Heroes of Might & Magic III: In the Wake of Gods
As told in an ancient legend, the fertile ground of Erathia and all creatures occupying her was created by the Gods who grew tired of their immortality. Having conceived of this world, they did not interfere with the course of events and could not even foresee them, and so from this fickle world they received truly divine pleasure … Another legend says completely the opposite. One fine day, Divine Will shall intrude into the world created by the gods and will disturb the measured life of everyone who occupies it … But let us put aside old legends. We will think up our own. You are not the God. You are just a Hero of Erathia. And now, it is time for you to act … |
-- The WoG Team
All was silent and quiet in Erathia for a long time while both the forces of darkness and the forces of light did not intervene. But the forces of darkness grew impatient, desiring power and control over Erathia. And what is the best way to subdue the world? Force! So in order to bring their new devilish order to the world, terrible mutants were brought to life-- monsters of 8th level. And to stand against them, the forces of light were forced to do the same.
Basic Description:
All 8th level monsters are divine in essence, and therefore cannot be recruited the same way other monsters are recruited. To recruit 8th level monsters it is necessary to capture a dwelling of the appropriate monster. To do so, you will have to battle against several 8th level monsters. Immediately after capturing a dwelling it is possible to recruit the monster into the hero's army. If you delay, the monster will no longer be available there and after the initial recruitment, you will also no longer find them at their dwelling.
However, on day one of each week, for each 8th level external dwelling controlled by the player, one 8th level monster from that dwelling will be available to be recruited from any town owned by the player in which the appropriate 7th level dwelling has been built. However, this is a total number of these monsters available to the player that week, regardless of which town or towns owned by the player they are recruited from. For example, if you control two Storm Temples and also own two Tower castles, each with a 7th level dwelling built, you could recruit 1 Lord of Thunder at each castle, or 2 at one and none at the other as you choose. Note that the presence of one or more 8th level monsters at a 7th level castle dwelling is in addition to the 7th level monsters there and not instead of them.
The 8th level monsters have an extreme level of individuality and because of this you may only recruit one at a time, and if not recruited during the week, their number will not add to the following week's. Thus, if you have two external Storm Temples, then after recruiting one Lord of Thunder, the second one will become available. Also realize, that if you try to recruit 8th level monsters by clicking on the castle in the town screen where all monsters of all levels can be recruited, you will not find them; they can only be found by clicking directly on the 7th level dwelling in the town screen.
Each time an 8th level dwelling is captured by a different player, the new owner has the opportunity to immediately recruit the 8th level monster there even if a monster has already been recruited this week by another player.
Supreme Archangel (Castle)
One day, the Knight Orrin received an
order to deliver a message to the neighboring kingdom. Life was
peaceful, and so he took only one Archangel and a few Crusaders as
guards for his journey. This seemed more than enough protection so
Orrin set off. On the second day of his journey, a completely
unfamiliar fiery monster suddenly arose from beneath the ground.
The fight was short and deadly. Although the Archangel resurrected
brave Orrin's crusaders, his small army was still unable to resist
so strong an enemy. Orrin's troops were defeated and Orrin, wounded
by the beast, was finally forced to flee. With great effort he
eventually reached his native kingdom.
This story might have been quickly forgotten had not two circumstances determined the further course of events:
The monster that attacked Orrin and his troops had never been seen or heard of before. It was incredibly powerful and had the terrible ability to steal an enemy's soul;
The Archangels' honor was at stake, since one of them had fallen in an unequal fight. Orrin prayed long and hard with the clerics and called for protection from the Heavens. Although usually silent, this time the Heavens answered his call and sent a boon: new powers were granted to some Archangels. And that is how the Erathian Supreme Archangels came to be. Their new ability and improved resurrection skills further increased the morale of the armies they accompanied.
Main Description:
Diamond Dragon (Rampart)
Beginning one fateful day, affairs in
the rampart went wrong. For unknown reasons, gems began to vanish.
The situation threatened to get out of control, as these gems were
absolutely necessary for the rampart’s building needs. The
community of the Elder Dendroids agreed that they had need of the
wisdom of the Magic Wood, so they decided to travel there and ask
for help.
Having reached the Wood, they asked for guidance and were led to the base of a cliff where they were amazed by what they saw: the dazzling beauty of a dragon from whose mouth, instead of sulfur fumes, came fire and jewels. The Magic Wood granted the Elder Dendroids one of these sparkly dragons and the inhabitants of the rampart gratefully accepted the gift. In addition to the gems it provided, the new dragon proved a powerful ally.
Later, the reason for the missing gems was found out. A black knight spy from the necropolis had been stealing them! But he was caught in the act, and was seized, and hung from the nearest tree where he soon became a barbecued lesson for other would-be spies.
Main Description:
Lord of Thunder (Tower)
A titan once got caught in a
thunderstorm on his way home. He paid it little attention, for as
everyone knows, titans are so hardy that an act of nature
can’t normally harm them. The horrible lightning struck him
in the head and crackled through is body, exiting through his foot.
This did not faze him at all and he continued on his way. Ten
minutes later he got into an ambush with power liches. There were a
lot of them and their quantity might become their best quality. The
titan did not know dialectics, and so their numbers did not deter
him. Being a soldier of fortune, he had agreed to lose his life in
a battle and started fighting.
While fighting, he began to realize that the power liches’ death cloud caused much less harm to him than usual. In addition to taking less damage, our titan hero discovered he was now able to attack twice as often as his opponents. As the undead losses mounted higher, the power liches started to fall back, unsure if they could win. And while their optimism dropped, the titan's grew, until suddenly he found that he had exhausted his supply of thunderbolts. What to do? There was only hand-to-hand combat now and so the titan rushed bravely into the thinned crowd of enemies. And threw as another surprise! Every stroke that hit an opponent was accompanied by a bolt of powerful lightning that came down from the clear blue sky. The fight ended in victory for the titan.
Having returned, he told all about the miracle that happened to him. The elder mages consulted and conferred and finally decided that this could not have come about without the intervention of higher Elemental Forces. And since that time, titans who have been found worthy have followed the Divine Call and gone on a journey of empowerment. They have constructed storm temples in far off places amidst the fiercest of storms. While dwelling within these temples that struck many times a day by the bolts of lightning, the titans have gained their new powers.
Main Description:
Hell Baron* (Inferno)
Some people refer to the dark forces as
"disturbers of calmness" because they cannot be content any place
where around them is peace and harmony.
In the deepest and darkest levels of Hell, the forces agreed to create the new perfect monster that could subdue Erathia and all adjoining lands. And no sooner said than done. In the world has appeared the antichrist -- an awful fiery monster against whom no other spirit could stand. His authority over souls is practically boundless.
Main Description:
Blood Dragon (Necropolis)
Necromancers always wanted to
strengthen vampires so that it was possible to drain the blood and
life force from all creatures in the land. However it is not so
simple to create a very strong vampire because despite their undead
powers, their bodies are merely augmented human
And so it was reasoned that it would be much easier to impart the vampire’s abilities to a more powerful essence - to a ghost dragon. A ghost dragon and some vampires were sent to the spectral vault where the long process of creating a new and terrible mutant, the blood dragon, began.
Main Description:
Darkness Dragon (Dungeon)
Sadly, it is often the case that
childish mischief brings about tragedy. Perhaps it is adults who
are to blame for this, but what difference does it make when all is
said and done? The damage is done and it is often hard to tell who
was wrong and who was right. So it was that once a young Black
Dragon pushed another off a cliff during a playful fight and the
second dragon, too young for its wings to support it, was killed in
the fall.
Law and order in the dungeon are severe by outside standards, and according to the law, even the young must be answerable for their deeds. The mighty Dragon ancestors made up their minds and the decision was final: three hundred years in jail. Cruel? Perhaps. But the law is the law.
At first the dragon sulked and pouted. Then he raged against those who imprisoned him. But years passed, then decades and even centuries. The young black dragon grew, and his isolation provided perspective. He also gained in strength and developed into a powerful dragon during his long, dark imprisonment. Bereft of light, and limited in his companionship to his guards, he had nothing to do but train himself within the dark confines of his cavernous prison.
Three hundred long years passed. The sentence was complete, and the dragon was finally released. As he slowly flew from his prison, all were awed by his striking appearance. His scales, which had not seen a ray of light since his imprisonment, were so dark that they actually seemed to absorb and transform light into shadows. All those close to him were cloaked in darkness, and none could see any farther than their own hand. The dragon's eyes, in contrast, were able to see everything with no difficulty at all.
Soon, another byproduct of the dragon's sentence became evident, for when he attacked an enemy, the target was lost in the darkness, while the dragon could freely return to his original position without having to suffer retaliation. His reputation and power grew within warlock society, and soon he was the most revered dragon within the realm. In time, the dragon fathered others like him, though his offspring, blessed with the same traits as he and known as darkness dragons, were always far less common than the traditional red and black dragon varieties.
Main Description:
Ghost Behemoth (Stronghold)
In the early days of the
barbarian world, death was but another journey to the halls of the
afterworld where all who have gone before gather to feast and pay
tribute to the first fathers; second only to reverence for those
who have gone before is the acquisition and use of Power. So it is
no surprise that the first ancient behemoth, a being of tremendous
strength, enjoyed absolute authority. Barbarians from all across
the barbarian empire would travel on pilgrimages to gaze upon its
magnificence. The glory of the behemoth was known throughout the
barbarian lands, and it was famed for its valor.
The behemoth's rule lasted for centuries and not a single war march, not a single military solution, was possible without its approval. For long years, life was good for the Barbarian people, and they offered up prayers of thanks to their forefathers for sending them such a mighty protector. They became wealthy and gathered tribute from nearby kingdoms. The art of war prospered.
But nothing is eternal even in the barbarian world. The time came for the behemoth to leave its mortal existence and go into the halls of the forefathers. The ceremony proceeded according to ancient laws and everyone honored the Great Barbarian Hero who no longer walked among them.
With its passing, the barbarians tried to carry on as before, but with the behemoth gone, there was soon trouble. War marches failed. Vassals started murmuring. And strife grew among the clans. Brothers turned on each other, and sons challenged their fathers in defiance of law and tradition. All seemed to be going wrong...
So what to do now? Should the Barbarian people vanish after all? Never! The Council of Elders gathered and called out to their forefathers for help: "Return us our Great Defender! Return us our Hero to lead us once more to glory!" Would their plea be heeded? No one knew, either the forefathers would heed their entreaty or not--nobody could guess, only pray.
To their amazement and joy, the spirit of the mighty creature soon appeared in the Stronghold, and free of its living flesh, the power of it was far more terrible than ever before. The incredible news of its return spread rapidly through all barbarian lands and the people took heart with their powerful new leader--the ghost behemoth! Ancient behemoths also returned to the lands--mighty warriors to aid the ghost behemoth as the barbarians sought to once again return their lands to the traditions and paths of their forefathers.
Main Description:
Hell Hydra (Fortress)
It once chanced to happen that in a bog
a rust dragon got itself stuck. It creaked and rasped and finally
rusted. It stood as a monument in the middle of the bog for many
But one day, finally, this piece of rusty iron attracted hydras, and they decided to put it in their pond. Moving the old rusty dragon wasn't easy, and just as the hydras were about to settle it into their pond, the dragon's rusted skeleton began to fall apart. From within the rusty old dragon's ribcage they found its source of acid--the acid had mixed with the gassy swamp water over the years and had changed and become quite unstable. Without warning, it suddenly exploded, covering the hydras from snout to claw! But the hydras were not harmed, for it appeared that this new acid-swamp mixture was not dangerous to them at all. In fact, they liked it so much that they eagerly drank their fill. Oh the hydras had fun for days! They spat each other with acid and frolicked in the pond, unaware of how they were changing, transforming, mutating. Their hides took on a red acid shade and they gained new powers of regeneration. For the hydras this was like the water of life, and now they felt invincible!
Main Description:
Sacred Phoenix (Conflux)
The Fountain of Youth. A dream
that has driven many to the point of obsession--eternal life,
eternal youth. A dream--and yet one that persists through time and
across cultures. Is it real? Most likely not, yet the legends
persists. So, who knows? Anything is possible,
Certainly one man believes. Listen and judge for yourself the story of the Astral Wizard, an ardent collector of "sparkly bits" and now a prophet for the existence of the fountain of youth. In Mr. Wizard's own words, he was wandering in a distant, arid land searching for "some really nice red and blue sparkly bits" as a young man when he encountered the following:
"I saw a vision of palm trees ahead of me, an oasis in the glaring desert that surrounded me, and I thought, 'Well, there surely aren't any shiny baubles out here in all this sand. And I'm really thirsty.' I halfway expected it to vanish, a mirage like the transient nature of light refracting off a well-cut sparkly gem, but the palms were real, as was the crystal clear spring bubbling in the middle of the oasis. Trying not to trip over my robes, and hopeful that I'd be able to rinse some of the sand out of my hat, I knelt before the bubbling pool. As I reached out to the very nicely sparkling water, a strange thing happened---a huge bird, larger than a thunderbird or even a phoenix, rose up before me, feathers ringed in flames. The creature spoke in a thunderous voice. 'Mortal, you have found the fabled Fountain of Youth, a sacred spring forbidden to all but the most holy. I, the Sacred Phoenix, guard the waters of this holy place and only by defeating me can you drink of it. Be warned, for I am blessed with the speed of the thunder god's lightning, I burn with fires of the earth god's molten subterranean lakes, and I have drunk from the Fountain myself and am thus blessed with life even in defeat. Do you wish to face me?'
"Slightly taken aback, I quickly recovered my normal aplomb. 'Face you?' I said, 'Not a chance, but what say we swap? Err… uhm… how about this pretty blue rock I found yesterday in exchange for a sip?' The sacred phoenix immediately pounced on the rock, cooing to itself, 'Pretty, pretty, oh so sparkly' and I proceeded to take a deep drink from the water. Quite refreshing, I must say."
Truth? Fiction? Who can say? Certainly that loveable old coot, Astral Wizard, has been around for what seems like forever. Either way, should you ever have to face the sacred phoenix and you DON'T have a pretty blue sparkly bit, you should be prepared for one heck of a tough fight. Sacred phoenixes are rare, but deadly--incredibly fast, they have strong attacks, defend well, and deal a lot of damage. Much tougher than traditional phoenixes, their flames also burn hotter, causing fire damage to hand-to-hand attackers. It is rumored that their association with the Fountain of Youth means that they will always regenerate once after being "killed".
