Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby eerookah » 08 Oct 2022, 16:57

Bug for dragon ability: I saw from searching that dragon ability is supposed to govern melee attacks as well as ranged, but as dragons, no matter what their skills, two of my characters ALWAYS do 1-3 damage. Even with the unarmed skill. I love having dragon melee as separate but it appears like those abilities do not affect the melee, and so essentially dragons are useless up close.

edit: I'm playing the merge Revamp (master) branch

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby darkdill » 09 Oct 2022, 04:54

Need to ask something regarding the Monsters.TXT file.

When assigning spells to creatures, I'm confused as to whether something should be like this:
Or like this:
I ask because several entries in the file seem to fluctuate between the two. Does it depend on which realm the creature comes from?

Also, on a different subject, it feels like my Minotaur with Axe GM never lands his "Cut enemy AC in half" effect no matter how high his Axe skill is, or at least it doesn't show via ID Monster. But when I cast Dark Grasp on a target, it shows the effect. Is Axe GM bugged or does it just not show?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby TartamPuan » 11 Oct 2022, 08:17

Hello. I love this mod and was practically able to get it working I only have one little localization problem. When installing the Polish language (I know that you need to rename the files to make it work - add the letter "n" at the beginning) there is a problem with the game in arcomage taverns. The game just crashes. After deleting the file "02 LocPL.D.lod" all the code is available, there are Polish texts, of course, without Polish icons. I also tested the French localization and everything works here (no crashes when playing arcomage). There is definitely a problem with the file "02 LocPL.D.lod". Is there any chance of fixing this?

Im using MM678_Merged_2022_08_30_nomedia with MM678_Merged_media_2021 and nothing more.

ps. I fixed it myself. The problem was with the file "sprites.pcx" in the archive "02 LocPL.D.lod". I checked with file "sprites.pcx" from the French version and it worked. So I unpacked the polish version of this file, opened "sprites.pcx" PL and FR file in Corel and found no differences. But when I copied the image from PL and overwritten the FR version, it already worked after uploading it in the archive. If the corrected lod archives are needed, please let me know.

ps2. I also made some translation corrections (for example, I added the Polish file "merchants.txt"). I will play and improve the translation on an ongoing basis. Additionally, I installed Polish movies for part 7.

ps3. I'm in the process of translating the missing fragments. Generally, there is very little left and whenever I come across any gaps in the translation I try to change it and sooner or later it succeeds. However, in the case of the entrance to the mercenary inn, some of the text remains untranslated. I found this text in the roster.txt file, but translating it and replacing it in all possible .lod archives does not work. I don't know where to look anymore, I have searched literally all files. Does anyone perhaps know where I should look?

Last edited by TartamPuan on 11 Oct 2022, 10:09, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby cthscr » 12 Oct 2022, 20:13

TartamPuan wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 08:17 ps3. I'm in the process of translating the missing fragments. Generally, there is very little left and whenever I come across any gaps in the translation I try to change it and sooner or later it succeeds. However, in the case of the entrance to the mercenary inn, some of the text remains untranslated. I found this text in the roster.txt file, but translating it and replacing it in all possible .lod archives does not work. I don't know where to look anymore, I have searched literally all files. Does anyone perhaps know where I should look?
Default location for roster.txt in Base Merge is mmmerge.T.lod. It could be overwritten by later *.T.lod or *.EnglishT.lod or the file from DataFiles directory (latter will overwrite former).
Last line is hardcoded in Base Merge in Scripts/General/NPCMercenaries.lua
darkdill wrote: Need to ask something regarding the Monsters.TXT file.

When assigning spells to creatures, I'm confused as to whether something should be like this:
Or like this:
I ask because several entries in the file seem to fluctuate between the two. Does it depend on which realm the creature comes from?
NWC used both of them, and GM didn't work (acted as Normal). It was fixed in Merge in 2020 iirc and in MM8Patch since 2.5 so now you can use both.
Can't tell about Axe yet.
eerookah wrote: Bug for dragon ability: I saw from searching that dragon ability is supposed to govern melee attacks as well as ranged, but as dragons, no matter what their skills, two of my characters ALWAYS do 1-3 damage. Even with the unarmed skill. I love having dragon melee as separate but it appears like those abilities do not affect the melee, and so essentially dragons are useless up close.
Previously it was reported Unarmed has an effect for Dragon melee. I'll look into it later.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby TartamPuan » 14 Oct 2022, 22:49

I think I have almost completed the corrections to the Polish version. The most work was on the trans.txt file, there everything was mixed up, and most often the translation shifted by one or two lines.

