So I purchased and downloaded a digital copy of Might and Magic Heroes Shades of Darkness. Let me point out that is all I own and I have no other version of Heroes VI on my PC. After figuring out how to actually access the Dungeon campaign by downloading the 2.1 patch imagine my disappointment when after a few minutes of enjoyable play my game went dark after I went through a subterranean gate! Not dark as in a total black screen no, the interface was fine but the actual gaming environment went completely dark except for those elements that are meant to glow.

So alas my attempt to meet Ubisoft halfway since they brought back my Black Dragons has failed. "Yay, they delivered the Dungeon Faction back and they look cooler than ever! Too bad you can't see the game to play it." For the record I have a trouble ticket opened with Ubisoft and I am sure one day they may even get back to me or better yet fix the issue but Starcraft 2, Halo 4, Skyrim, and plenty of other "functional" games will do fine until they get around to it.
Later peeps! See yah in a few months when the fix this....or in a few years with the next Heroes game if they don't.
Magelord Out