
The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Elvin » 27 Mar 2007, 08:26

Well, they've had considerable time to practice :D
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Unread postby Logan Warbringer » 01 Apr 2007, 01:13

Got the following bug (HoF, 2.0) - game started to crush during battle. I have HoF installed for three months and this never happened until yesterday. What is more interesting - the same thing was reported by one of my friends, who has the same addon too, and he also said it began two or three days ago. The game crushes when a unit, mine or enemy, begins its move, and usually happens during 2nd or 3rd round (never the first one).

P.S. It's not the April 1st joke

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Unread postby Cyanight » 10 Apr 2007, 17:59

Killing a gated stack can crash the game. (Inferno campaign only?. At least C2M3 and it was always when a gated Hell Hound was killed. Several others reported it happening in map 5.)
This bug happens everytime that a contingency is placed upon the death of the gated creature. If you use "Mark of the Damned" and it kills a gated creature then the game will crash because the game cannot continue with the "Mark of the Damned" trigger.

*This happens every time I tried it.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 20 Apr 2007, 21:07

I have every patch and HoF installed
STILL! The rough estimatement of the neutral stack numbers (few, several, lot, pack etc) aint shown and it shows sev. not several, I get a deja vu here...pityful laziness of those patchmakers sez I. And I doubt the sev. mod or whatever it was called would work with 2.1 since its not mod friendly after what I heard. Anyone have the same problemo?

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Crashing in Falcon's Last Flight

Unread postby magritte2 » 27 Apr 2007, 02:23

I've been playing the "custome game" scenario Falcon's last flight. When I'm besieging the city you have to capture, the game crashes to desktop when I've nearly won the battle--in the last game it occurred when he had only five archangels left. I'm not sure if it's related to a cut scene, or the archangels trying to raise dead (maybe they don't have spell points because of the imps?), or maybe the AI wants to flee even though it's a castle battle? Anyone else seen this problem?

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Unread postby Mondo » 29 Apr 2007, 19:10

In "custom" maps (I've only played the preloaded ones) whenever my gated imps die the game crashes.

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Unread postby HeroesFan69 » 30 Apr 2007, 20:07

t seems the game picks an event and at random, and every time I do the chosen event, the game crashes, no matter which computer I use.

HoF, I have the most recent patch. Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS on the better one, no problem there. Other is a 7800. Both have updated drivers.

A few examples:
--Every time I attack certain neutral pack of berserkers, after tactics mode is over it crashes. All other stacks of berserkers can be attacked just fine.
--Every time I pass by a certain tile beside a magic shrine.
--Every time during a specific battle (even if I make events unfold differently during the battle, it will happen.)
--Just had to quit, since every time red takes his turn, I crash.

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Unread postby Elvin » 30 Apr 2007, 21:56

Strange, it has never happened to me and I have played 2.1 quite a bit.
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Unread postby jerseys » 12 May 2007, 23:02

If you leave your creatures out of combat, they will be lost at the end of it (if using certain mods only?)
I'm disconfirming it. I left come creatures out of the combat but never experianced it.

I think that half of the bugs in this thread are due to the mods. I think that's why Nival disabled them in 2.1

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 12 May 2007, 23:34

Well bugs depend on PC configs too, so just cause it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not real.

Heck, most programmers say that reporting a bug is useless unless you give them enough info to duplicate it...
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Unread postby jerseys » 13 May 2007, 18:09

ThunderTitan wrote:Well bugs depend on PC configs too, so just cause it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not real.

Heck, most programmers say that reporting a bug is useless unless you give them enough info to duplicate it...
I didn't mean it's not real. I was just doing the opposite of confirming. That way I give info that if it's a real bug, it happens rearly, so it may be very hard to reproduce. Just trying to help out.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 01 Jun 2007, 18:33

Ok I met an weird bug today, just finished the map Unequal conditions. I were the green player. Had captured all towns, then the last red hero which had none attacked my mighty castle and army with blood furies. I won in theoretically. But the end result showed me another story...I got defeated....*sigh* Got defeated when I in fact won...jeeez can it get worse?

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Unread postby Toejam » 03 Jun 2007, 14:54

Everytime i play a game created in the RMG (HOF,playing hot-seat)it crashes when my town is attacked, no mather where or what time in the game, the first time one of our towns are attecked it crashes (3rd or 4rth round i think) :S
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another bug

Unread postby tumorbane » 28 Jun 2007, 03:56

HOF 2.1 Dwarf campaign. I think mission 2 "The ambush" I think it's called. Completed objectives of taking the castle, flagging the dwarf generators, and the secondary objective of flagging all gold mines. Problem is the next objective is to repel the attack....but it never comes. I waited it out for a game year. This is my 2nd time through the campaign and it was no problem last time...in fact I remember the attack coming a bit before I was ready.

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Unread postby Kildars » 08 Jul 2007, 22:28

I have the same problem as described above.
This is my second run with game patched to 2.1. In the 2nd mission of dwarven campaign "The Ambush" after completing the first 2 primary and the secondary objectives the empire force doesn't appear...
Seems human forces are tired of warfare as I am......

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Pit Lords fireballed themselves

Unread postby Grail Quest » 22 Jul 2007, 09:29

I experienced this today, and only in HOF. The same campaign (The Queen, mission 4, The Trap) played in regular HOMM5 did not have this issue.

I am fighting a neutral stack of Pit Lords, and fielded only Imperial Griffins. They separated into 4 stacks of 4, and combat begins.
I send the Imperial Griffins up immediately to hit one of the end stacks. When the Griffins were absent from the battlefield, all stacks of Pit Lords used their Fireball on the same space directly in front of the target stack of Pit Lords. This kept up until the Griffins landed.
Griffins go up again, this time aiming for a different stack. Pit Lords do the same, this time to the new target. Griffins land, and the Pit Lords apparently have no more mana, so they hoof it toward the Griffins.

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Skirmisher kills result in game crash

Unread postby lord_demion » 03 Aug 2007, 19:07

Hello All,

Since I'm ready to start hunting the ubisoft tech support team down in thier sleep I figured I'd see if anyone has any suggestiong for the following problem...

HOF 2.1 - Whenever I encounter skirmishers and hit them/kill them there is a chance the system will crash to the desktop. I have upgraded every driver known to mankind so do not suggest any upgrades... I effectively can not play the game because it is far too likley that skirmishers will be encountered and if they are in the way of something important I might as well quit immediately.

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Unread postby Pfeffersack » 12 Aug 2007, 09:33

Shauku wrote:Master of conjuration doesn't add +4 to casting Summon Elemental spell. Neither does Elemental Waistband give that +4 bonus to casting it.
I can confirm that Master of Conjuration is not working - the number of elementals summoned is still the base spell power of the hero, the +4 are not added.

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Minotaurs versus Blood Furies

Unread postby Grail Quest » 29 Aug 2007, 14:30

If you field only Minotaurs against multiple stacks of Blood Furies, the Blood Furies will Defend for 2 of their actions before moving.

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Unread postby Mirez » 15 Oct 2007, 10:32

in tote, creatures will scream and be happy and stuff when one of their own creatures has died
yesterday a stack of wraiths died out, and my sceletons were drumming their shields and stuff

any1 has this aswell?
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