The village of Lindisfarne is most valuable for the five magic grandmaster trainers that will enable your promoted Mages, Liches, Druids, and priests to cast the most powerful spells in the game!

Lindisfarne also contains the Monastery -- at the heart of many quest and promotions.

An awesome hint (Thanks Claus) -- Claus says there's a way to climb through the mountains west of Lindisfarne! There is a way to slide down the cliff down where the South central thralls are located, but per Clause there is another way north of that (near "A" on the above map. Neat!

  • Book of Rules
  • Steal the Relic for the Jaarl
  • Steal the Saint's Bone for the Abbot
  • Find the Priest (Priest promotion quest)
  • Paladin Quests
  • Dragon Cave
  • Weapons and Armor: None
  • Magic: None
  • Specialties: None
  • Grandmaster Training: All magics
  • Paladin
  • None
  • Mon: Drangheim
  • Tues: Sturmford.
  • Wed: Guberland
  • Thurs: None
  • Fri: Thronheim
  • Sat: Thjorland
  • Sun: None
  • None
Lindisfarne City
Other than the GM trainers, there is little of interest in Lindisfarne Village. See the annotations on the general map, above.

Lindisfarne Monastery
The monastery will be the focus of many visits!

There are four key reasons to visit the monastery: To steal the relic, to receive the Paladin promotion quests, to get the Saint's bone quest from the Abbot (that causes the dragon to start appearing in the dragon cave,) and to find a priest for the new church.

  • Steal the Relic for the Jaarl (I forgot who originally gave this quest!!!!!) (Thanks DvuS and Claus -- It was the Jaarl of Thjorgard!) The relic is in the NE corner at "A". You can take it by force (killing all the monks) but since you need the help of the Abbot for the Priest Promotion Quests and for the Dragon Quest ... it is not recommended. A note tacked near the entrance to the monastery gives a vital clue. The relic is well-guarded except when the monks are called to prayer. Hmmmmm. You will find various ladders into the upper levels of the monastary. An important one is in the area to the left of "C" on the map. (SPOILER: Here are six levels of hints so you can try as much as you want of it:
    • 1) Monks are called to prayer by church bells. Up on the third level at "E" are the ropes that ring the bells.
    • 2) The key is .... what tune do the monks expect? At the second level "C" is an organist who will give you the key clue -- his composition is based upon the bell sequence. Go back, ring the bells, then head down to the now-unguarded relic.
    • The organist's tune seems to be based upon a progression of playing from low to high.
    • Pull the bell cords so the sequence is lowest tone to highest tone.
    • 1-5-2-4-3
    • Okay. Email me your address and airplane fare and I'll come over and press the keys!!! :)
  • Findy noticed that if you stand with your right side by the cords, you can look up and see the bells. That makes it easy to see the order to play as the biggest bell makes the lowest tone, and the smallest bell makes the highest tone.
  • if you later go to the Abbot, he will confide that "somehow" the relic has been stolen, and doesn't seem to notice the huge bulge under your coat.
  • Priest Promotion: Find the new priest Just ask the abbot. He'll volunteer a monk who is not cut out for the monastery. You go meet him in the courtyard at "F." The monk will promise to meet you back in Guberland. Minor Scripting bug: Many gamers (including myself, so far) have reported that they can never find the priest back in Guberland and have wasted a lot of time searching for him. I even returned to check the Monastery, only to find he is no longer there. It turns out -- don't worry about it. When I completed the other two parts of the Priest promotion quests, Gray told me "he's already here."
  • Paladin Quests: See below

Paladin Promotion Quest

WARNING: Make sure you have read the "Bugs and ONE HUGE WARNING" section about the serious Promotion Lockout Issue before you do this!!!

Grehgknak is near position "E." and assigns you three tasks.

  • Save a man's life. See Thjorgard :"Save the Jaarl."
  • Ruin a man's live. See Sturmford "Find the Petty Thieves."
  • Save a man's live. See Sturmford "Find the Petty Thieves."