Main Description:
From times of last great battles has passed a lot of time. Life does not cost on a place, and some monsters have managed to use a respite with advantage for themselves. A part from them is strengthened trained, developing new skills. At last, new monsters have appeared.
Ghosts from Enroth. Yes, these callous
creations have returned! Having neither flesh, nor blood, being to
all indifferent, they kill all and draw forth the liberated souls.
These Erathian ghosts have learned a few tricks since their time
spent in Enroth; they have learned to withdraw the spirits of all
creatures and creations on the battlefield. Now, not only living
things can fill up the ranks of the ghosts, but also dead, and also
not alive and not dead. Only instruments of war such as catapults
and ballista are beyond the reach of their ghostly
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* Live only in demolished towns.
** Growth shows number of ghosts that appear in a completely demolished town after six days.
Fire Messenger
The envoy of Fire has excellent
protection against magic of fire and has a slightly better
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In one dwelling you can take only one type of messenger.
Earth Messenger
The envoy of the Earth has excellent
protection against magic of earth and has a slightly better
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In one dwelling you can take only one type of messenger.
Air Messenger
The envoy of Air has excellent
protection against magic of air and is faster.
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In one dwelling you can take only one type of messenger.
Water Messenger
The envoy of Water has excellent
protection against magic of water and has slightly better
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In one dwelling you can take only one type of messenger.
Few outside the dark environs of
the dungeon are aware that the warlocks of that realm hold a magic
tournament every fifth year. The best and brightest warlocks and
overlords compete, demonstrating their prowess in the four
elemental schools of magic, their abilities to develop new potions
and to create new creatures to serve the dungeon hierarchy. In each
category, only one contestant is awarded the coveted Pendant of the
Black Dragon--a badge of both prestige and power within the warlock
One of the most renowned warlocks of this (or any) age, Alamar, was the recipient of five such pendants--one each for earth, air, water and fire magic expertise, and one more for his Potion of Paralyzation, which he had distilled from the venom of a scorpicore. Yet, the sixth and final Pendant of the Black Dragon, for the best new creature, eluded him for many years.
One year, his carefully bred mushroom-detecting troglodytes were beaten by Agar's de-odorized harpies, while at the next contest, his porcupine/medusa mix took second to Gunnar's manure-free manticores. So it went--always his creatures were widely applauded but never quite good enough for the coveted pendant.
Finally, Alamar determined to expand his horizons--to blend non-native dungeon creatures to create something truly unique. He traveled far, through the lands of the elves, where he dabbled briefly with a dwarf/harpy mix (too heavy to fly), and the lands of the barbarians where he had a brief success with crossing evil eyes and cyclops until the other cyclops destroyed his prototype as an abomination (Ugh! Many eyes! Ugh!), before finally reaching the sulfurous swamps of the beastmasters. There he captured a young hydra before returning to his dungeon lair to begin preparations. A grand design--the speed of a dragon, with the many heads of the hydra. Multiple breathe attacks, and the ability to fly--truly a beast to strike fear in the heart of the stoutest kanniggit.
Unfortunately for Alamar, crossbreeding dragons and hydras proved to be much more difficult than he had imagined. His first attempt burned itself to death when one head tried to talk to another, while his second smashed to the ground when it was unable to fly and attack at the same time. The contest loomed and Alamar finally settled on a compromise: the gorynych—a multi-headed beast that attacked without retaliation, yet could fly and moved at least a little faster than a chaos hydra. Alas, his run of bad luck continued--the gorynych was showcased the same year that Jeddite developed his self-veiling medusas, and once again the Pendant he so coveted was denied to Alamar. Out of frustration and spite, Alamar released his prototype gorynyches into the wild, to snack on the unsuspecting and those who are foolish enough to attempt to wrap their tongues around the beasts' wholly unpronounceable name.
Main Description:
War Zealot
For long years, these zealots isolate
themselves in remote monasteries where the only visitors they have
are travelers who have lost their way, and even these seldom more
than once a year. During this time of isolation, the zealots
practice their fighting skills and train their minds to repel all
Main Description:
Arctic Sharpshooter
The sharpshooters, originally trained
by Gelu, were so popular because of their combat skills that all
heroes desired to have them as part of their army. And the prestige
of being a sharpshooter was so strong that the skills and training
were passed on from father to son and mother to
In due course, it was possible to find sharpshooters in almost every part of Erathia, and as you can expect, they tried to adapt to local conditions. So the arctic sharpshooters have appeared. They have an improved attack and are also able to hide in snow-covered places, which allows them to be better protected from missile fire..
Main Description:
Lava Sharpshooter
Another type of sharpshooter - the lava
sharpshooter. Their house is a vault. Their hard lives have
tempered them, resulting in their increased defensive ability. Lava
sharpshooters get their name from the bottles of fiery lava in
which they dip the tips of the arrows. In close combat they are
able to use these flaming lava arrows to burn their
Main Description:
Necromancers aren't the most social of
heroes. The lack of living flesh and blood might be the problem, or
maybe the weird clothes they tend to wear. It could be the strange
cackling they tend to emit when they laugh, or perhaps it's just
the constant stink of death that seems to surround them. Whatever
the reason, they generally aren't invited out to the most
fashionable of parties. Actually, they generally aren't invited out
to ANY parties--fashionable or not. So, they have a lot of time on
their bony old hands.
Especially since they don't sleep. They know of dreams and they know of nightmares, remembering vaguely as they do their time before undeath, though they no longer have either. Not surprisingly, they prefer nightmares--especially for other people.
Thus it was that Sandro, in a fit of jealousy over the livies ability to dream, took a few of the undead steeds that were normally used by the black knights and began "working" with them. He trained them to move on their own, without the guidance of a rider, and he changed their appearance to make them fiercer to gaze upon. Sandro also added his own personal scent of death to the new creatures and concentrated it in their "breath".
No amount of air freshener will help the hero who faces Sandro's nightmares, as he so cleverly called them, as the strength of their breath rivals that of the mighty gorgon, often bringing death instantly to even the mightiest of beasts. Indeed, so strong is the stench that sometimes even those standing behind the initial creature will be struck down, and no amount of breath mints will allay the damage done.
Sandro finds this all to be a fine joke, of course, and he loves to regale his acquaintances with his tale of creation. Not at parties, since the invites keep not coming for those, but at the local necromancer's guild meetings, or, better yet, at the Annual Deadies banquet. Everyone cackles with glee and tries not to lose his or her jaw bone in the process, as that can be quite embarrassing, even for one who already has no life, social or otherwise.
Main Description:
Santa Gremlin
Time waits for no man, it rolls along,
like sands through the hourglass. Tick, tick, tick. All we are is
dust in the wind and nothing lasts forever.
Except gremlins. Always there have been gremlins, always there will be gremlins. They worm their way into clocks, into ballistae, into titans' codpieces. Tinker, putter, snip, bang--it all goes awry. Such is life. Mischievous, mercurial, and prone to misadventure, they aren't evil, yet they are the demons that haunt our daily lives.
Many solutions to the gremlin problem have been tried--the wizards chain them up to try to keep them out of the machinery, but do you really think genies have always changed sex when upgraded? Not a chance. The result of a gremlin in the works, and no one has been able to figure out how to change the problem now that it exists. In the dungeon, the overlords test the new minotaur axes on the gremlins, and the warlocks try new spells, but there are always more. Barbarians feed them to orcs, beastmasters let the wyverns poison them, and heretics toss them into the fire lakes. The necros tried to make skeletons out of them, but the animation always seemed to go wrong, one leg walking in one direction while the other headed off somewhere else, perhaps taking the skull with it but forgetting to bring along the neck bones. And always there are more, mucking up the works and distributing headaches to everyone, high and low, rich and poor.
Legend has it that there was once a recluse wizard who actually managed to domesticate the gremlins. This wizard, known to today's world only as K, lived far to the North, farther even than his other winter wizard brethren. He was said to be a bit of an eccentric, wearing fuzzy red pajamas trimmed in white fur, and preferring a red stocking cap to the traditional wizard pointy hat. But all agree, that if he existed--and the evidence suggest that he did--he must have been a genius.
What evidence? The santa gremlin, believed to be a derivative of the common anti-gremlin cry, 'Blast, these gremlins are Satan spawn'. Santa gremlins are clothed in red, with white trim, and they command other gremlins or similar lowly creatures to protect them--just as K is said to have commanded the santa gremlins to protect him. Strangest of all, they are spell casters, capable of using the ice bolt spell--said to be K's favorite incantation. Their existence isn't proof positive that K really existed, but who else but an eccentric half frozen genius at the top of the world would come up with such a crazy idea?
Why a genius? Because santa gremlins not only follow instructions, they can also be nice. While they are tough in combat, capable of casting ice bolts and surrounded by traditional gremlin protectors, after combat, defeated santa gremlins have been known to give gifts to heroes as a reward for their victory. Such generosity and good will is unheard of in traditional gremlins, and only a genius could find a way to develop such traits in a race otherwise known only for their capricious and destructive natures.
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* This is a total growth number in one week, however 2 creatures are available to recruit every day.
It wasn't always easy growing up in the rampart--Petal knew this all too well. Everything was "nature this" and "environment that" and "no, we can't have any roasted marshmallows this evening because the dendroids get upset if we burn them in our bonfires." Silly, thought Petal, it's not like they won't grow back. Even her name. Petal. Blah--how terribly NOT fearsome. How many creatures or evildoers had ever trembled at the thought of the dreadful Petal coming for them? None, zero, zilch.
Nope, the rampart was not the place to be if you wanted to be a rock n' roll spell caster who preferred a good fireball to a boring old bless spell any day of the week. Oh, you could become a ranger like Jenova, or a druid, like Gem, but you still had to play by their rules. Don't walk on the grass, don't tie bells to the centaurs' tails, don't give the dwarves hot feet. Dull, dull, dull. Even the unicorns were a washout--prancing about, all pure and white and letting the other maidens pet their gleaming coats, but turning up their horns at Petal and her soot-blackened hands.
So, she left. Petal set out on her own to find independent women of a like mind. She had one of her more domestically inclined cousins make her a wicked looking dark cloak with a high, intimidating collar and hit the road. As she journeyed, Petal made little mental notes to herself: take out a few evildoers along the way, invent some flashy and dangerous spells, test her magic skills in the real world, and improve the fashion sense of civilized women everywhere.
Life was good. She was a fearsome spell-casting woman on a rampage, and to her surprise, there were many others like her. And not just from the ramparts--soon she had a band of "sisters" that consisted of former battle mages, overlords, heretics and all manner of other women. They called themselves the Sorceresses, and in honor of Petal, they all wore the same style long cloak with the wicked high collar.
As their numbers grew, so did their power. They cast all sorts of spells in combat--not just namby-pamby water spells, but also fun combat spells like disrupting ray, curse and even a nasty little creation of Petal's that afflicted the target with a nice little debilitating disease. Soon, their merry band became feared by practitioners of evil far and wide. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they soon became feared by men too--even those of good hearts and pure thoughts.
Concerned that their fun loving, free wheeling lifestyle was overshadowing their honest desire to help clean up the world, Petal went to a local enchanters' grove to discuss how the two groups could work together. Eventually, a pact was reached where the enchanters agreed that sorceresses of sufficient power could summon a small band of enchanters to assist in the battles against evil, thus helping to allay the growing belief that sorceresses were not just against evil, but against men in general. In return, Petal and her followers agreed not to cast Petal's nasty little disease spell on the enchanters, and to only summon enchanters that were not actively involved in playing Whack-A-Mage, the enchanters' favorite pastime.
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* The Sorceress may cast non-direct damage spells on its target following a ranged attack. All spells last 3 rounds (except Disrupting Ray and Acid Breath which are permanent) and normal spell immunities apply. Gods Representatives and Messengers have complete immunity to Sorceress spells.
The chance of a spell being cast
is 20% + 2% for each Sorceress in a stack. The type of spell cast
depends on the number of Sorceresses as follows:
Few to Several Sorceresses:
Pack of Sorceresses:
SLOW, CURSE or DISPEL with 20% chance each
Lots of Sorceresses:
SLOW, CURSE or DISPEL with 8% chance each
Horde to Legion of Sorceresses:
SLOW, CURSE or DISPEL with 8% chance each
HYPNOTIZE, BLIND, BERSERK or AGE with 4% chance each
Sylvan Centaur
Listen now, to one of Erathia's
greatest love stories. Once upon a time there was a young elf named
Tallow who fell in love with a beautiful centaur girl named
Sherinda. But as is often the case with love that blossoms between
different races, their union was forbidden. Elves and centaurs at
this time were at loggerheads over many issues, not the least of
which was who had to shovel out the unicorn pens and dragons caves.
For many months the young lovers hid their desires from their
people, meeting only in secret or in the dead of night. But as
their passions grew, so did their restlessness, until finally they
could stand it no longer, and they revealed their true feelings to
their families. They had hoped for understanding, but instead were
met with shock and despair. The fighting between the elves and
centaurs was getting worse, and their romance was seen by both
families as a betrayal.
When he refused to renounce his love for Sherinda, Tallow was cast out of his clan and forced to leave the rampart until such time as he would abide by the rule of the elves. Before he left, he got word to Sherinda to never give up hope--somehow he would find a way for them to be together and he would return for her.
Although Sherinda wasn't an outcast like Tallow, the centaurs watched her carefully and tried to find her a suitable male centaur instead. They tried all manner of suitors--manly, athletic centaurs and bookish, wise centaurs versed in the magical arts. But nobody could replace Sherinda's beloved Tallow in her heart, so it was a fruitless search.
For months, Tallow wandered the lands, unable to forget about his precious Sherinda, until one day he came upon a horrible scene--a terrified old woman tied to a stake, about to be burned alive by a small mob of villagers carrying pitchforks and lit torches. Tallow approached the villagers and demanded to know what crime the woman had committed to receive such a terrible punishment. They told him that she was a witch, that she had poisoned the village's well, and for that she must be burned, "because all witches are evil". The woman called out to Tallow, pleading for help and proclaiming her innocence. Elves seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing who's good and who's not, and Tallow could tell at once that the woman bore no evil in her heart.
Knowing from personal experience what it was like to be persecuted, Tallow made a decision. He quickly unslung his cherrywood bow, and in the blink of an eye, his arrow had pierced the hat of the apparent ringleader of the mob. From the steely look in the elf's eyes it was clear that he meant business. When Tallow demanded the woman's freedom and challenged the villagers to fight, the cowards quickly turned and ran for the safety of their village.
