See All Active Topics How possible would...
Yesterday, 14:08 by raekuul (2 replies)
in Might and Magic
I'm pretty sure that in MM6 and MM7 the party is locked at 4 characters (MM6 especially has no wiggle...
Best Deals!
Yesterday, 13:47 by Pol (476 replies)
in Hall of the Heretics
Master of Magic Classic Complete 11.03€ (30% discount)
The old one, collection of MoM from Microprose,...
Can Snergle's Caverns...
Yesterday, 07:46 by kalyl (4 replies)
in Might and Magic
On multiple playthroughs, it seems that you cannot open the final door to Snergle's chamber with the...
mm7 - can light party...
Yesterday, 07:44 by kalyl (3 replies)
in Might and Magic
I like to do all dungeons and collect all specialty items. This works for all dungeons regardless of...
Might and Magic 6,...
Yesterday, 04:24 by toadking (8537 replies)
in Might and Magic
Hi, Guys,
On the map "Prison of the Lord of Earth" in MM8, If the party accidentally fall off the highest...
No Sound in Heroes...
Yesterday, 01:03 by ranon20 (3 replies)
in Heroes I-IV
I was able to solve it by creating a new HD exe (h3hota_HD.exe) with the underscore