who wants to see the fairy dragon return?

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Do you want to see the fairy dragon return?

dont care
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who wants to see the fairy dragon return?

Unread postby Corelanis » 14 Jul 2006, 03:29

Im curious to know if anyone else likes the fairy dragon and wants it back. also id like to know how other would want it implemented, like what spells it should have tier and such.
Edit please no saying that theres to many dragons weve all heard this
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 14 Jul 2006, 03:30

No, we've got enough dragons. I'd rather the Sea Monsters and Mermaids came back.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Jul 2006, 03:54

Voted yes,but as a level 3(tops level 4)neutral unit.Certanly not as a level 7 in a town!

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Unread postby asandir » 14 Jul 2006, 04:01

don't care, seen plenty of excellent creatures already, so if they reintroduce the fairy dragon, cool, if they don't, whatever

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 14 Jul 2006, 04:33

I voted yes. I love fairy dragons and they are quite distinct from other dragons since their focus is casting.

The number of neutral creatures needs to expand some anyways.


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Unread postby howgrizzly » 14 Jul 2006, 05:56

DaemianLucifer wrote:Voted yes,but as a level 3(tops level 4)neutral unit.Certanly not as a level 7 in a town!
He's right. it could be 4-6 tier unit with a big mana pool and spellbook full of enchantments or it could have an attack that additionaly casts random spell.
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Unread postby koganei83 » 14 Jul 2006, 07:40

nope, there are too many dragons..

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Unread postby Meandor » 14 Jul 2006, 07:42

I would rather see cyclops, they were in all previous games and now they are gone...

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Unread postby asandir » 14 Jul 2006, 07:48

hear, hear for cyclops'

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Unread postby omegaweix » 14 Jul 2006, 10:55

Although there are more than sufficient dragons in the game already, at least the fairy fragon should be allowed to return..... graphicswise one similar to H4 cause the purple big-eyed atrocity from H3 should never be seen again IMO!
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 14 Jul 2006, 11:53

I don't really have anything against multiple dragons, as long as each are completly different types (not just a color and attack name change). They just shouldn't go over 5. (european/chinese/faerie/golem or crystal/bone).
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Unread postby Odolwa » 14 Jul 2006, 14:34

No more dragons! :disagree:

I can accept the two elven factions (Dungeon & Sylvan) having dragons as last unit, because the two civilizations are related to each other.

But I would rather had seen another level 7 unit than the Spectral Dragon in Necropolis.
There's so many cool undead units that could be used!

Why not have an Abomination instead, something simular to the Warcraft-creature with the same name.
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Unread postby Nobody » 14 Jul 2006, 14:44

As long as they are neutral, I don't have anything against having more dragons. So yes, I would like to see the fairy dragon return.

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Unread postby igoraki » 14 Jul 2006, 14:48

i also love fairy dragons and find them fit much better into sylvan/elven town then green ones,but of course ubi and nival think the opposite

game should have no more then 5 dragons,imho

red upgrade to black for warlock
bone for necro town(they are tradition in homm games,i prefer some sort of grim reaper as most powerfull unit for necro)
fairy for elves,maybe outside the town and have phoenix as top level unit,so that elves are more like old sorceress
some sort of ice/crystal dragon for the snow faction
wyrm as neutral dragon,very powerfull
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 14 Jul 2006, 14:53

igoraki wrote:i prefer some sort of grim reaper as most powerfull unit for necro
You mean a guy with a scyte,in a robe,sort of howering above the ground? :devious:

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Unread postby Orfinn » 14 Jul 2006, 15:10

Yes, would be very nice too see it back...oh and make it puple and cute like in H3 :) but lower it to an neutral 6 or 7 lvl creature or 5-6 in a town.
Im against having hordes of dragons of all different types, metal, color and gems but anyway I say bring it on with all kind of other creatures up to 500 hundred if they wish, I dont care. I dont mind gold, faerie,asure, rust (my favorite) and crystal dragons return but only 1 of them should be added in a town (except the mighty asure). Since there may be 3 new factions and with one of them dragon on the 7th level spot, I dont mind it. Though dragons, drakes on lower level than 7 but higher than 2 would be cool.
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Unread postby igoraki » 14 Jul 2006, 15:14

DaemianLucifer wrote:
igoraki wrote:i prefer some sort of grim reaper as most powerfull unit for necro
You mean a guy with a scyte,in a robe,sort of howering above the ground? :devious:
nope,i mean skeleton in robe,somehow bigger then the regular skelies, with scyte walking on the ground and have special ability similar to gorgons death stare, something like this

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 14 Jul 2006, 18:02

I agree with the Reaper comment. Time to get rid of some of the dragons in this game. Bad enough we got stuck with half the races ulimate units being dragons.

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Unread postby MrSteamTank » 14 Jul 2006, 18:42

DaemianLucifer wrote:
igoraki wrote:i prefer some sort of grim reaper as most powerfull unit for necro
You mean a guy with a scyte,in a robe,sort of howering above the ground? :devious:
He probably means the current wight/wraith. Now that would of been an excellent choice as the ultimate necro unit. Get rid of the bone dragon and put in the death knight as a tier 6.

Hp - 120/120
Attack - 29/31
Defense - 25/27
Damage - 25-35/30-40
Speed - 8/9
Initiative 12/14
Special Moves -
No retaliation
Chilling Touch(casts Vulnerability on every strike).
Wraith upgrade grants
Death Strike - 25% chance per wraith to kill a unit in the enemy stack.

It would still be the weakest tier 7 like the ghost/spectral dragon but it would pack one mean punch. Also no retal, death strike, and being able to cross the field in one turn would warrant its extremely low hp for a tier 7.

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Unread postby LordHoborgXVII » 14 Jul 2006, 18:49

voted yes

Although I have to admit homvee is looking like it is going to be overloaded with dragons, the concept of a primarily spellcasting dragon does separate it from the other ones, something that is really needed.

Of course it can do with some renaming, possibly, or some releveling, if needed, but by all means I wouldn't mind seeing a spellcasting dragon.

@ necro discussion

Somehow I still like undead dragons better than grim reapers, perhaps they are more impressive. Bah, I was even dissappointed witht the wraiths in h5, there just isn't any room left in the necro town for a grim reaper without getting rid of more interesting units. Now if the zombies were removed, it could be fit in, but probably at a lvl6 or something, but I don't think it should be higher than the bone dragons.
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