After freeing the old woman, Tallow discovered that she was in fact a witch, but a good one, and she was grateful for being rescued. They traveled together for awhile, and when the witch heard of Tallow and Sherinda's plight, she offered a magical solution. It was a drastic one, however, for she described a spell that could put two creatures into one body if they had strong enough feelings for each other. Although it had never been tried with two different species, Tallow was willing to try anything for the woman he loved. So when the old witch and the young elf reached a village where the witch could make herself a new home without fear of persecution, she taught Tallow the proper incantation for the spell. After gathering the herbs he would need to accompany the spell, the elf departed on his journey back home--back to Sherinda.
Sadly, when Tallow arrived back at the rampart, he found that the elves and centaurs had declared war. The dwarves and dendroids tried to maintain order, but things were rapidly getting out of hand. If something wasn't done soon it would tear the once tight-knit community apart.
Stealthily making his way to Sherinda's stable, Tallow woke her, and she greeted him with amazement, joy, and quite a remarkable kiss, but also with concern. Quickly, he told her about the enchantment and asked if she was willing to join with him forever. Without hesitating for a moment, she agreed. Filled with nervous excitement, they performed the ritual together, and as the magic power suffused their spirits, they became one, unified in body, mind and soul. They were a new race, a sylvan centaur. And their name was Talinda.
When they emerged into the streets, everyone stopped and stared. Nobody had ever seen the likes of this creature before--part elf, part centaur, with the strengths of both and the weaknesses of neither. The news quickly spread and everyone came to see Talinda. Perhaps it was a side effect of the enchantment, or perhaps it was the incredible joy that radiated from Talinda, but instead of being cast out as an abomination, the sylvan centaur was revered by both the elves and the centaurs alike. Both races soon stopped fighting and they appointed Talinda as their spokesperson, a diplomat to both people.
In the following months and years, the enchantment was used numerous times, for it seemed that the races of elves and centaurs had more in common than they thought. Before long there were many sylvan centaurs in the town, and they were always very happy, for each one was a union of pure love.
Main Description:
Other Notes:
The Sylvan Centaurs may be created from Grand Elves and Centaur Captains, if you have them both in your army and have turned on the proper hard-coded option. To do that you must hold your 'ctrl' key on your hero screen (and only on your hero screen, not the garrison or town screen) and click with your left mouse button on a stack of Grand Elves or Centaur Captains. They will be combined free of charge and at ratio 1:1, so after combining 42 Centaur Captains and 14 Grand Elves you'll end up with 14 Sylvan Centaurs and 28 Centaur Captains.
It's a curious fact of life that some
mixes are more accepted than others. Peanut butter and jelly? A
classic. Labradors and poodles? A bit odd, but they have a cool
name--who wouldn't want a labradoodle? Men and horses? Peculiar,
but centaurs move fast and generally are polite enough to go
outside to take care of business--a significant improvement over
horses and barbarians. Wolves and men? A downer--nobody seems to
like the werewolf, perhaps because they shed profusely, or maybe
because there's always the chance that they'll rip your throat out
during a full moon rampage. At any rate, they have long been
anathema, and many campaigns to exterminate lycanthropy in all its
forms have been launched over the years--with varying
Certainly Lord Haart's crusade to eliminate werebeavers was a smashing success, much to the relief of regular beavers who often found their rivers and streams dammed with human femurs after the full moon, but others have been far less effective. Halon's attempt to eliminate the fearsome werehummingbird, for example, lead only to the vaporization of some lovely flower gardens and the destruction of a number of perfectly innocent bees.
Still, though there are many were-creatures in the world, werewolves have always been the most common and among the most dangerous. Werewolves are fast, much faster than the weresloth, for example, and while some lycanthropes retain some of their human attributes even in their moon-induced animal states, werewolves often go completely berserk during the full moon, beyond the control of anyone or anything. It is also true that, for reasons unknown, werewolves seem more likely to pass their affliction on to those they bite or claw than do most other werecreatures. Indeed, there are more than a few reports of werewolves transforming large numbers of normal men and creatures into werewolves during various struggles.
Attempts to eliminate werewolves have had mixed success, though in general they have been driven to living in the more remote areas of the world. Still, their speed, power and viciousness in battle has caused more than one would be hero to seek them out and attempt to convince them to join the ranks of their army. Werewolf forces are always to be feared, as there is the possibility for them to transform all they oppose into werewolves, both friend and foe, and the blood rage of the full moon is often so vicious as to blind them from any distinction between friend or foe, good and evil, or innocent and guilty.
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* The Werewolf's attacks may transform the enemy into werewolves. The base chance is 20%, doubled to 40% on full moon days.
Hell Steed
There are cracks in our world. Unseen places where the fabric of the universe is a bit weaker than in most other places. Animals can sense these places and stay away from them. Fear them. For sometimes, not often thankfully, but yet often enough to make brave souls cower behind the thin walls of their homes, something breaks through those cracks from the other side.
It is not dark on the other side, as many conjecture, but in fact it is quite, quite bright. Fire is like that. Bright. And hot. Very, very hot. So too the creatures that live in that fierce, inhospitable world just beyond our own, caught in passing mayhap in a dream--or, rather a nightmare. Only it's not always a nightmare. Sometimes, the fiery beasts from the other side find a crack in our world big enough to let them through. Sometimes, the nightmares are real--and hot.
Hell steeds are of the other world, burning horses, with flaming manes and searing eyes. Fortunately for us, they are small compared to some of their brethren from beyond, yet even they can only rarely find holes in the weave of the universe large enough to squeeze through. So, they remain rare, usually found in remote areas and places where large quantities of magic have accumulated without supervision. Places where the cracks are not repaired but left unattended, to be worried at and leveraged from the other side.
When they are encountered, hell steeds are usually feral in both appearance and demeanor, and their breath is said to be so hot that they will often, briefly, leave walls of fire in their wake. Additionally, it is believed that some of the older hell steeds have learned how to harness their heat and project it across small distances. Attacking these hell-born equines is perilous, as direct hand-to-hand attacks will almost certainly result in the burning of the attacker, perhaps severely.
Naturally, the hell steed is immune to fire-based magic. Born in the nightmare world on the other side, the hell steeds have no fear of our own world.
Main Description:
A long time ago, a powerful lich king in a far off land experimented with dragon animation. Mixing the bones of a black dragon and a faerie dragon and imbuing them with evil power, the dracolich was born. Although this terrifying undead creature casts no spells, its magic is able to block many non-magical attacks. And like the liches, the Dracolich can throw a death cloud at its opponents from far away, but its power reserves are quickly drained. This is rarely a problem, however, because the Dracolich relishes the chance to toast its foes with fiery breath and then devour the barbecued treat.
Recently, these dracoliches have begun showing up in Erathia, spreading terror and death in their wake.
Main Description:
Let's return to the legends. They tell us that when Gods have learned about the broken balance in the world of Erathia, they have decided to interfere, to restore the balance of forces. For this purpose in Erathia, Emissaries – Gods’ Representatives were sent.
Emissary of War
Caused by elements of magic of fire,
the Emissary of War was sent to help Heroes to restore former
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In his dwelling you can receive the Emissary only once.
** Does not grow anywhere.
Emissary of Peace
Caused by elements of magic of the
ground, the Emissary of Peace was sent for protection of those
Heroes who aspire to restore balance between the different factions
in Erathia.
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In his dwelling you can receive the Emissary only once.
** Does not grow anywhere.
Emissary of Mana
Caused by elements of magic of air, the
Emissary of Mana was sent to help Heroes to restore the balance of
Dark and Light forces with the help of magic.
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In his dwelling you can receive the Emissary only once.
** Does not grow anywhere.
Emissary of Lore
Caused by elements of magic of water,
the Emissary of Lore was sent to help Heroes to return balance of
forces, having seized art of magic to the full.
Dwelling: *
Main Description:
Other Notes:
* In his dwelling you can receive the Emissary only once.
** Does not grow anywhere.
After the balance of different forces on Antagarich was disturbed and after the intervention of the gods many heroes realized that they might not be able to fight on their own any more. They needed help. They needed intelligent creatures to aid them not only on the battlefield but also in leading their army. They needed personal commanders. That title soon was beginning to be the property of heroes' best friends, relatives or the most talented and strongest generals.
Basic Description:
Commanders are somehow a combination of a hero and a creature. They fight on the battlefield along with your hero, but they also gain the same experience - and with that: new levels, primary skills, secondary skills and better statistics overall. They can also use special artifacts, cast a spell and they have some specialties of their own. They all have different names and biographies, but at start they do have many similarities. Each hero can have only one commander. If he currently has no commander, he may recruit one at any of your towns for the price of 1000 gold.
You can check your commander screen by clicking
on the icon in
your hero screen:
At start every commander has the same
Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Speed: 5
Hit Points: 60
Damage: 7-15
Spell Power: 1
They will be modified by the choice and development of the
commander's primary skills, as well as by his own experience and
gaining new levels.
If a commander dies in battle, but the hero's army manages to win or flee, it will be possible to later resurrect him at one of your towns. However this will most likely cost you gold and sometimes you will even have to have a mage guild of a certain level built.
A commander screen on a battlefield shows also his special abilities and looks like this:
The abbreviations are as follows:
L: - Commander Level
MP: - Magic Power
MR: - Magic Resistance
Then you can also see a short list of the commander's secondary
In this example they are: Maximum Damage, Unlimited Retaliations,
Attacking Twice and Fearsome.
Besides that we can see that our commander can cast Cure 2 times
each battle.
Paladin (Castle)
As a divine defender of justice, this holy avenger's abilities grow
stronger with every battle won. The Paladin has also been blessed
with healing magic to keep the troops alive and fighting
Description: |
Hierophant (Rampart)
These mystical Commanders are natural healers, always insisting on
at least one first aid tent for any army they command. In battle,
they protect the lives of their troops by conjuring a magical
shield to ward off deadly blows.
Description: |
Temple Guardian (Tower)
Strong willed and intelligent, the beautiful Temple Guardian is a
distant cousin to the titans. Her presence on the battlefield
improves the ranged accuracy of titans as well as the other troops
she commands. This power is almost as useful as her innate ability
to draw forth and channel mana from an emotionally-charged field of
Description: |
Succubus (Inferno)
Always sensual and charming, your ranks will soon swell with
creatures entranced under this demonic Commander's spell. The
Succubus' affinity for fire lets her protect her minions with an
aura of flame.
Description: |
Brute (Dungeon)
A fearless fighter in battle, this Commander inspires bloodlust in
the troops he or she commands. And when it's all over, the Brute
directs the army to gather up the corpses, for there is always a
demand for fresh bodies in the dark and smelly depths of the
Description: |
Soul Eater (Necropolis)
These soulless Commanders absorb the spiritual essence of the
creature they kill to sustain them in their unnatural unlife. On
the battlefield, the Soul Eater uses her necromantic powers to
reanimate her fallen undead comrades.
Description: |
Ogre Leader (Stronghold)
The resourceful Ogre Leaders have fallen in love with the deadly
ballista and always make sure there's at least one in any army they
command. These cunning Commanders have also mastered a spell that
makes their troops' skin as hard as stone.
Description: |
Shaman (Fortress)
This adept Commander uses primal magic to become much stronger in
battle, drawing upon the spiritual totem of the hero who leads the
army. The Shaman's spells increase both the speed and reflexes of
the Fortress beasts to which he or she is
Description: |
Astral Spirit (Conflux)
Originating on the astral plane, this Commander's ability to reveal
glimpses of an empty and desolate world often make the once-loyal
soldiers of sworn enemies cast down their weapons, having seen the
futility of war. The Astral Spirit also possesses telepathy and can
sometimes warn friendly troops of a surprise attack from
Description: |
Primary Skills
Every commander can have 4 out of 6 possible primary skills. Every
skill has 5 levels. When gaining a level you will be able to chose
boosting any of your four chosen primary skills.
Primary Skills |
Secondary Skills
By advancing in levels your commander can have 6 out of 15 possible
secondary skills. These skills have no 'levels', so you can't
develop them in any way. The commander may learn a particular skill
only if he had already learned two specific primary skills and have
the Master level in both of them. When advancing in level you'll
then be able to choose between learning a higher level of one of
your four primary skills or learning a secondary skill.
Reduce Enemy Defense by 50% |
Fearsome |
Maximum damage always |
No Enemy Retaliation |
Can Shoot |
Endless Retaliation |
Strike all Enemies around |
Permanent Fire Shield |
30% chance to Block any Physical Damage |
Attack twice |
Melee Attack has 50% chance to Paralyze for 3
rounds |
Regeneration 50 HP every turn |
DeathStare |
Champion Distance Bonus |
Ignore Obstacles [fly] |
Now towns can be destroyed and rebuilt again from their ashes.
To destroy a building in a town, it is necessary to right-click on the building you wish to destroy. You must have a visiting hero present at a town in order to destroy buildings there; a garrisoned hero cannot destroy anything.
Buildings cannot be destroyed in just any order, but must follow priorities and dependence (see Appendix Table 1). If all conditions for destruction of the given building in the given town are met, the building can be destroyed and a window will appear asking if you wish to destroy it. An example can be seen in the picture shown below:
If the given building cannot be destroyed at present, then when you right-click you will only see the standard information about that building.
If the player clicks the OK button to destroy a building, a check will be made to see if the hero has the minimum required level of experience. There is a minimum level at which heroes receive the ability to destroy buildings, and this is initially set to 1000 points for all buildings in all towns. However, this value can be changed with ERM code for any type of building for all types of towns (!!CD:E).
If the hero doesn't have enough experience, the appropriate message will appear stating that the building will not be destroyed. The next stage is a check of how strong the hero's army is. This is calculated as the sum of health (HP) of all monsters in the hero's army. The minimum level that is initially set for this calculation is 2000 HPs but this can also be changed with ERM (!!CD:A). If the hero's army is insufficient, an appropriate message will appear stating this.