Now I'm going to finish the game and if everything is ok and someone would be interested, I'll upload the Polish version of this great mod.


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby marcinl0 » 15 Oct 2022, 08:55

Please give direct full link to Polish new mod version - for easy download - please.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby pof » 15 Oct 2022, 19:04

Does the Thief promotion quest available in MM6 part of merge?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby pof » 16 Oct 2022, 09:15

I also found that this "Dazzling Ring of The Troll"(+15 endu +hp regen) doesn't regenerate HP
I have simple Cloak of Regen for comparision, it does regen 2 hp per 5 min.
But when I remove cloak and equip ring - regen stops completely.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby TartamPuan » 20 Oct 2022, 20:42

Polish version for MM MERGE REVAMP.

Links to download files (required to have the game Might and Magic VIII):
1. Polish-version-with-everything-wav.zip, Polish version with mods, simplest installation, certain looping music 2.4GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-wav.zip
2. Polish-version-with-everything-mp3.zip, Polish version with mods, simplest installation, uncertain looping of music 1.4GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-mp3.zip
3. Polish-version-instal-pack.zip, Polish version with mods, everything separately, installation instructions in a file inside the archive (PL), uncertain music looping 1.6GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-instalki.zip
4. PL-version-without-dubbing.zip, files making the game a cinema version (without Polish dubbing), requires full polish with mmerge + revamp mods (what's above) 0.2GB http://faraone.com.pl/PL-wersja-kinowa.zip
5. music-wav.zip, .wav music files, which guarantee the correct functioning of the music looping in the game 1.3GB http://faraone.com.pl/Music-wav.zip
6. polish-files-MM-merge-revamp-10-2022.zip, polish files alone without mods, requires mm merge mod from August 2022 + revamp from October 2022 0.3GB http://faraone.com.pl/Pliki-spolszczają ... 0-2022.zip
7. Patch 1.21 corrections and additions to the polonisation (patch for each version above), can be safely downloaded and installed for an already running game, 1,24MB http://faraone.com.pl/Patch-1.21-poloni ... revamp.zip

Spolszczenie dla MM MERGE REVAMP.

Linki do pobrania plików (wymagane posiadanie gry Might and Magic VIII):
1. Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-wav.zip, spolszczenie z modami, najprostsza instalacja, pewne zapętlenie muzyki 2,4GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-wav.zip
2. Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-mp3.zip, spolszczenie z modami, najprostsza instalacja, niepewne zapętlenie muzyki 1,4GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-ze-wszystkim-mp3.zip
3. Spolszczenie-instalki.zip, spolszczenie z modami, wszystko osobno, instrukcja instalacji w pliku wewnątrz archiwum, niepewne zapętlenie muzyki 1,6GB http://faraone.com.pl/Spolszczenie-instalki.zip
4. PL-wersja-kinowa.zip, pliki powodujące, że gra staje się wersją kinową (bez polskiego dubbingu), wymaga pełnego spolszczenia z modami mmerge + revamp (to co powyżej) 0,2GB http://faraone.com.pl/PL-wersja-kinowa.zip
5. Music-wav.zip, pliki z muzyką .wav, które gwarantują poprawne działanie zapętlenia muzyki w grze 1,3GB http://faraone.com.pl/Music-wav.zip
6. Pliki-spolszczające-MM-merge-revamp-10-2022.zip, same pliki spolszczające bez modów, wymaga moda mm merge z sierpnia 2022 +revamp z października 2022 0,3GB http://faraone.com.pl/Pliki-spolszczają ... 0-2022.zip
7. Patch 1.21 poprawki i uzupełnienia polonizacji (patch do każdej powyższej wersji), może być bezpiecznie pobrany i zainstalowany dla już trwającej gry, 1,24MB http://faraone.com.pl/Patch-1.21-poloni ... revamp.zip

Generalnie wystarczy pobrać punkt 1 i 7, zainstalować ósmą część Might and Magic, usunąć katalog "music" z folderu z grą, rozpakować pliki katalogi z punktu 1, nadpisać je w katalogu z grą, a potem to samo zrobić z plikami i folderami z patcha.

