
Pirate Utopia H3 SODch awaiting minimap

Description: Tried to recreate the 'H2 map of Pirate Utopia'. It is almost identical but had to make a few changes.
Version: 0.9
Note: Multiplayer and/or Singleplayer, 5 Humans Or 1 Computer

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Hits: 3149

Map: Pirate Utopia
Map Version: Stable
Uploaded: 2021-08-05
Author: Grythandril
Game Version: H2-Gold
Size: XL
Underground: No
MP: Yes
Allied: No
Nr of Humans: 5
Nr of Teams: None
Nr of AI: 1
Campaign: No
Win Condition: Defeat All or Build Grail
Lose Condition: Be Defeated

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