If the destroyed building is a creature dwelling, it is checked to see if it has inhabitants. If the dwelling is not empty, a choice is offered to the player: pay the monsters to abandon the dwelling or fight them:
The cost of paying the monsters is calculated based on their level and number, as shown in the following table:
Monster |
Standard |
Upgrade |
Level 1 |
40 |
50 |
Level 2 |
60 |
75 |
Level 3 |
80 |
100 |
Level 4 |
150 |
200 |
Level 5 |
300 |
400 |
Level 6 |
550 |
650 |
Level 7 |
800 |
1000 |
If you decline to pay, there is only one way to get rid of the monsters -- fight:
Here again you can refuse. Thus of any destructions. If in fight with monsters you will lose, that, being more peaceful, than you, monsters will release the hero on freedom. The truth of army he can lose completely.
If you pay the monsters or beat them in combat, it is possible to start the destruction. However, destroying buildings costs and each building has its own cost, but always in gold. Refer to Appendix 1 for the full list of buildings in all types of towns where you can look up the cost of destruction (Table1).
Each time you destroy a building, it displeases the local population of the town. In order to appease them, it is necessary to distribute gold with each following destruction. The amount of gold depends on the number of destructions done that day and can be seen in the following table:
Destructions per day |
Cost |
First |
0 |
Second |
1000 |
Third |
2000 |
Fourth |
5000 |
From the table you can see that four destructions per day are possible. However, this value can be changed by means of ERM commands (!! CD:D). If this number is altered, you may find it necessary to establish or change the price of destruction (!! CD:N).
The sum which it is offered to pay, at once includes all expenditure:
If you attempt to destroy a Grail building, you're given an opportunity to dismantle it instead. Since it's a valuable structure, it costs 10000 gold to dismantle it -- this is much more expensive than simply destroying it. If you pay this amount, the Grail will be dismantled and will appear in the hero's backpack:
If you have no free space in a backpack, you will not be able to dismantle the Grail.
An every next destruction needs some movement points of Hero. By default one destruction takes 55MP but may be changed by ERM (!!CD:M).
After destruction of a building the hero will find a small amount of resources in the ruins. They can be any resource except for gold. The exact quantity and type of resources can be checked in the Appendix (Table 1).
To completely destroy a town, it isn't necessary to destroy all the structures. It's enough to destroy the ones of key importance until finally reaching and destroying the Town Hall. Once the Town Hall has been destroyed, the remaining inhabitants abandon the town.
After destruction of the Town Hall, ghosts will appear in an ex-blacksmith's. However, they are too happy to be alive (dead?) and will not pay any attention to you. Thus, the town becomes absolutely empty. When your hero leaves the town, he will receive an appropriate message. If you leave wish you can leave the town under the protection of monsters or a hero by leaving them in the garrison, but be cautious. As soon as your hero leaves the town, he cannot enter again; the gates are locked and any guards left are controlled by the ghosts.
For the next 6 days, the town is completely closed to entry by all heroes. It ceases to belong to you and becomes neutral. After 6 days have passed, you can return to the town. If you have left guards you will have to enter combat and win against them before you can take over the town again.
So what happened during those 6 days? The ghosts enjoyed their freedom in the town but now they are bored and ready to go anywhere rather than fly around in the dead "ghost" town any longer. Click on the ex-blacksmith building to hire the ghosts:
The ghosts do not like to remain in the town, therefore they can only be hired into a visiting hero's army (bottom slot) and not into the garrison. Until all ghosts will not be hired, the town will remain deserted and will again become neutral as soon as the hero in it leaves. Again, you can leave guards at this point if you wish but if you later return you will have to fight them to regain control.
After hiring all ghosts, the hero can try to restore the town. For this purpose it is required to right-click on the ex-smithy as the new city inhabitants do not want haunted ghost houses in their town. The standard check for a hero with high enough experience and a strong enough army is made at this time as well. If he passes this check and if he's a hero native to this town type, he can only restore the town to its original type. However, if the hero is from another town, he can choose between the town's old type (before destruction) or his own native town type:
If the Hero has the Builder specialty (by default Jeddite) he can choose among all types of towns:
After destruction of the ex-blacksmith, at last, the city is restored. If the type of city is changed, a change of a landscape must be made but this takes some time, therefore the new local residents promise to finish it for when you next visit (enter the town).
Arrow towers now can train and collect experience in fights. If the player keeps control of a town for one week, the arrow towers on day 1 will receive additional experience and are amplified according to the following formula:
No Bonus |
100% damage |
After 1 week |
200% damage |
After 2 weeks |
300% damage |
After 3 weeks |
400% damage |
After 4 weeks |
500% damage |
and so on... |
If a town successfully defends against a siege, it gets better as though one week had passed. If a town is captured, all saved up experience for towers is lost.
The central shooting tower receives experience irrespective of the lower towers. The lower arrow towers receive experience simultaneously since they were both built at the same time.
If a creature stack has more than one type of
attack, this may be selected on the creature's turn by
right-clicking the Defend button and choosing from the menu. The
attack-mode choice for this stack will then last until the end of
the current combat.
Modes that may be selected are:
1) Shoot/Melee attack, for ranged attackers;
2) Cast Spell/Melee attack, for creatures that cast spells as an
3) Attack & Return/Attack without Return, for creatures with
the Attack & Return ability (e.g., harpies).
If a creature has more than two attack modes available, there will be multiple options in the menu to choose from. For example, a shooting creature with the attack & return ability would be able to choose from any of them.
A lot of change has occurred in this land these past few years. Therefore, it is not surprising that some Heroes have gained new specialties during this time. But whether they are good ones or not, who can say?
1. Specialty: Veil of Darkness.
Basic Hero: Nagash (Necromancer).
In childhood, Nagash liked to sit for hours under the black shadow of the Veil of Darkness. Because he was a necromancer, he did not like society and always tried to disappear from sight. And thus, the Veil of Darkness drew him like a magnet. He was intrigued by how it functioned, and after much study he finally understood. In essence, it was extremely simple and only required a source of mana to be channeled. Long years of training have allowed Nagash to perfect this useful ability and now he wastes no time in taking advantage of the skill.
Mobile Veil of Darkness.
When the hero moves, the shroud is replaced in a circle around him for all players who are not allies. Radius of the shroud circle is determined by the following formula:
1. Take the lesser of current spell points or (knowledge x 10).
2. This number is divided by 10 and then 0.5 is added.
3. Minimum radius is 1.5.
Example: Nagash has a knowledge of 10 and 63 mana remaining. For the entire day, when he moves he will leave behind a black shroud with a radius of 6.5 tiles (diameter of 13 tiles). Possible consequences: In case the full current amount of mana is more, than a level of knowledge*10 each day is automatically subtracted 2 mana.
ERM Script: !!HE#X8/1;
2. Specialty: Builder.
Basic Hero: Jeddite (Warlock).
In youth, Jeddite traveled all over the world, and everywhere he went he was amazed at the beauty of unfamiliar cities. Being very curious and observant, he always asked local masons how such cities were constructed. Now, having this knowledge, he is able to direct the construction of any type of city that is being rebuilt..
Allows Hero to choose any type of city when rebuilding one that has been completely destroyed.
ERM script: !!HE#X8/2;
From time to time, lost
wanderers have come across these mysterious constructions,
fashioned in a similar style to the pyramids. They have been found
at the slopes of mountains, in deserts, and even on plains. Seeking
shelter from the cold or the heat, exhausted by famine and thirst,
tired from long days on the road, these travelers tried to take
refuge in these unusual constructions and, perhaps, find something
that would allow them to continue their journey. Having come back
home, they related to everyone about the unusual creation that met
them with riddles at its entrance.
The sphinx shows you a randomly chosen riddle and asks you to answer it i.e. to type what you believe is the correct answer into a text-input field. The answer can consist only of one word (or a single letter), without additional punctuation marks or blanks. The case of the entered word is not important.
After typing the text click the OK button. The sphinx will check your answer, and depending on whether or not it's correct, either reward your hero, or punish him. In either case you can see result in the section of blessings and curses on the hero screen.
If you click on this icon, you will either see a brief message that the given Hero has no blessings or curses,
or you will see a window with the icons displaying the current set of blessings and curses for this hero. In the latter case, each icon designates one blessing or curse. If you move the cursor over any of these icons, you will see a text description for that blessing or curse:
Each one has two characteristics: power and duration. The first can be quantitative (for example, the Hero receives 158 gold coins per day) or qualitative (for example, the Hero can not visit any Gardens of Revelation). The second, always quantitative, shows how many days the curse or blessing will last. Some curse effects end at the beginning of the last day for that curse while others end at the end of the day. Therefore, effects of that latter will appear to last 1 day longer.
The influence of Gods which is carried out by means of Emissaries (Gods’ Representatives) is a completely new element in the world of Heroes. The more the Gods are convinced of the faithfulness of a Hero, the more assistance they provide...
To find out which GR the Hero has and what his accumulated bonus is, right-click on the God Bonus section in the hero screen:
Depending on the type of GR, the type of bonus and the icon in God Bonus section changes. When a hero receives Gods’ Representative (GR) he will begin to increase one of his primary skills every week.
type |
bonus |
icon |
Emissary of War |
Attack +1…3 every week |
Emissary of Peace |
Defense +1…3 every week |
Emissary of Mana |
Magic Power +1…3 every week |
Emissary of Lore |
Knowledge +1…3 every week |
At the beginning of every week, the value of the Bonus is calculated randomly from 1 to 3 for every GR individually. When a hero first gains a GR, he immediately receives a bonus of 1 to the skill in which the GR is specialized. If a Hero transfers a GR to another hero, gets rid of him or loses him in combat, all accumulated bonuses are lost. By transferring a GR to another player, the bonus starts to increase at the beginning of the new week for the new owner of the GR. Each Hero can only have 1 GR in his army, regardless of type.
To leave a part of a hero's army for protection of territory was a dream of many Heroes. But, as it is known, the most terrible thing about dreams is that sometimes they come true...
Now a hero can leave part of his army or an artifact on the map in any empty, passable square.
To leave an army or an artifact, it is necessary to right-click with the mouse on any free square adjacent to the hero, and then you will see a window with the offer to leave guards or an item:
If you right-click on a square that isn't empty
or is impassable, the standard information about the object or the
ground will be displayed.
In case of making a decision to leave part of your army, the
standard dialogue for an exchange of monsters will be shown (like
in the case of visiting a garrison):
If you decide to leave an artifact (you must remember to put it in the backpack first), you will see a window with the choice of which artifact to leave:
Other notes:
· The hero can leave only one type of creature [picture];
· Not all types of creatures can be left (for example, leaving ghosts is impossible) [picture];
· The army that is left is adjusted aggressively to all Heroes;
· The army will escape (without an option for fighting) from all Heroes controlled by the player who left the army, thus an army that is left in this fashion cannot be taken back by the original owner [picture] UNLESS you turn on the option 'troops left will rejoin their owner' - then previously left creatures will rejoin you free of charge when you 'attack' them.
Now, not only can Heroes and Commanders earn experience, but creature stacks can earn experience too, advancing in rank from 0 through 10. Experienced creatures gain statistic and special ability bonuses as they go up in rank.
Gaining Stack Experience
After winning a battle lead by a hero, each surviving creature gains experience. Stacks without heroes will not gain experience*. Experience is equal to the experience gained by the Hero for each battle. Thus, each creature gains an equal amount of experience from the same battle. Creatures never gain experience from Learning Stones, Chests or similar objects.
A stack’s experience rank is displayed in the lower-right corner of the stack’s icon (just above the unit number) in the hero and garrison screens. The stack will have one caret symbol ( ^ ) for each rank above zero. For every five ranks a stack attains, a sword symbol replaces the previous four carets, so a stack at maximum experience (10 ranks) will have two swords.
* AI stacks in a garrison may gain stack experience in a turn if AI heroes elsewhere gained experience because AI stack experience is calculated slightly differently using a formula. Also, WoGify scripts options may give neutral (unowned) creature stacks experience if enabled.
Combining Experienced Stacks
If two stacks with different levels of experience are combined, their experience is averaged. For example, if you have a stack of 10 creatures with 10000 experience and combine it with a stack of 20 creatures with 1000 experience, the resulting stack of 30 creatures will have 4000 experience each: (10 * 10000 + 20 * 1000) / 30 = 4000.
Stack Experience Screen
To see a stack's experience detail screen (current and future bonuses), click or double-click (as needed) on the stack to bring up the creature information dialogue and then right-click on the creature portrait. You can do this in the hero screen, in the garrison or on the battlefield.
The stack experience screen shows a stack’s current experience, current rank, stat and special ability bonuses, any stack artifacts carried and other pertinent details. Special abilities not yet gained will have a greyed-out pictured. To see more information about a special ability, right-click on the ability. To see more stack information details, right-click on the creature portrait located in the upper-left of the stack experience screen.
Note: a stack's statistic bonuses won't be visible (other than in the experience details screen) except in combat, and special ability bonuses are not displayed in the normal creature ability window.
Editing Stack Experience Defaults
There are two text files that govern stack experience:
Crexpmod.txt - set experience needed to go up a rank and experience lost when upgrading.
Crexpbon.txt - set all stat and special ability bonuses gained at each rank.
You can find both files in the Heroes3\Data\Text Resources\Copy folder, along with text files giving full information about them. The text files must be placed in the Heroes3\Data folder to work.
The easiest way to edit the files is to open them in the latest ERM Scripter. To do this, open the file normally and then press Ctrl-Alt-Q (or click on the arrow-head next to the blue-circle-arrow icon) to reopen the file in "table mode" so that you can easily edit the columns. Once it's open in table mode, click on the arrow-head next to the icon with the double-arrow and "A" above it. This will autosize all columns.
1. Magic Wand
Description: Transforms artifacts which hero has.
Location of Wand: |
These artifacts are changed: |
Misc 1 |
Head and Neck |
Misc 2 |
Left hand and Right hand |
Misc 3 |
Left and Right ring |
Misc 4 |
Torso and Legs |
Misc 5 |
Shoulders and Misc 4 |
1. Combination Artifacts and their parts are not transformed.
2. If a slot is empty, a new artifact will not appear there.
3. Artifacts that are forbidden from appearing on a map will not appear as a replacement artifact when a transformation occurs.
2. Gold Tower
Description: Gives control of Arrow Towers to hero.
In attack:
In defense:
3. Monster’s
Description: Casts Prayer on all monsters of one kind. Every week, a new random monster is selected from the hero’s army and Prayer will be cast on ALL monsters of this type that every hero has during that week.
4. Crimson Shield of
Description: Held in the left hand, this artifact increases Defense skill by +2 and gives all creatures in a hero's ranks the ability to retaliate against creatures that cannot normally be retaliated against.