Każda paczka zawiera instrukcję instalacji.

Bezpośrednia strona z linkami i opisem do pobrania: http://faraone.com.pl/mm.htm

Link opracowania po polsku na youtube:
Last edited by TartamPuan on 23 Nov 2022, 19:37, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby toadking » 21 Oct 2022, 01:31

I found two interesting things:
1.I recruited Cauri Blackthorne as my team member, then click "Promote to Honorary Pioneer" after talked with Jallije Leafcatcher in Alvar,
Cauri's skill of "Dark Elf Ability" changed from 10 to 7,and its level changed from Grand to Master.
Maybe the correct action is skiping these changes?
2. Enter the "Drangon Cave", talk with Erthint then click "Master Dragon", his words are "You have to be promoted to Dragon (1) to learn this skill level.", it seems "Dragon (1)" should be replaced by flightleader.
Could you please confirm it or give a way to fix it, thank you.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby cthscr » 21 Oct 2022, 07:24

toadking wrote: 21 Oct 2022, 01:31 I found two interesting things:
1.I recruited Cauri Blackthorne as my team member, then click "Promote to Honorary Pioneer" after talked with Jallije Leafcatcher in Alvar,
Cauri's skill of "Dark Elf Ability" changed from 10 to 7,and its level changed from Grand to Master.
Maybe the correct action is skiping these changes?
2. Enter the "Drangon Cave", talk with Erthint then click "Master Dragon", his words are "You have to be promoted to Dragon (1) to learn this skill level.", it seems "Dragon (1)" should be replaced by flightleader.
Could you please confirm it or give a way to fix it, thank you.
1. Race maturity isn't set yet for non-party PC. This is the issue and the root of the problem. So Cauri is considered to be DarkElf(0) rather than DarkElf(2).
As for possible reduction in skill mastery on promotions - it is intended behavior. Tier1 class[/race] might have lower max mastery than tier0 class[/race]. Skillpoints are refunded.
2. No, it means race Dragon with Maturity of [at least] 1. You can see it in Adventurer's Inn. Racial promotions are currently tied with class promotion quests but that isn't the final goal.
pof wrote: Does the Thief promotion quest available in MM6 part of merge?
Not yet. It should appear in Revamp in next few month.
pof wrote: I also found that this "Dazzling Ring of The Troll"(+15 endu +hp regen) doesn't regenerate HP
Looks like it (regeneration bonus) was skipped. Can't tell yet intentionally or not.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby toadking » 21 Oct 2022, 15:36

cthscr wrote: 21 Oct 2022, 07:24
toadking wrote: 21 Oct 2022, 01:31 I found two interesting things:
1.I recruited Cauri Blackthorne as my team member, then click "Promote to Honorary Pioneer" after talked with Jallije Leafcatcher in Alvar,
Cauri's skill of "Dark Elf Ability" changed from 10 to 7,and its level changed from Grand to Master.
Maybe the correct action is skiping these changes?
2. Enter the "Drangon Cave", talk with Erthint then click "Master Dragon", his words are "You have to be promoted to Dragon (1) to learn this skill level.", it seems "Dragon (1)" should be replaced by flightleader.
Could you please confirm it or give a way to fix it, thank you.
1. Race maturity isn't set yet for non-party PC. This is the issue and the root of the problem. So Cauri is considered to be DarkElf(0) rather than DarkElf(2).
As for possible reduction in skill mastery on promotions - it is intended behavior. Tier1 class[/race] might have lower max mastery than tier0 class[/race]. Skillpoints are refunded.
2. No, it means race Dragon with Maturity of [at least] 1. You can see it in Adventurer's Inn. Racial promotions are currently tied with class promotion quests but that isn't the final goal.
Thanks for your explanation, I get it now.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby raekuul » 21 Oct 2022, 20:42

I would argue against forcibly downgrading 'too high' masteries on NPC promotions, mostly on the grounds that "the engine does not actually care about illegal mastery levels." Plus if we're going to downgrade "too high" masteries in-engine it might be better to lower the masteries of the NPC in their initial recruit state (instead of on-promotion) so that they don't have illegal mastery ratings to begin with.

