, so they got 12 spells instead of 8, I eventually had over 500 Vampire illusions) every turn. Some more Teleports coupled with Vials of Binding on the BDs and Vampires as opportunity allowed. Now some Quicksand in front of the gate and I had them penned in. Now it was mostly a game of patience. My Vampires could wait, hit, run, rinse and repeat so it made no difference how large the trapped stacks were. Flawless Victory!!!

The battle took a bit over an hour.

In the open it would have been much more difficult to control the battlefield, maybe impossible.

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