As of today, Songs of Conquest is officially available on the Mac App Store!The Mac app version fully supports crossplay with other platforms, so it’s the..
Might and Magic 6,... Today, 18:33 by mmcrazy (8459 replies) in Might and Magic My party is ---> Sorc-Sorc-Archer-Cleric-Paladin
How can i change the characters placement. I want...
Heroes of Might &... Today, 16:18 by Pol (86 replies) in News Laura shares.. "Fatal Decay"
Meet the spell that Laura begins her journey with: a powerful curse that...
The lyrics of HoMM... Today, 01:49 by tactfulmural (10 replies) in Heroes V-VI Hi there. =)
I wonder if you guys were able to make out the lyrics of Hammers of Fate menu music. It's...
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 21:11 by DaveHer (182 replies) in Might and Magic What is localization? Does it have to do with languages? If it does, than yes. But someone will have...
You have to show respect to a woman whose wedding day, one of the most important days in her life, was ruined by a bunch of demons. Even bad weather has to be a minor annoyance compared to that. Yet, Queen Isabel didn't manage to win the sympathy of the Heroes players. Some call her whiny, others don't like her bossy attitude. Maybe the voice acting or the over-the-top cutscenes were to blame. Things were better in the Hammers of Fate expansion, but it was too little too late.
Might and Magic 6,... Today, 18:33 by mmcrazy (8459 replies) in Might and Magic My party is ---> Sorc-Sorc-Archer-Cleric-Paladin
How can i change the characters placement. I want...
Heroes of Might &... Today, 16:18 by Pol (86 replies) in News Laura shares.. "Fatal Decay"
Meet the spell that Laura begins her journey with: a powerful curse that...
The lyrics of HoMM... Today, 01:49 by tactfulmural (10 replies) in Heroes V-VI Hi there. =)
I wonder if you guys were able to make out the lyrics of Hammers of Fate menu music. It's...
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 21:11 by DaveHer (182 replies) in Might and Magic What is localization? Does it have to do with languages? If it does, than yes. But someone will have...