Steal the Saint's Bone The Abbot asks you to find and return the Saint's Bone. This relic is located in the Wizard's lab in Yorwick. See the walkthrough, there.

Note: This is part two of the three-part Snorri quests. Snorri (in the Thjorgard tavern) sends you the the Training hall 1st and suggests that it is part of the path to "kill a dragon." Only when you return to Snorri after completing the training hall wil he send you to the Abbot in Lindisfarne to "get the dragon to appear." The Abbot says he will (only if you went back to Snorri after completing the Training Hall) as soon as you get the Saint's Bone (relic) back from the Wizard's Lab in Yorwick. When you complete the Saint's Relic quest, then the dragon will start appearing in the Lindisfarne cave.

Michael reminds me to mention the irritating scripting bug here. The Abbot never acknowledges the relic. The "I've returned for the priest" dialogue stays active ("He's waiting in the Courtyard") even though that quest is finished.

Dragon Cave The path to the cave is well-guarded by mages and sorcerers.

Note: This is part three of the three-part Snorri quests. Snorri (in the Thjorgard tavern) sends you the the Training hall 1st and suggests that it is part of the path to "kill a dragon." Only when you return to Snorri after completing the training hall wil he send you to the Abbot in Lindisfarne to "get the dragon to appear." The Abbot says he will (only if you went back to Snorri after completing the Training Hall) as soon as you get the Saint's Bone (relic) back from the Wizard's Lab in Yorwick. When you complete the Saint's Relic quest, then the dragon will start appearing in the Lindisfarne cave.

I never went back and killed the dragon -- but here is various input provided by many, including Chang, Crow, and Alpha)

Other than pride, and winning a special certificate (the "Super Guber") there is no quest-related reason to kill the beast. Apparently, The Prima guide reports a total HP for the dragon over 100,000 --> the actual is 37,000.

Poison cloud was reported by many as the best way to kill the beast. Elemental protection and Pain reflection are also good. Having your NPCs in the front row of your formation helped a ton (as they died first, before your party.

The black chests (2) respawn every time you enter (up to a point). Ignore the dragon and loot them several times to get some great goodies. Alpha adds a particularly diabodical and clever cheat! Sneak in, quickly plant a Lloyd's Beacon, then exit. Now you can re-enter as much as you want -- and no dragon! The program's AI only creates a dragon if you walk in the front entrance!

Ta'sar Academy Ta'Sar Academy contains the Book of Knowledge.

(I forgot who originally gave this quest!!!!!)

Thanks Grep: The quest was given my Jaarl Markel in Guberland.

The quest is in two parts. In the first part of the Academy you fight a large number of guards and captains. Then you have to figure out a few clues to find the real book.

Inside "C" are many guards and captains. If you fight within a doorway to can limit the attacks on you to a couple at a time while you thin their ranks.

The barracks and classrooms on the E and W sides are empty.

In the room at "E" is a switch hidden behind a wall panel that opens a storage area.

The heart of the quest is found on a table at "F." You probably saw the apparent "book of knowledge" at the end of the hallway at "G." It's a fake, and a trap door drops you on a set of punji sticks at the bottom. Instead, you must take each of the 4 books on the table (one at a time) and put them on the correct table up in level 2 and 3 of the room. Pick one up, then open your inventory and read the title of the book. Now go up the ladder in the central column ("K") and find two tables on each level, with a note on the table telling what kind of book to leave there.

When all four books are in the correct position, a secret door will open on the 3rd floor ("H") leading to cryptogram you have to solve. The hardest part of solving it is the horrible text quality of the dialog box! A gentle hint for those who wish to try --- look for a pattern of letters that might be "The Book of Rules." That gives you enough letters so you can figure it out easily!

(Thanks Grep on this fun historical note -- When you figure out the code, you will find the encription pattern is the same simple one Roberta Williams used in the original King's Quest!)

(SPOILER: If you have trouble, it tells you to go through the revolving bookshelf in the next room. Press the book at "L" and get the book at "M.")

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