5. Dragonheart
This ancient relic summons up to [100 HP x Hero Level] dragons for
the duration of a battle (minimum one dragon). Dragon type is
random but may be influenced by terrain. In addition, dragons in a
hero's army always have positive morale.
There's 10% chance that the dragon type will be completely random
and 90% chance that the dragon type will be determined based on
terrain from the tables listed below:
6. Gate Key
Upon entering a town you own, the Gate Key gives you the option to
lock it for 5 days. Heroes can leave locked towns but no hero can
enter except by Town Portal or Castle Gate, and the town cannot be
The Gate Key will vanish when
used and returns to the hero 10 days later. A town cannot be
relocked by any Gate Key for 5 days after it becomes unlocked. If a
player is vanquished, their locked towns will be unlocked for all
players the following day.
7. Warlord's
Description: With stack experience enabled, the Warlord's Banner gives additional bonuses in combat. To equip it, drag it to the troop stack of your choice. Choose a bonus by right-clicking on the Banner in the stack's experience screen. You can change the bonus any time except in combat.
Note: if you combine two stacks that each have a Warlord’s Banner, the resulting stack will have two banners, but it will still function the same as one, and will not give an additional bonus. A stack can carry a maximum of four banners at once. To pass an equipped banner back to the hero (so it can be given to a different stack), left-click on it in the stack experience screen.
8. Barbarian Lord's
Axe of Ferocity (new combination artifact)
Description: This combination artifact consists of the Ogre's Club of Havoc, Targ of the Rampaging Ogre, Tunic of the Cyclops King, and Crown of the Supreme Magi. In addition to the regular bonuses, it grants an additional strike each round to all non-shooting creatures in a hero's army.
9. Axe of
Smashing (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +5 Attack plus +1 Attack after every 6 victorious battles.
10. Dragon Eye
Ring (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +5 Defense plus +1 Defense after every 6 victorious battles.
11. Mithril
Mail (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +12% Health plus +1% Health after every victorious battle.
12. Sword of
Sharpness (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +12% Damage plus +1% Damage after every victorious battle.
13. Pendant of
Sorcery (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +1 Magic Power plus +1 Magic Power after every 10 victorious battles
14. Boots of
Haste (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives +1 Speed plus +1 Speed after every 10 victorious battles
15. Helm of
Immortality (commander artifact)
Revives a slain Commander immediately after battle (artifact incremental bonuses are not lost).
16. Bow of
Seeking (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives "No Obstacle Penalty" plus "No Long-Range Penalty" after 25 victorious battles.
17. Dragon Eye
Ring (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives Commander Breath Attack (two squares) and Dragon nature (gets bonuses as Dragons).
18. Slava's Ring of
Power (commander artifact)
Description: When worn by a commander this artifact gives Commander all six Primary Skills at Advanced level.
Blank Artifacts:
WoG now also includes 10 new 'blank' artifacts that have no hard-coded usage or description but can be scripted through ERM. They are there for you - to finally make an artifact you always wanted to have :). You will find them in the 'artifacts' section of the editor after 'Pandora's Box'.
WoG introduces a new script engine called ERM (Event Related Model). It can be used to change many properties of creatures, objects, artifacts, etc., or to create completely new events and situations. Many such scripts have been already created and added to the game. You will find them in the 'data/s' directory in your main 'heroes 3' folder and you can activate/deactivate their possibilities through the Wogify Options menu, accessed from the scenario selection screen.
The scripts are as follows:
Script 00 - Wogify
This is the 'master script'. It gathers information from the wogify menu and activates the chosen scripts at the start of the game. It also changes some of the map's objects, creatures, resources, artifacts, etc. to different ones, so as you can play with other scripts' WoG features.
Script 01 - Map Rules
Adds rules to a map on day one. In the WoGify menu
you can chose which rules do you want/don't want or even use random
rules each time. You can chose from:
1. Fliers can't fly but instead aren't retaliated against.
2. Monster speed is inverted.
3. Monsters are half price on 7th day of week.
4. Heroes create magic plains each day.
5. All monsters attack twice.
6. Monster stacks in hero armies grow by 4% each day, to 10000
7. Most dwellings also have boars.
8. Heroes start at 5th level (+5000 experience).
9. Heroes pick up double artifacts.
10. Perpetual darkness.
11. Heroes have double movement.
12. Mines change resources once/week.
13. +1 places can be revisited each month.
14. Heroes get 9th-10th skills.
15. A hero's upgraded 7th level monsters automatically become 8th
16. Heroes gain an artifact each level.
17. Rogues attack heroes at random.
18. All creatures have a breath weapon.
19. Shooters can't shoot but instead have +50% hit points.
20. All towns have a grail (only used if no confluxes on map)
21. All towns have Warlord's Banners in front of them.
Script 02 - Artifact Boost
Makes formerly weak artifacts do something special,
usually once per week
Bird Of Perception gives 6 Royal Griffins
Pendant Of Life gives 24 Sprites
Pendant Of Death gives 12 Zombies
Targ Of The Rampaging Ogre provokes a fight with 30 Ogres
Dead Man's Boots gives Dead Man's Boots
Pendant Of Total Recall gives 1000 experience
Emblem Of Cognizance gives 15 gold per troop
Stoic Watchman reveals a large map area
Pendant Of Second Sight upgrades lowly shooters
Pendant Of Holiness gives a random holy spell
Boots Of Polarity may be traded for a one-time movement bonus
Garniture Of Interference may be traded for a magic skill
Pendant Of Dispassion gives +1 knowledge
Pendant Of Free Will upgrades golems and peasants
Diplomat's Ring may be traded to double number of first level
troops hero has
Surcoat Of Counterpoise doubles the effects of these artifacts,
where applicable
Orb Of Vulnerability gives 1 Archmage plus another per level of
Sphere Of Permanence gives 1 Mighty Gorgon plus another per 10
Statesman's Medal may be traded at a town for up to three
Orb Of Inhibition may be traded to modify a creature's
Script 03 - Secondary Skills Boost
Improves some secondary skills. You can
activate/deactivate every improvement in the WoGify menu.
Eagle Eye I - gain a choice of spell when going up a
level (1-2, 2-3, 3-4)
Scouting I - gain rogues every day (1, 3, 5) (the
speculum and spyglass increase the number of gained rogues)
Resistance I - lowers 1-3 defending enemy creature
stacks to unupgraded form for the time of the battle
Learning I - chance of extra primary skill point each
level - 20%/35%/50%
Tactics - gives +1/+2/+3 speed per skill level,
disables normal tactics
Script 04 - Arcane Tower
Arcane Towers allow a hero to redistribute his or her primary skill
If object replacement is selected, Arcane Towers may replace some
of the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines, Learning Stones, Witch
Huts, Windmills.
Script 05 - Bank, Transfer all resources button and Resource trading post
When you right-click on the icon on your town screen you will
be able to transfer or borrow resources and gold. The three options
can be activated/deactivated separately and they all require a
built marketplace in the town.
- The Loan Bank lets you loan gold and resources for a fee.
- Transfer all resources button transfers all resources including
gold and mithril to another player.
- Resource trading post lets you transfer some or all of your
resources to another player.
Script 06 - Hourglass of Asmodeus
This script adds a
new ability to the Hourglass of the Evil Hour artifact. Any hero
who has this artifact equipped prior to a battle in which he or she
is the *Attacker* will be given the opportunity to summon the Demon
Lord Asmodeus to fight the battle instead. If the player is the
defender in a combat, no option to summon Asmodeus will be
Asmodeus fights the battle (under the player's control) but with the hero's troops. He possesses good primary abilities (starting at 13) and knows useful secondary skills like Expert Wisdom, Expert Sorcery and Expert Fire Magic. He has several powerful fire spells at his disposal. If Asmodeus loses the battle, the hero is *not* lost, but will remain on the map with 3 lowly imps (a gift from Asmodeus). If Asmodeus *flees* the battle, the summoning hero will keep the remaining army. If Asmodeus wins the battle, the hero will not gain experience and will not get the artifacts of the hero beaten (Asmodeus may claim these instead). Asmodeus' primary abilities will ALL increase by 1 for each combat won. After the battle, Asmodeus takes part of the hero's soul as payment. This results in the hero losing 1 point of Power permanently. However, if the hero is down to only 1 Power, Asmodeus steals the Hourglass and sends three devils to attack the hero's soul instead.
Script 07 - Fishing Well
This adds a new function to the Magic Well
that allows any hero to go fishing there for treasure. Fishing in
the well uses up all the hero's remaining movement points for the
day. The fishing hero may snag a handful of gold coins or may reel
in a chest filled with valuable resources, an artifact or even a
deadly trap. Some of the other possibilities include monsters
emerging and attacking the hero, discovery of a tunnel system
leading to another Fishing Well, or merely some junk, like an old
boot or a mouldy cheese sandwich.
Script 08 - Junk Merchant
The Junk Merchant offers trades for 32 artifacts, mostly weak ones,
plus scrolls. He doesn't want most of the artifacts that have
abilities from the Artifact Boosts script. He only buys unequipped
artifacts, and only one copy of each artifact per visit. He usually
pays in gold, but sometimes offers to trade special things instead.
The AI accepts all trades except ones that give it creatures.
If object replacement is selected, Junk Merchants may replace some
of the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical Gardens,
Script 09 - Market of Time
The Market of Time
lets a hero forget any skill already learned (at a cost of only
2000 gold) to make room for learning a new skill instead. A hero
can only forget one skill each day.
If object replacement is selected, Markets of Times may replace
some of the following: Imp Caches, Griffin Conservatories, Rally
Flags, Prisons, Marletto Towers.
Script 10 - Magic Mushrooms
Magic Air, Water, Fire and Earth Mushrooms temporarily
grant a hero expert magic skill in the corresponding element. After
one week, the elemental magic skill returns to the hero's previous
skill level.
If object replacement is selected, Air, Water, Fire and Earth
Mushrooms may replace some of the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines,
Learning Stones, Witch Huts, Windmills.
Script 11 - Palace of Dreams
At the Palace of Dreams, all your dreams will come true! Get three
artifacts or resources of the same kind and win the JACKPOT! Only
100 gold per game. Play as often as you like each visit.
If object replacement is selected, Palaces of Dreams may replace
some of the following: Dragon Utopias.
Script 12 - Living Skull
The Living Skull can tell you
where to find a specific artifact for a small price. The first hero
to visit each week will be shown the location of a random artifact
for free.
- For 100 gold, the player will be informed if an unclaimed
artifact of the type specified exists on the map, as well as the
map level and general direction it can be found in.
- For a few precious resources, the exact location will be revealed
(e.g. 10 paces south and 16 paces east).
- For 1000 gold more, the artifact will be revealed and the shroud
covering it will be removed.
- For several Mithril (more powerful artifacts cost more), the
Living Skull will bring the artifact right to the hero.
If object replacement is selected, Living Skulls may replace some
of the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines, Learning Stones, Witch
Huts, Windmills.
Script 13 - Tavern Card Game
the adventure map Tavern with a card game that lets the hero win
gold if he or she gets lucky. In each game there will be from 2-5
players. You can choose a low or high stake which will determine
the amount of gold you can win or lose. A hero's luck increases the
odds of winning but if he or she gets too lucky or wins too many
games there are consequences. Winning the grand prize also gives
the hero a magical pendant.
If object replacement is selected, Taverns may replace some of the
following: Medusa Stores, Cyclops Stockpiles, Naga Banks, Temples,
War Machine Factories, Faerie Rings, Swan Ponds.
Script 14 - Altar of Transformation
The Altar of Transformation will
transform all troops in a hero's army into different troops of the
same level. The transformed creatures will all be native to the
hero's town type unless all troops in the hero's army are already
native. In this case, the transformed troops will all be native to
a random town type instead.
If object replacement is selected, Altars of
Transformation may replace some of the following: Medusa Stores,
Cyclops Stockpiles, Naga Banks, Temples, War Machine Factories,
Faerie Rings, Swan Ponds.
Script 15 - Mysterious Creature Dwelling
In Mysterious Creature Dwellings (MCDs), heroes may recruit seven
different stacks of creatures (only one visit per hero). The
offered creatures are calculated randomly and based on the hero's
class and the current date in the game.
If object replacement is selected, Mysterious Creature Dwellings
may replace some of the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical
Gardens, Crypts.
Script 16 - Battle Academy
The Battle Academy does three things: it can improve your Attack
and Defense skills, it can improve or teach you a new secondary
skill for 3000 gold, or for some extra gold teach you a new one if
your skill slots are full! It also sells artifacts. The skills and
artifacts are chosen randomly at the start of each players turn,
and there's only one of each available each turn. Each hero can
only buy one thing a day.
If object replacement is selected, Battle Academies may replace
some of the following: Dragon Utopias.
Script 17 - Potion Fountains
The enchanted water of three
kinds of Magic Fountain provide bonuses when drunk before a
- A Hydromel Potion from the Fountain of Fortune increases attack
and defense.
- The Berserker Potion from Valhalla's Fountain increases attack
and luck but prevents the drinker from casting spells.
- Venus's Blessing increases morale and luck.
If object replacement is selected, Valhalla Fountains may replace
some of the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines, Learning Stones,
Witch Huts, Windmills.
If object replacement is selected, Venus's Fountains may replace
some of the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical Gardens,
Script 18 - Alms House
Alms Houses help the poor and unfortunate with small gifts of gold
or resources, and possibly also skill points or experience for
heroes who are just starting out.
If object replacement is selected, Alms Houses may replace some of
the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines, Learning Stones, Witch Huts,
Script 19 - Masters of Life
Peasants and 1st level creatures of the same
town as the hero (for all town types except Necropolis) in the
hero's army become upgraded 1st level creatures at the beginning of
each turn.
Script 20 - Week of Monsters
Each week after the first is either a special
monster week or a special resource week. With this script enabled
there are no Plague weeks. Monster weeks add to the statistics and
growth of the monster during the week and resource weeks double
mine production.
The weeks follow a cycle that includes a random monster week, a
resource week, and a week for each of the remaining players in the
On a player's week, one monster that was carried by one of the
player's heroes at the start of the previous week will be picked
for this week's monster.
TIP: to see the current Monster Week at any time, right-click on
the End-Turn (hourglass) icon.
