
The Well of ForeverThe Well of Forever ug
Description: This is a single-player or 2-player cooperative scenario for Heroes of Might and Magic IV: Winds of War, based on the classic coop map "Yamuna" Launching the map in singleplayer as Blue (Nature) or Red (Order) will give you the option to
play solo. Simply answer Yes at the start to take control of both towns and armies!
Version: 1.0
Note: 1-player or 2-player Co-Op

E-mail Address: Voland#5352 (discord), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hits: 1496

Map: The Well of Forever
Map Version: Stable
Uploaded: 2023-07-04
Author: Voland
Game Version: H4-WoW
Size: L
Underground: Yes
MP: Yes
Allied: No
Nr of Humans: 2
Nr of Teams: 2
Nr of AI: 4
Campaign: No
Win Condition: Defeat All
Lose Condition: Be Defeated
Description: The story of two mages' search for a legendary source of magical power. This scenario is recommended for 2-player coop. If you play solo, you will also be given the option to control both players' towns and armies at the start!

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