Artificial Intelligence Overview

Ever wondered how the computer's behavior changed when you changed the map's difficulty from Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, and Impossible? Wonder no longer as this page will tell you everything you need to know.

Easy Difficulty

AI doesn't consider the dangers it faces from enemy Heroes when moving it's heroes.
AI will underestimate the strength of human players armies when deciding whether to attack them.
Computer players only build a town structure every other turn.
Computer players won't build creature generators of higher level than the highest level generator built by a human player.
Computer player can't build Level 7 generator.
Computer Players won't search for the Grail.
AI won't consolidate armies.
AI won't trade creatures and artifacts between its heroes.
Wandering monsters are more likely to join human players.
Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they have eight or more heroes among them.

Normal Difficulty

AI will underestimate the strength of human player armies when deciding whether to attack or not.
AI will consolidate troops to build larger armies.
Computer Players will build town structure every other turn.
Within the above limit AI will aggressively develop its towns.
Computer players will search for grail only after they have revealed 1/2 of the Puzzle map.
AI places high value on exploring the map.
AI will consider the danger it faces from enemy Heroes when it moves its own.
Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they have three or more.
Computer players as a whole won't hire heroes if they have 11 or more heroes among them.

Hard Difficulty

AI will correctly estimate the strength of human player armies when deciding whether to attack them.
AI will be cautious about moving it's heroes into dangerous situations.
Computer players can build structures every turn.
AI is very aggressive about town development.
Computer players will search for Grail when they have revealed 1/4 of the Puzzle Map.
Individual computer players won't hire heroes if they already have four or more.
Computer players as a whole will not hire heroes if they already have 14 or more between them.

Expert Difficulty

AI is extremely cautious about moving heroes into danger.
AI searches for Grail as soon as it can identify the approximate location of the Puzzle Map.
Individual Computer Players will not hire heroes if they have five or more.
Computer players as a whole will not hire heroes if they already have 14 or more among them.

Impossible Difficulty

Individual Computer Players won't hire heroes is they already have six or more.
Computer Players as a whole will not hire Heroes if they have 20 or more among them.


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