In the WoGify menu you can also cause:
- resource weeks to produce resource piles
- monster weeks to spawn wandering monsters
- monster weeks to spawn stationary monsters
- Refugee Camps to synchronize with the current monster
Script 21 - Freelancer's Guild
This adds a new function to the
Freelancer's Guild as well as placing several on the map. Guilds
will hire out stacks of freelance monsters (at good rates) that
move slowly towards enemy heroes and towns.
As time goes on in the game, the freelance monster stacks available
for hire will increase in size. The cost of hiring a stack is 25%
of the normal cost of recruitment. Stacks won't move until the
second turn after they have been hired and are unable to move
across water or between levels. If the enemy is on another map
level, the stack won't move until the enemy reaches the monster's
map level. If the freelancers are attacked by the hiring hero, they
will quickly disperse.
If object replacement is selected, Freelancer's Guilds may replace
some of the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical Gardens,
Script 22 - Monster Mutterings
This script adds random text and dialogue to
all monster stacks when they're attacked. Most of it is quite silly
and all of it is just for fun.
You can disable or enable the mutterings at any time by
right-clicking the Systems Options button and making your
selection. Disabling in this fashion only disables the mutterings
for the current player.
Note: the Script Message Disabling option must be enabled for the
disabling feature to work.
Script 23 - Sorcery Enhancement I
script enhances the Sorcery secondary skill.
- Basic Sorcery lets a hero right-click on many nearby artifacts,
treasures and other objects to discover their nature or value.
- Advanced Sorcery increases the value of resource piles and chests
that the hero picks up.
- Expert Sorcery lets a hero visit objects from a distance to gain
their benefits. These include: windmills, water wheels, mystical
gardens, star axes, gardens of revelation and learning
Script 24 - Enhanced Hint Text Script
This script enhances the information you see when you right-click on a dwelling. If you or an allied player own the dwelling, you'll be shown how many creatures are still available to be hired there. If the dwelling is unowned or owned by another non-allied player, you'll just be shown the standard information.
Script 25 - Map Options
This script sets up various map options according
to what's been chosen in the WoGify Options by the player. You can
activate/deactivate each one individually.
1. Towns start without Forts
2. Towns start without Forts only for Human Players
3. Remove all Cartographers and replace them with Covers of
4. Spell Banning (you can ban several spells individually in the
WoGify menu)
5. Artifact Banning (you can ban several artifacts individually in
the WoGify menu)
6. Towns may be renamed (click on the town name in the town
7. Universal Creature Upgrades (creatures may be upgraded in any
upg. dwellings of the same level - f.e. upgrading gremlins at upg.
centaur stables)
8. Buy All Creatures button (click on the castle icon in your town
screen, creatures are bought starting from the highest level)
9. Extended Creature Upgrades *
10. Hero Renaming (click on your hero name in the hero screen)
11. Display hero's available Movement Points (right-click on the
'move hero'icon or right-click on the movement bar next to the hero
in the hero list)
12. Display Hidden Secondary Skills (click on the experience icon
in your hero screen, you can also swap hidden skills with visible
13. Display hero's available Spell Points (right-click on the spell
point bar next to the hero in the hero list)
14. Rewriteable signs, plus display sign text when right-clicked if
already visited
15. Message Disabling (right-click on the 'system options' icon in
the adventure screen)
16. Choose Commander class when recruiting him/her
17. Enable Extension Heroes
18. Disable Autosave option
19. Select Neutral Town Types (when selected, a dialogue box
appears at map start that lets you exclude up to 8 town types for
neutral towns)
20. Build Twice a Day in Towns
21. Quick Combat option for every battle (with this option
selected, you're given the choice for each battle to use Quick
Combat, or to play out the battle normally. You may also choose a
quick combat option with no spell use.)
22. Warlord's Banner: Quick Select (Ctrl-click on the coloured flag
in the hero screen to quickly change options for all equipped
Warlord's Banners in a hero's army. You can also save current
Banner options or load previously saved Banner options from this
23. Hero and Town List Reordering (Shift-click on a hero or town in
the hero or town list to move that hero or town to the top of the
* Extended Creature Upgrades:
Some creatures without upgrades gain upgrades, and some upgraded
creatures can be further upgraded to new creatures.
In most cases you'll need to visit a Hill Fort to perform these
upgrades unless the Universal Creature Upgrades option is also
Note: Master Gremlins will upgrade to Halflings and not Santa
Gremlins if Rebalanced Creatures is also active.
Extended Upgrades List
Zealots --> War Zealots
Archangels --> Supreme Archangels
Grand Elves --> Sylvan Centaurs
Gold Dragons --> Diamond Dragons
Master Gremlins --> Santa Gremlins
Iron Golems --> Gold Golems
Gold Golems --> Diamond Golems
Titans --> Lords of Thunder
Arch Devils --> Hell Barons
Zombies --> Mummies
Ghost Dragons --> Blood Dragons
Black Dragons --> Darkness Dragons
Ancient Behemoths --> Ghost Behemoths
Chaos Hydras --> Gorynyches
Gorynyches --> Hell Hydras
Storm Elementals --> Air Messengers (Hill Forts only)
Magma Elementals --> Earth Messengers (Hill Forts only)
Energy Elementals --> Fire Messengers (Hill Forts only)
Ice Elementals --> Water Messengers (Hill Forts only)
Phoenixes --> Sacred Phoenixes
Sharpshooters --> Arctic Sharpshooters
Arctic Sharpshooters --> Lava Sharpshooters
Enchanters --> Sorceresses
Sorceresses --> Enchanters
Hell Steeds --> Nightmares
Script 26 - Artificer
Artificer is a special blacksmith who is able to upgrade or change
many of your artifacts. Upgrading an Artifact takes 100 movement
points and the Artificer is only able to upgrade or change two
Artifacts each day, but the second will be double the price. The
Artificer has an option which describes his services more in
If object replacement is selected, Artificers may replace some of
the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical Gardens,
Script 27 - Spell Book
Spell Books found on the
adventure map contain several spells of different levels. Heroes
with greater luck and wisdom may get more powerful spells.
If object replacement is selected, Spell Books may replace some of
the following: Spell Scrolls.
Script 28 - School of Wizardry
The school of wizardry does many things: it can improve your Spell
Power or Knowledge stats, it can improve or teach you a new
secondary skill for 3000 gold, or for some extra gold teach you a
new one if your skill slots are full! It can also copy spells from
scrolls to your spellbook or teach you a new spell for an amount of
gold depending of how good the spell is. Both the spells and skills
are chosen randomly at the start of each players turn, and there's
only one of each available each turn. If the hero is without a
spellbook, and wants to get a spell, it also supplies those for 250
gold. Each hero can only buy one thing each day.
If object replacement is selected, Schools of Wizardry may replace
some of the following: Imp Caches, Griffin Conservatories, Rally
Flags, Prisons, Marletto Towers.
Script 29 - New Chest I
This new
type of treasure chest will replace some regular treasure chests on
the map.
It may contain two artifacts, a choice of resources or a primary
skill point, or it could even be the option of upgrading some of
your troops. If object replacement is selected, New Treasure Chests
may replace some of the following: standard Treasure Chests.
Script 30 - Adventure Cave
There are several types of
Adventure Cave and several possible encounters within each.
Encounters include rogues, hermits, monsters and more. Adventure
Cave combats are made more interesting with custom battlefields and
setups. Some hermits will teach heroes new unique abilities after
several lessons, and Rogues can sometimes be negotiated with. These
are just a few of the exciting things you'll find in the mysterious
Adventure Caves.
If object replacement is selected, Adventure Caves may replace some
of the following: Dwarven Treasuries, Mystical Gardens,
Script 31 - New Chest II
This new
type of treasure chest will replace some regular treasure chests on
the map. It may contain gold and the choice of a spell scroll or
mana, or a choice between two comprehensive tomes of secondary
skill expert knowledge, or it could even be a deed to an unowned
If object replacement is selected, New Treasure Chest 2s may
replace some of the following: standard Treasure Chests.
Script 32 - Summoning Stones
Summoning Stones let a hero summon a single stack of troops from
any of his or her towns once per day. If the troops haven't been
bought yet, they can be purchased for the usual price. If they're
in the garrison, they're transported for free. If a player has more
than 11 towns, the additional towns will not be available through
the Summoning Stones.
If object replacement is selected, Summoning Stones may replace
some of the following: Schools of War.
Script 33 - Living Scrolls
many of the combat Spell Scrolls, giving them a chance each round
of combat (after the first) of casting their spell themselves. The
chance of a Living Scroll casting its spell is 20% times the number
of Living Scrolls equipped. Only one Living Scroll will cast its
spell each round.
The following spells are not available as Living Scrolls: adventure
spells, Animate Dead, Clone, Death Ripple, Destroy Undead, Dispel,
Resurrection, Sacrifice, Summon Elemental spells.
Script 34 - Cards of Prophecy
Whenever a hero enters battle
with the Cards of Prophecy equipped, a random effect upon the
hero's primary stats occurs, in addition to the normal luck bonus.
It can be a bonus, a penalty or a complete mix-up.
Script 35 - Mysticism Enhancement I
the Mysticism skill so it regenerates 10%, 20% or 30% of maximum
spell points each day. It can also be used to find out what the
next "Week of.." will be if the "Week of Monsters" script is
Heroes with Advanced Mysticism can learn which spells a Mage guild
will contain when fully built by right-clicking on it.
Heroes with Expert Mysticism can right-click on enemy heroes within
their scouting radius to learn about the enemy hero's skills,
artifacts, creatures and more.
Script 36 - Mithril Enhancements
Mithril can
be used to upgrade certain structures in different ways. Upgrades
available may differ based on which map rules are currently
To see your available Mithril and a list of upgrade costs,
right-click the Kingdom Overview button.
In the WoGify options you can toggle on/off also:
- Mithril Display (displays a message when Mithril is picked up and
also your total Mithril if you right-click the Kingdom Overview
- Mithril Resource Stack Replacement (some resource stacks are
replaced with Mithril)
- Windmills and Mystical Gardens may give Mithril when visited
Script 37 - Rebalanced Factions
This script aims at making the game more balanced
for different types of towns. It consists of several sections that
can be individually turned on/off in the WoGify menu.
Rebalanced Hero Abilities
(For details on what Rebalanced Hero Abilities apply to the current
hero, right-click on the hero portrait in the hero screen.)
Various hero tweaks/balances, including (SS = secondary skill):
- Estates is replaced by higher Estates or a different SS.
- Navigation heroes get Exp. Nav. + blessing bonuses.
- Heroes with Diplomacy have Leadership instead.
- Gem starts with Bless instead of Summon Boat.
- Weaker heroes have blessing bonuses, spells and/or advanced
- Creature specialty heroes give a fixed bonus.
- War machine specialists and Artillery heroes always start with
their war machine.
- Heroes who met Vori elves have an elemental SS + bonus
- Only heroes with a Logistics specialty start with Logistics.
- Logistics specialists start with less primary skills.
- Heroes that had Logistics are given an extra SS level.
- L4 spell heroes have fewer primary points and/or less powerful
- Jeddite has Blind instead of Resurrection.
- Mirlanda has skills/spells that suit her biography.
- Some heroes have a new upgrade special instead.
Some balance changes don't occur if certain other scripts are
active (Hero Specialization Boost, Estates/Eagle Eye/Resistance
scripts, Enhanced Monsters etc.) because they deal with similar
Rebalanced Starting Armies
Various starting army tweaks and balances. The aim is for a good
starting army for each hero while avoiding numbers that would give
certain heroes an overwhelming head-start in the early weeks of a
map. Some heroes have individualized starting armies based on their
biographies (as well as balance considerations) so starting armies
are a bit more varied. =)
Rebalanced Creatures
(Note: some changes don't occur when Enhanced Monsters is
Various creature tweaks and balances, including:
- Being able to upgrade Halflings to Master Gremlins (and vice
versa) at Hill Forts.
- Halfling Defense +2/Shots -10/Speed +1/Max. Damage -1 (to be
roughly similar to Master Gremlins, though Halflings keep their
luck bonus).
- Imp and Familiar Basic Growth +5.
- Gog Defense +1/Health +1/Cost +10 Gold.
- Magog Health +2/Max. Damage +1.
- Hell Hound and Cerberus Basic Growth +1.
- Horned Demon Health +5/Max. Damage +1/Cost +20 Gold.
- Pit Lord Cost -25 Gold.
- Efreet Sultan Defense +1/Health +10.
- Arch Devil Cost -600 Gold.
- Lizard Warrior Double Shot/Attack -1/Defense -2/Max. Damage -2
(decreased stats because Lizard Warrior now gets two shots).
- Wyvern Monarch Attack +2/Defense +1/Health + 20 on Day 15 and
22/Wyvern Monarch Cost + 25 Gold on Day 15 and 22.
- When Reduce Conflux Firebird/Phoenix Growth is *not* active,
Phoenix Health will be reduced by 50.
These changes are aimed at making the playing field more even for
the different factions. It also allows switching of Master
Gremlins/Halflings and Crystal/Faerie/Rust Dragons at Hill Forts at
no cost.
Script 38 - Karmic Battles
This script modifies all battles against Wandering Monsters. All Wandering Monsters will get some help from "friends". The script summons various stacks of monsters for every battle. The number of stacks, number of creatures and the level of the creatures are randomly calculated and depend on the number of Karmic Battles a single hero has already fought.
Script 39 - Hero Specialization Boost
Applies a bonus based on the hero's starting
specialty. Bonuses include better stats for their creatures for
creature specialists and randomly cast spells for spell
specialists. There are also some unique new abilities:
- All heroes with Intelligence specialization have commander with
DeathStare ability
- All heroes with Navigation specialization have commander with
flying ability
- All heroes with Ballista specialization have commander which can
- All heroes with Archery specialization cast Precision spell on
all allied units at the beginning of a battle
- All heroes with First Aid specialization cast Stone Skin spell on
all allied units except undead at the beginning of a battle
- All heroes with Fire Magic specialization cast Curse spell on all
enemy units at the beginning of a battle
- All heroes with Sorcery specialization cast Misfortune spell on
all enemy units at the beginning of a battle
- All heroes with Eagle Eye specialization let all own 1st and 2nd
level units fly in a battle
- All heroes with Mysticism specialization add 12+4*Hero level mana
to hero's mana-pool in the beginning of battle. (Remarks: After
battle amount of mana cannot be more than before battle).
