Internet/Gaming Cafe in New York

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Internet/Gaming Cafe in New York

Unread postby Justice » 10 Aug 2009, 00:00

Hello folks. I'm on a trip in New York with a music group I'm a member of, and one of the other players and I are getting withdrawal symptoms from a lack of gaming.

Therefore I was wondering, do you know where some Internet/gaming cafe in New York is? Being close to Times Square is definitely to be preferred and even better if it has Heroes III, but we need our fix and therefore anything can be used!

Please, we are getting desperate here! We might end up on a Playstation or something :beg:

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Re: Internet/Gaming Cafe in New York

Unread postby Shyranis » 10 Aug 2009, 00:30

Justice wrote:Hello folks. I'm on a trip in New York with a music group I'm a member of, and one of the other players and I are getting withdrawal symptoms from a lack of gaming.

Therefore I was wondering, do you know where some Internet/gaming cafe in New York is? Being close to Times Square is definitely to be preferred and even better if it has Heroes III, but we need our fix and therefore anything can be used!

Please, we are getting desperate here! We might end up on a Playstation or something :beg:
No laptops in your whole group? =(

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