Complete my H5 map - anybody that feels up to the task

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Complete my H5 map - anybody that feels up to the task

Unread postby -Olorin- » 10 Jan 2010, 07:12


This may sound like a strange request but I wonder if anyone would like to complete a h5 map I started for a year or so ago. The reason I ask is because I basically have no time to do it myself any longer, I got a beautiful baby daughter a few months ago and poff... all my free time was gone in an instant :D But I feel that this map is to good and that I have invested to much time in to it to just put it on ice any longer. And therefore I ask :)

About the map:
Size: uh.. I actually have forgotten what the size is, but I'm pretty sure it's the biggest size, otherwise it's the second largest.
Type: I have always imagined it as a single player map and therefor tried to build it as one.
what is done? Well, I would say that probably 90-99% of the landscape decorations is done (and the decorations on this map is on many places something out of the ordinarily if I may say so), most of the dwellings and resources mines around the castles are placed and I have started to put a few chests and monsters.

What is not done? There are no story written. More dwellings, adventure objects, monsters and resources must be placed. There are no scrips either on this map. and probably a bunch more of things I forgot to mention :D

Overall I would say that the map is maybe around 80-85% is finished.

If anyone feels up to the task and want to have a go I give you completely free hands to alter the map as you wish (as long as it doesn't change to complete nonrecognition) And if you want to take a look at the map first it's perfectly fine, I e-mail it right over straight away.

Thanks in advance. ;)

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