- All heroes with Resistance specialization decrease 12+4*Hero
level mana from enemy hero's mana-pool in the beginning of
Does not work in multiplayer games except Hotseat. To see a Hero's
enhanced bonus, right-click on the specialty icon in the hero
screen or right-click on the top part of the hero in the combat
screen (works for both players).
Script 40 - First Money
Every player (and computer too) is given 12000 gold, 20 wood, 20 ore, 10 mercury, 10 sulfur, 10 crystals and 10 gems once at the beginning of the game.
Script 41 - Battle Extender
Changes Parameters of monsters:
- Each level 1-6 monster gets additional hit points.
- Each shooter decreases its number of shots to 3/4 of its original
- Each monster gets additional Defense.
- Each monster has reduced Speed.
Script 42 - Garrisons
This option adds guarded neutral
Garrisons to a map. Garrison frequency is chosen during map
loading. The garrisons are also protected by magic and the
defenders will grow slowly in number each week. Troops in the
garrisons vary by terrain type and most guards possess a small
stash of resources or sometimes even an artifact.
If object replacement is selected, new Garrisons may be placed on
the map.
Script 43 - Obelisk Runes
This option enhances Obelisks with a randomly selected adventure
spell. It is inscribed in runes upon the Obelisk's surface and may
be cast by any visiting hero for free. Adventure Spells that are
banned will not be found on Obelisks.
Script 44 - Emerald Tower
In the Emerald Towers dwell ancient and powerful Wizards who can
enchant a whole species of creatures to make them better...for a
price. The wizards hate to be bothered, however, and you won't even
get an appointment without paying for it with several sparkling
If object replacement is selected, Emerald Towers may replace some
of the following: Imp Caches, Griffin Conservatories, Rally Flags,
Prisons, Marletto Towers
Script 45 - Castle Upgrading
City Halls and Capitols may be upgraded to increase
daily income. Upgraded town dwellings may be upgraded to increase
troop growth.
- To upgrade the City Hall or Capitol, left-click the Hall icon
(just below the town name) in the town screen. Each Hall upgrade
costs 7000 gold plus 2 Mithril and increases daily income by 1000
- To increase growth in upgraded creature dwellings, left-click the
town picture (to the left of the town name). Each upgrade increases
growth by one. Each troop growth upgrade costs equal to the
original cost of the upgraded dwelling.
Computer players will build one upgrade of each building type per
Script 46 - Berserker Flies
Dragon Flies gain the ability to attack without retaliation, cast
Berserk on their target, and return after attacking.
Script 47 - Creature Relationships
This script causes a chance of infighting in any
hero's army that contains creatures that hate one another. These
hatreds include:
- all angels vs. all devils,
- titans and lords of thunder vs. black and darkness dragons,
- all genies vs. all efreeti,
- all orcs (including boar riders) vs. all elves (including pegasus
- all pixies vs. all imps,
- all Rampart dragons vs. all Necropolis dragons,
- all cavaliers vs. all black knights, and
- Rust Dragons vs. all gorgons
Creatures that like each-other have a chance per day to be upgraded
for free (must have both types): - monks and mages,
- archers and elves (sharpshooters don't upgrade, but help),
- griffins and rocs (firebirds don't upgrade, but help),
- efreeti and fire elementals (fire messengers help)
Script 48 - Enhanced Secondary Skills
Enhances some secondary skills. You can activate/deactivate every enhancement in the WoGify menu.
Eagle Eye II - Eagle Eye grants
the ability to counter a beneficial spell cast by the enemy. Drains
8 spell points from caster (7 with water magic skill). |
Estates I - For each level of
estates, the hero will generate: |
Luck - Luck gives each stack in a
hero's army a chance to get +2 Attack, +2 Defense for a battle. |
Mysticism II - Mysticism makes it
more difficult for an enemy to cast spells, effectively reducing
the enemy's spell points for the battle. |
Scouting II - Scouting gives a
hero a small chance for a random event for each step taken. |
Scholar - Each week a hero will
attempt to research a new spell. |
Artillery - Ballista does (1-50 +
hero level) damage to an enemy stack prior to a battle (attacker or
defender). Will not wipe out a stack. Gives Experience. Ammo Cart
adds 100% damage (more shots). Artillery skill increases the effect
of the Ballista. |
Learning II - Hero gains
experience every day. |
Armorer - Reduces the physical
damage inflicted on a hero's troops. |
Sorcery II - Sorcery increases
the damage of hero's spells. |
Resistance II - Resistance endows
a hero's troops with magic resistance. |
First Aid I - First Aid Tent
resurrects (1-50 + hero level) HP's of dead troops for the winner
of a battle (attacker or defender). Ammo Cart adds 100% HP's
(medical supplies). First Aid skill increases the effect of the
First Aid Tent. |
Script 49 - Henchmen
Allows you to select one of your creatures to act
as a Henchman and fight with your army. Left-click on player-color
flag in upper right corner of hero screen to select a new henchman
or check status.
Henchmen gain experience for each battle fought and gain levels
(indicated by increased stack quantity). They have an experience
bonus based on hero level and current day. Lower level/un-upgraded
creatures level up faster than higher level/upgraded creatures.
Dead henchmen can be resurrected in a town for a fee based on
creature cost and level. AI heroes have a (good) chance of having a
henchman of random level (based on hero level)
- henchmen gain +1 attack, +1 defense, +1 speed
- henchmen gain an additional +1 speed for every 10 levels
- henchmen gain an additional +1 attack and +1 defense for every 3
- henchmen gain +2-5 to base damage
- henchmen gain +10 to base health
Script 50 - Enhanced Monsters
Many monsters have statistics changed and
rebalanced and new abilities added. Most modified stats have been
boosted, although a few are lowered (Phoenix growth for example).
New abilities and stat changes are noted in each creature's Special
Abilities text box and are denoted in "yellow".
Key to abbreviations:
HP = health
AT = attack
DE = defense
DL = damage low
DH = damage high
SP = speed
SH = shots
L = level
"+" indicates that the stat is raised, "-" that it is lowered
Many creatures are given latent spell defenses.
Many creatures are given special attacks. (usually with no
Most neutral creatures are given strong boosts.
Some neutral creatures are aligned with towns:
Castle - War Zealot, Peasant, Halfling
Rampart - Sharpshooter, Sorceress
Tower - Arctic Sharpshooter, Enchanter, Santa Gremlin, Gold Golem,
Diamond Golem
Inferno - Nightmare, Hell Steed
Necropolis - Mummy, Ghost
Dungeon - Lava Sharpshooter, Werewolf
Stronghold - Boar, Rogue, Nomad
Fortress - Troll, Gorynych
Conflux - Messengers
Script 51 - Enhanced Commanders
*note: skill and ability descriptions in commander
screen will be inaccurate, please ignore them*
Commander statistics are calculated to new formulae. Stat numbers
in commander screen are inaccurate upon level up. Reopen commander
screen to display correct values.
Attack = base 5 + 1/2 x level
skill adds +25%,+50%,+75%,+100%,+125%
Defense = base 5 + 1/2 x level
skill adds +25%,+50%,+75%,+100%,+125%
Hit Points = base 40 + 20 x level
skill adds +25%,+50%,+75%,+100%,+125%
Damage = base 10 + 5 x level
skill adds +25%,+50%,+75%,+100%,+125%
Magic Power = base 3 + 3 x skill level
(Soul Eater = base 1 + 1 x skill level)
Magic Resistance = base 0 + 10 x skill level
Speed = base 0 + 1 x skill level
Two special abilities have been replaced:
Death Stare - Replaced with 50% chance to Poison.
Fire Shield - Replaced with expert Magic Mirror.
Commanders each start with a special ability:
paladin - endless retaliation
hierophant - magic mirror (fire shield)
temple guardian - shoot
succubus - fly
soul eater - fear
brute - no retaliation
ogre leader - block
shaman - 50% poison (death stare)
astral spirit - ignore 50% defense
Commanders (except Soul Eater) each cast an additional spell after
the original one.
paladin - bless
hierophant - mirth
temple guardian - prayer
succubus - bloodlust
brute - stone skin
ogre leader - counterstrike
shaman - fortune
astral spirit - protection from all elements
Commanders (except Astral Spirit) can now be resurrected.
Astral Spirit "Banish" ability now returns creatures after
Commander stones now give skills:
opal - gives random special ability
ruby - gives either +1 to Attack skill or Damage skill
sapphire - gives either +1 to Defense skill or Hit Points skill
emerald - gives either +1 to Magic skill or Speed skill
Script 52 - Mirror of the Home-Way
This building works as a 'Town Portal' spell for 1000 coins.
If object replacement is selected, Mirrors of the Home-Way may
replace some of the following: Schools of War
Script 53 - Dungeon of the Dragon Master
All Dragon Utopias on a map are now guarded by Darkness Dragons. If
the "Hero's upgraded level 7 creatures become level 8" map rule is
enabled, there will be 8..20, and if not enabled, 3..12.
Rewards for winning are:
- 2...5 Relics
- 3 Minor or Major artifacts
- Choice of 20000...50000 Gold or 10000...25000 Experience
Script 54 - Enhanced War Machines I
- Level based (upgrade in town). Restricted to hero
level (maximum)
- catapult shoots 2-8 fireballs per combat
- ballista, first aid tent, ammo cart increase hit points/level
- ballista decreases target's speed (1-3 based on skill level)
- ballista increases damage / level
- first aid tent increase healing points and resurrection
- ammo cart gives spell points/combat turn (level dependent)
- trade between heroes disabled
- magic book info
- enable/disable any of your war machines (4) in combat (you can
choose to have them in combat or not)
Script 55 - Enhanced War Machines II
Ballista now deals double base damage
First Aid Tent now resurrects troops after healing
Limits additional Ballistas/First Aid Tents to two
Ammo Cart gives +10 movement points per step
All war machines cost 1000 gold
First Aid Tent has 150 health
Ammo Cart has 150 health
Catapult has 300 health
Heroes with Ballistics skill can:
- target creatures with catapults during normal combat
- field a number of catapults equal to their skill level
- have catapults inflict a death stare-like "critical hit" (chance
= .5% x hero level x catapults)
Script 56 - Metamorphs
When enabled, Earth Messengers become Metamorphs. Metamorphs
randomly transform themselves in combat into other monster types
just prior to their first action. The new type is random but the
Metamorph stack's total health will not exceed the total health of
the creature they turn into.
A Metamorph stack will also transform when it kills an enemy stack
on its turn (but not if it kills the enemy stack with a retaliation
attack). After combat, the remaining Metamorphs will change back
into their normal Metamorph state.
Script 57 - Neutral Units
Several enhancements for neutral units. they all
can be individually activated/deactivated in the WoGify menu.
*** Neutral Unit Bonuses
Adds +1 Attack, +1 Defense, plus an additional +1 Attack, +1
Defense, and +6-6.99% Health for every 4 game days. This results in
approximately +2 Attack, +2 Defense and +10.5-12.25% Health every
week, but note that the Health bonus only applies to creatures with
a starting Health of 15 or higher (also, all units that will reach
15 health will receive approximately +2 Attack, +2 Defense and
+10.5-12.25% Health every week; e.g.: centaurs, pikemen).
Also gives Bless to all neutral units each week. In addition,
neutral shooting units will be enchanted with Precision.
The following neutral units will also be enchanted with Magic
Mirror: Genies, Master Genies, Efreeti, Efreet Sultans, Ogre Magi
and Santa Gremlins.
The following neutral units will also be enchanted with Air Shield:
Skeletons, Skeleton Warriors, Air Elementals, Storm Elementals,
Wights, Wraiths, Ghosts, Bone Dragons and Ghost Dragons.
The following neutral units will also be enchanted with Fire
Shield: Fire Elementals, Energy Elementals, Firebirds and
The following neutral units will gain immunity to Mind spells:
Angels, Archangels, Supreme Archangels, Devils, Arch Devils, Hell
Barons, Behemoths, Ancient Behemoths, Ghost Behemoths, Hydras,
Chaos Hydras, Hell Hydras.
The following neutral units will gain immunity to Fire school
spells: Devils, Arch Devils, Hell Barons.
A "neutral unit" is defined as a monster stack on the map or any
other unowned monster that you do battle with when visiting an
adventure map site or neutral town.
*** Neutral Stack Size
All neutral monster stacks on the adventure map will be adjusted so
that they contain more creatures.
Starting with more creatures will also effectively result in them
growing faster, although the actual weekly rate of growth remains
Formula is:
Level 1 Units: 30-50 +10% per week
Level 2 Units: 30-40 +10% per week
Level 3 Units: 30-50 +10% per week
Level 4 Units: 50 + 10% per week
Level 5 Units: +50 + 10% per week
Level 6 Units: 50 + 10% per week
Level 7 Units: 20-30 + 10% per week
Level 8 Units: +20 + 10% per week
*** Neutral Stack Experience
Neutral units will be experienced when you do combat with them.
Their rank will depend on their level, the game date and the player
difficulty level chosen.
Level 1 and 2 neutral units will have one rank of experience for
every week of game play at Normal game difficulty. Level 3-4 units
will have one rank for every two weeks, level 5-6 will have one
rank for every three weeks, and level 7+ will have one rank for
every four weeks.
Higher game difficulties will increase the rate. For example, at
Impossible difficulty, a level 7 unit will have one rank for every
12 game days.
Easy difficulty doubles the interval of Normal difficulty, so
neutral units will gain ranks considerably slower.
However, regardless of the game date or level, neutral units will
never be more than 1 rank higher than the attacking hero's level.
So a level 1 hero will never face anything higher than a rank 2
neutral unit in combat.
A "neutral unit" is defined as a monster stack on the map or any
other unowned monster that you do battle with when visiting an
adventure map site.
*** Neutral Town and Creature Bank Growth
Neutral Town Guards grow by 10% each week per stack (minimum +1),
and gain higher level creatures if an empty guard slot is
available. There's also a 10% chance per stack each week that a
guard stack will be upgraded.
Neutral Creature banks also grow by 10% each week per stack
(minimum +1), and empty slots will be soon be filled with
additional creatures. Creature Banks also acquire a Commander of
the associated town type, and their resources grow at a rate of 10%
every 3 weeks (minimum +1).
After 28 days, a defeated Creature Bank will respawn, but
beware--sometimes the creatures are more powerful than before
(especially Dragon Utopias!).
Script 58 - Scouting III - Espionage
option gives heroes who know the scouting skill the ability to
train spies. Spies can then infiltrate enemy towns where they can
fulfill different operations (thefts, sabotage, assassinations,
status report), or they can be sent to the owner's towns to protect
them from enemy spies (higher chance of enemy spies being exposed).
