You may have noticed your favourite mods for Heroes V : Hammers of Fate don't work anymore after you patched your game to 2.1. The reason is simple : the EXE has been modified by Nival to only use the original .pak files and ignore any modpak you may have added to your dataa1 directory. With that strange change of heart, Nival certainly hasn't made friends with the modding community...

Updated : So far there seems to be two ways of making the mods work :

- Simply rename your .pak file into .h5m and move it to the Maps folder. However, I encountered a few bugs with this method. Including the pak content to a "real" map file (created with the editor) seems to give better results. Putting the pak file directly in the Maps directory without renaming it doesn't work.

- Unpacking the original pak files in your dataa1 folder and replacing the files with the ones of your modpak, then recompressing it. This is, of course, not recommended as by doing so you risk overwriting the original game files and the game may not work properly afterwards.

- Putting the pak in "Data" : the modifications to standard Heroes V files work, but the modifications specific to HoF don't.

- Putting the content of the pak directly in "Data" : same as above.

- Putting the content of the pak directly in "Dataa1" : (updated) It doesn't work.

If you have any other method to allow mods to be used with patch 2.1 don't hesitate to share them with us.

What I wonder is : does Ubisoft knows what Nival is doing ?

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