The "gold version" of a game traditionally means the version that is printed on CDs/DVDs and shipped to stores for distribution. In later years, though, especially with the breakthrough of digital distribution, the term has become somewhat ambiguous: it usually means the finished product as the players see it on day 1 of sales.

The Heroes VII developers have now announced that the game is "content & feature complete", but that bugfixing and polishing will continue for another month right up until release on Sept. 29th. With Ubisoft, that means a "day-1 patch" to accompany the physical copies if that is what you have bought.

This final development is what the second beta test is for. If you're playing that, please help the devs all you can by reporting any weaknesses you encounter, so that the final version gets as good as possible. The devs would like you to focus in particular on multiplayer bug reports and AI optimization. Go here to read all about the second beta.

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