Assignments depend on the level of scouting. Each hero can have
only one spy at a time. Computer players cannot use spies.
To give commands to your operatives, right-click on the Scouting
*icon* in the hero screen.
Script 59 - Piercing Shot
This option changes the special ability of the
Marksmen from "shooting twice" to "piercing shot". This shot does
half damage to an enemy stack behind the targeted stack. In
addition, Marksmen gain +1 attack, +1 defense, reduce their
target's defense by 3+20%, and do 2-5 damage, however their shots
is reduced to 12. An Air Shield spell on the primary target
neutralizes the piercing bolt.
Also, the name of Archers is changed to Crossbowmen and their
ranged attack reduces the target's Defense by 10% (minimum
reduction of 1).
Script 60 - Forgotten Shrine
When praying at the altar in the
Forgotten Shrine, the hero's troops receive a random beneficial
spell applied to all friendly stacks at expert level for 50 turns
in the next battle (even non-group spells are applied to all). The
hero's movement points are reduced to 0 after a visit. Every hero
can have only one blessing at a time.
If object replacement is selected, Forgotten Shrines may replace
some of the following: Shrines of Magic Gesture, Shrines of Magic
Thought and Idols of Fortune
Script 61 - Enhanced Protection From the Elements
The Protection from Fire, Protection from Air,
Protection from Water and Protection from Earth spells give
protection against non-damage spells (like Slow, Curse, etc.). The
chance of resisting such a spell depends on your proficiency at the
element your troops are protected from (i.e., your Air, Earth, Fire
or Water Magic skill level)
* None - 20%
* Basic - 33%
* Advanced or Expert - 50%
Note: The protection works for non-group spells only.
Script 62 - Split Decision
During combat, an army commanded by a hero may
split a stack into two stacks by ctrl-clicking on the active stack.
Each stack may only be split once per combat. War Machines,
Metamorphs and creatures that join a battle after it has started
(e.g., summoned Elementals) cannot be split. After the battle,
split stacks will recombine.
You may also combine two adjacent stacks of the same type during
combat by ctrl-clicking on the adjacent stack on the acting stack's
Script 63 - Passable Terrain
With this option enabled, mountains, trees, flowers
and most other terrain can be moved through, but at a slower rate
than normal movement. Pathfinding reduces the cost of moving
through these terrain obstacles.
There are dangers, however. When moving through trees, you may be
ambushed. When moving through mountains, you may lose troops to a
deadly landslide. Skills such as Pathfinding, Scouting and Luck can
help avoid landslides, and Scouting will sometimes let you spot an
ambush in advance.
In addition, to prevent heroes from sneaking up and grabbing
treasures from monsters *too* easily, the monsters on the map will
now attack if any treasure they're adjacent to is picked up, even
if that wouldn't normally have triggered a combat. Treasures
include treasure chests, resource piles, artifacts, and camp
WARNING: this option significantly changes the way Heroes plays so
be prepared for a very different game. Take care where you move;
the pathfinder will indicate the shortest route, even through trees
and mountains, but doesn't know you'll be moving slower.
Script 64 - Scriptlets
Several small scripts that can be turned on/off
individually in the WoGify menu. They mostly enhance certain
*** Transfer Owner
Enables ownership transference of own heroes, towns, mines,
dwellings, lighthouses, shipyards and garrisons to any active
color, incl. none.
Right-click on chat bar to activate/deactivate, then right-click on
a flagged object you own.
*** Rampart Faerie Dragon
All Ramparts exchange their lvl 7 dragons for:
1 Faerie Dragon per week (instead of 2 Green Dragons)
1 Diamond Dragon per week (instead of 2 Gold Dragons)
*** Reduced Conflux Firebird/Phoenix Growth
If Castle and Pyre built, Conflux only produces 3 Firebirds/Phoenix
per week (instead of 4).
Note 1: The bottom-left picture in the town screen will still
indicate standard growth, as will the castle screen.
Note 2: If Enhanced Monsters is also active, this option will
reduce Firebird/Phoenix Growth to only one per week.
*** Advanced Witch Huts
Heroes can refuse the skill offer or get it advanced for 3000 gold
or even forget that skill altogether.
*** Estates Enhanced II
Gives further 25/50/100 Gold per 10,000
experience each day (max +2000 gold/day, lvl 25) and gives out
additional resources depending on skill expertise and hero
Lvl 10+ hero with Expert Estates might even choose resource type.
Click on skill description *and* on skill icon in hero screen to
get further details.
*** First Aid Enhanced II
The First Aid skill summons and gives control
over additional First Aid Tents (# of tents = hero level). It also
casts an automatic Cure spell each healing, based on First Aid
Expertise and number of Tents.
First Aid Specialty temporarily gives hero knowledge of Cure,
Animate Dead and Resurrection spells each battle.
*** Warfare (Artillery/Ballistics/First Aid)
Combines the three war machines skills Artillery, Ballistics and
First Aid into a single "Warfare" skill.
Gives hero control over all three war machines and standard SoD
abilities from all three skills. Advancing one skill will advance
the others.
Careful: will become insanely powerful if you simultaneously use
other WoGify enhancements for those skills.
Script 65 - Monolith Toll
Normally with two-way liths there is no cost for
quite high reward: to be able to visit many areas of the map and
gain access to non-guarded items and map locations. It seems to
make sense to have some sort of cost for using two-way liths, even
if not extravagant. One-way liths will continue to be free, as they
are not susceptible to being used over and over again like two-way
liths are.
The cost to use a two-way lith is 100 gold per week for human
players and 50 gold per week for AI players, but if the AI has no
gold, it will still be able to use the lith.
Script 66 - Commander Witch Huts
Witch Huts will give bonus skills and abilities to Commanders as
well as to the Hero.
Script 67 - Neutral Town
Conflux Town troops are replaced with a selection
of neutral creatures. Also, Conflux Heroes will have low-level
neutral troops instead of regular Conflux troops and the might
Conflux Heroes have new specialties.
Neutral Town Troops:
Level 1 non-upgraded: Halflings
Level 1 upgraded: Rogues
Level 2 non-upgraded: Boars
Level 2 upgraded: Nomads
Level 3 non-upgraded: Fire Messengers
Level 3 upgraded: Air Messengers
Level 4 non-upgraded: Werewolves
Level 4 upgraded: Trolls
Level 5 non-upgraded: Sorceresses
Level 5 upgraded: Enchanters
Level 6 non-upgraded: Hell Steeds
Level 6 upgraded: Nightmares
Level 7 non-upgraded: Gorynyches
Level 7 upgraded: Rust Dragons
Note: creature growth and costs of some of the Neutral Town
creatures have been adjusted to better fit their new levels. Fire
and Air Messengers have adjusted stats and gain the double-strike
ability. Air Messengers can also fly.
Script 68 - New Battlefields
New Battleground pictures will often be used in
combat. This has no affect on the battles but adds some visual
Note: new PCX files are required for this script. If you have the
script but not the graphics, you won't see new battlefields.
Script 69 - Custom Alliances
You may set custom alliances before the first turn.
Script 70 - Death Chamber
Death Chambers are a new type of creature bank where you must fight
the Undead King and his minions.
If object replacement is selected, Death Chambers may replace some
of the following: Level 1 Magic Shrines, Learning Stones, Witch
Huts, Windmills
Script 71 - Enhanced Artifacts
Caution: If you also enable Artifact Boost, some
artifacts will gain two bonuses and may become too powerful.
Any spells cast are at Basic level and some of the artifacts have
been re-classed.
Pendant Of Life gives living troops HP based on level {Major}
Pendant Of Death gives undead +5 Att/Def +1 Spd {Major}
Pendant Of Total Recall casts mass Precision {Minor}
Pendant Of Second Sight casts mass Air Shield {Minor}
Pendant Of Holiness casts mass Bless {Major}
Pendant Of Dispassion casts mass Bloodlust {Minor}
Pendant Of Free Will casts mass Stoneskin {Minor}
Orb Of Vulnerability casts mass Disease
Orb Of the Firmament casts mass Prot. from Air
Orb Of Silt casts mass Prot. from Earth
Orb Of Tempestuous Fire casts mass Prot. from Fire
Orb Of Driving Rain casts mass Prot. from Water
Collar of Conjuring increases spell damage by 5%
Ring of Conjuring increases spell damage by 10%
Cape of Conjuring increases spell damage by 15%
Ring of the Magi increases spell damage by 20% (total of 50%)
Sphere Of Permanence adds 10 HP to hero's non-living troops
Dead Man's Boots upgrade Skeletons
Vampire's Cowl upgrades Vampires
Amulet of the Undertaker upgrades Walking Dead
Centaur's Axe upgrades Centaurs
Shield of the Dwarven Lords upgrades Dwarves
Breastplate of Petrified Wood upgrades Dendroid Guards
Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn upgrades Unicorns
New combination artifact (above 4 artifacts)
Garb of the Forest Lord: gives creatures every week
Statesman's Medal reduces aggression by 1 {Treasure}
Ring of the Diplomat reduces aggression by 1 {Treasure}
Ambassador's Sash reduces aggression by 1 {Treasure}
New combination artifact (above 3 artifacts)
The Vestments of Authority: aggression is reduced by 1
Ring of Life {Treasure}
Vial of Lifeblood {Treasure}
*** Enhanced Commander Artifacts
Commander artifacts can be worn by heroes granting two random
abilities (as well as functioning normally).
+1 to +5 Primary Stat bonus (1, 2, or all 4 stats depending on
artifact type).
Add one rank to a random secondary skill (if this puts you at
expert, the bonus is permanent).
Script 72 - Random Hero
There is a 25% chance that a random hero will appear on the monsters' side and help them fight. If the Enhanced War Machines III script is enabled, the number of war machines of the random hero depends on the strength of the monsters.
Script 73 - Enhanced War Machines III
Every hero can carry more than one war machine. War machines can be obtained from towns and war machine factories. With the first aid tent the player can resurrect creatures if their stack on the battlefield is not completely killed. The ammo cart gives spell points each round equal to the number of ammo carts the hero owns.
Script 74 - Summon Elementals
Heroes can summon elementals permanently for their
army (when not in combat) if the hero knows the corresponding spell
and has enough spell points to cast the spell. The spell points
required for spell casting is ten times more than it would be on
the battlefield, but the number of elementals remains the same.
Summoning is allowed only once per day.
To summon elementals permanently in the adventure screen, select
the hero and right-click on the Spell Book icon.
Script 75 - Abbreviated Skill Descriptions
Abbreviated skill descriptions will be displayed
when right-clicking on secondary skills.
This option is for players who prefer to view abbreviated
descriptions instead of the standard Heroes 3 paragraph-format
descriptions. It's especially useful if you have multiple skill
enhancements enabled; the standard paragraph text can be quite long
and cumbersome.
Script 76 - Commander Sanctuary
The Sanctuary will revive a dead Commander for a small resource
If object replacement is selected, Sanctuaries may replace some of
the following: Imp Caches, Griffin Conservatories, Rally Flags,
Prisons, Marletto Towers
You will be able to find new creature banks in the 'new' Erathia. They are quite similar to the existing ones but often contain unusual prizes.
Transylwanian Tavern
30% chance for a fight with 10 Vampires for 1500 gold and 3 Vampire
30% chance for a fight with 15 Vampires for 2500 gold and 5 Vampire
30% chance for a fight with 20 Vampires for 3500 gold and 7 Vampire
10% chance for a fight with 30 Vampires for 5000 gold and 9 Vampire
Home of the Bat
30% chance for a fight with 10 Vampires for 2 gems, 2 sulfur, 2
mercury, 2 crystals and 3 Vampire Lords
30% chance for a fight with 15 Vampires for 3 gems, 3 sulfur, 3
mercury, 3 crystals and 5 Vampire Lords
30% chance for a fight with 20 Vampires for 4 gems, 4 sulfur, 4
mercury, 4 crystals and 7 Vampire Lords
10% chance for a fight with 30 Vampires for 5 gems, 5 sulfur, 5
mercury, 5 crystals and 9 Vampire Lords
30% chance for a fight with 6 Evil Eyes and 6 Harpy Hags for 1000
gold and 20 ore
30% chance for a fight with 8 Evil Eyes and 8 Harpy Hags for 1000
gold and 25 ore
30% chance for a fight with 10 Evil Eyes and 10 Harpy Hags for 1500
gold and 30 ore
10% chance for a fight with 12 Evil Eyes and 12 Harpy Hags for 2000
gold and 35 ore
Snow-covered Grotto
30% chance for a fight with 10 Iron Golems and 40 Master Gremlins
for 500 gold and 15 ore
30% chance for a fight with 12 Iron Golems and 60 Master Gremlins
for 500 gold and 20 ore
30% chance for a fight with 14 Iron Golems and 80 Master Gremlins
for 500 gold and 30 ore
10% chance for a fight with 16 Iron Golems and 100 Master Gremlins
for 1000 gold and 40 ore
Lost Bottle
30% chance for a fight with 10 Master Genies for 2 gems, 2 sulfur,
2 mercury, 2 crystals and 3 Master Genies
30% chance for a fight with 15 Master Genies for 3 gems, 3 sulfur,
3 mercury, 3 crystals and 5 Master Genies
30% chance for a fight with 20 Master Genies for 4 gems, 4 sulfur,
4 mercury, 4 crystals and 7 Master Genies
10% chance for a fight with 30 Master Genies for 5 gems, 5 sulfur,
5 mercury, 5 crystals and 9 Master Genies
Haunting Lodge
30% chance for a fight with 6 Dendroid Guards and 8 Elves 500 gold
and 15 wood
30% chance for a fight with 8 Dendroid Guards and 12 Elves 500 gold
and 20 wood
30% chance for a fight with 10 Dendroid Guards and 16 Elves 500
gold and 25 wood
10% chance for a fight with 12 Dendroid Guards and 20 Elves 1000
gold and 40 wood
The game now includes a set of additional objects which do not have any built-in function but can be programmed by the map-maker through ERM scripting to be whatever he or she wants them to be. Of course, even without scripting, these objects can be used for decorative purposes on any map. You can find the majority of such objects in the castle objects section in the WoG map editor. ERM scripts for these and other objects can be specially developed for a given map or pre-made scripts can be used, such as the ones which can be found on the WoG web site.
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