A new Dark Messiah trailer can be found over at ShackNews, along with a reference to the new comprehensive preview by Bit-Tech.net. The preview talks about general impressions, boss fights, gameplay and many of the cooler features in the game, like being able to kick your opponent:

In addition to the expected slashing and chopping, you can kick enemies away from you, sending them stumbling. This is great if you fancy impaling them on a pike, or want to see them fall off the edge of a cliff or building.

The reviewer has some worries about the shortcomings and various multiplayer bugs, though he is assured by the producers that the little things he came across will be mended before the release of the final version:

These are problems that I was assured will be fixed in the final version of the game, but nevertheless are rather worrying considering the game is only one month away from release .... Chances are the multiplayer will be released with a lot of bugs, but because of Steam updating and patching shouldn't be too big a problem.

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