Covenant Town (21.7 MB)
(Author: Kegolo. Introduces new town from Halo series as the optional replacement for Conflux)
Heroes Chronicles (RUS, 4.77 MB)
(Author: AKUHAK. Official 3DO campaignes)
Human Castle (5.69 MB)
(Author: Bisik. Modified Castle town)
New Interface Mod (10.8 MB)
(Author: FCst1 and NI team. New-style interface)
New Interface Mod: Rampart (3.92 MB)
(Author: FCst1, Morn and NI team. Modified Rampart screens, heroes and 1 creature)
Original Interface (89 KB)
(Author: AKUHAK. Brings back SoD/Complete original interface and campaignes)
Original Scripts (475 KB)
(Author: WoG Team. Original and in some degree stable 3.58f scripts)
Phoenix Mod 3.61 (17.1 MB)
(Author: Berserker and Bes. Complex mod with a lot of gameplay changes)
Portraits Manager (0.97 MB)
(Author: Bes. Left click on hero portrait to change the portrait. Free collection of more than 100 portraits)
The Dragon Slaughter (636 KB)
(Author: Woodmelon and Yunings. Translated by: Jim Vogan and Valery. Complex map with a lot of new features)
The Dragon Slaughter: JV Edition (1.06 MB)
(Author: Jim Vogan. Introduced some radical changes to the original map)
The EMPIRE of the WORLD IV (10 MB)
(Author: Valery. The first and the only first-class ERM-driven XXL map)
Star Gates: Atlantis (135 MB)
(Author: Valery and Jim Vogan. XXL rpg map/mod on Star Gates thematics with totally new world/towns/heroes and abilities, recreating the atmosphere of original series)
Era thread
Halflings (202 KB)
(Author: Vlaad. Replaced rampart creatures and heroes. The heroes got new specialties)
New Objects Patch v1.9 (14.6 MB)
(Author: Black Phantom, FCst1, Valery and others. More than 2400 objects for map editor)
HoL v3.1: Crimson Tides expansion (22.2 MB)
(Author: Hero_of_Light. New creatures, artifacts, rebalanced towns, new heroes specialties, custom campaign, etc.
Requires: New Objects Patch)
Advanced Levels | Sagamosa (19.4 MB)
(Author: Sagamosa. Requires: Era 2.21+. Outstanding mod which implements 4 unique advanced levels per every class of heroes. Tons of code and new features. Left click on hero portrait to activate AL menu)
New Commanders Pack (4.19 MB)
(Author: itsjustme & Valery. Replaces all commanders with new outstanding models)
New Music Pack (68.5 MB)
(Author: DANZA. Replaces all Heroes3 mp3 music with samples from other games)
New Sounds Pack (6.29 MB)
(Author: DANZA. Replaces many interface and battle sounds)
Unmounted Heroes (1.13 MB)
(Author: Valery. All heroes now move on foot!)
New Upgrades (6.63 MB)
(Author: Acid Dragon. Each town will have one extra building allowing to have 3 additional upgrades per town. Look at Mods\New Upgrades\readme.txt for details)
Vallex Portraits (1.12 MB)
(Author: vallex. All heroes obtain new beautiful portraits)
Unhotify (1.69 MB)
(Author: Berserker. Removes Hota's elements from Era)
Composed objects and NPC (61.8 MB)
(Author: Valery. Brings 1876 nice objects for adventure map)
XXL (93.2 KB)
(Author: AlexSpl. Adds XXL maps support)
300 Spartans (32 MB)
(Author: Valery. Complex role playing map, a tribute to the bravery of a few men)
Era thread
Heroes 2 Objects (1.64 MB)
(Author: Gnollking. Beautiful objects for map editor from legendary Heroes 2)
Heroines (8.7 MB)
(Author: Zbigniew. Beautiful commanders from Heroes 4)
HoL v3.2: Tales of Amadar Expansion (49.3 MB)
(Author: Hero_of_Light. New creatures, artifacts, rebalanced towns, heroes specialties, etc.)
The King In Yellow (4.2 MB)
(Author: Jim Vogan. An RPG fantasy map, based somewhat on the "King in Yellow" stories by Robert Chambers, with influences from Lord Dunsany also)