

How that works?

You can choose from pre-selected Top 100. And the only candidate for Heroes franchise is Heroes 5.5. So, the choice is clear, yes?

You can vote, till the end of this day.

The results should become official in ten days. Voting is now closed.


This is the result page, sadly no Heroes5.5. So, perhaps, next time? smile9

  1. Entropy : Zero 2
  2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly
  3. Unification
  4. Empire at War Expanded: Fall of the Republic
  5. DNF2001 Restoration Project
  6. Voxel Doom
  7. Half-Life: Field Intensity
  8. RealRTCW
  9. Classic Offensive
  10. Coterminus
Hits: 3187

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