There shouldn't be any race progression where Tier 1 has lower mastery caps than Tier 0, and similarly there shouldn't by any class progression with similar problems - and logically it should not be possible for a Master of a skill to suddenly stop being a Master at that skill. I would suggest reordering the skill progressions so that later tiers do not have lower limits than earlier ones (I can see this being "an issue" for the Sorceror-To-Lich promotion paths since you could plausibly learn Light Magic before committing to Team Dark, but in theory we can add a discrete Respec method and just have the relevant promoters say "you cannot turn to Lichdom until you abandon the Path of Light")

(At this point we're getting deep into "let's completely reimplement MM7 inside of MM8" territory but since one of MMMerge's goals was to port Enroth and Antagarich to the MM8 engine it's kind of a moot point)

As for ranks there's no hard-and-fast law saying you can't put ten ranks into a skill that can't be grandmastered (the last I checked no items have a IdRepSt greater than 30 so GM's perk probably just skips the calculation; as long as a toon can reach M10 they're "as good as" a knight in terms of repairing stuff) so there's really no need to reduce rank/refund skill points on promotion (much as I appreciate the option to respec NPCs, it should be at the player's discretion and as a consequence of a specific action that says "this will refund skill points" and not as a consequence of downgrading an NPC to fit the expanded promotion tiers).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby pof » 25 Oct 2022, 07:27

pof wrote:
Does the Thief promotion quest available in MM6 part of merge?
Not yet. It should appear in Revamp in next few month.
Awwww. I was so excited playing my thief in mm6 >___< Well, i guess i have to wait now..
Btw I didnt found any full descriptions in internet - does all worlds connected somehow, or its just standalone campains?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby raekuul » 25 Oct 2022, 12:11

They're semi-connected: There's dedicated "Dimension Door" scrolls to be found at random (check mid/late Magic Item shops), you can cast Town Portal in specific locations to cross between continents (if you use the Pearl of Putrescence Charged Connector Orb, Verdant will tell you about three of them), and the Lloyd's Beacon spell can pull you across continents if you set one up before going around. But you do need to use Master Water Magic of some sort to kick things off. (Hint: one of the portal points in Enroth is in Abdul's Desert Resort in Dragonsand - near a Gate Master Hireling)

There's also a few quests from Verdant that go across the entire MMMerge (the order for the first three is Jadame->Antagarich->Enroth).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Caligula Wellington » 27 Oct 2022, 15:45

I have noticed a bug with the voices in the latest version.

Vampires can only access Zombie and Lich voices, but none of the others. Not even Vampire voices once you started scrolling. Any idea how I would be able to fix this smoothly? I got two ideas, and that would be to either redefine vampires as humans in the race table, or to enable male and female voices to male and female undead in the character voice table. Vampires are known for being able to blend in with humans, but they can't do that if they sound like monsters. :/

An older version of the files determining the voices for races etc. would of course instantly solve this. But I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I remember being able to pick from all normal voices in earlier versions.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby pof » 27 Oct 2022, 17:17

+bug: Apollo relic doesnt give +20 luck and -30 endurance as in description

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Caligula Wellington » 28 Oct 2022, 08:05

MM7 humans and dwarves lack portraits in the community branch.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Caligula Wellington » 28 Oct 2022, 08:32

Also have an idea of how to fix the "helmet not fitting" issue. The faces of the paperdolls are all in different angles and direction depending on which game they are from and of they are male or female. So implementing helms from different games is hard, because they don't fit the paperdolls. So my suggestion on how to solve this would be to front all paperdoll faces by using the portrait faces, and hen adjust the helmets for the fronted faces. One seize fit all.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby cthscr » 28 Oct 2022, 17:49

Caligula Wellington wrote: 27 Oct 2022, 15:45 I have noticed a bug with the voices in the latest version.

Vampires can only access Zombie and Lich voices, but none of the others. Not even Vampire voices once you started scrolling. Any idea how I would be able to fix this smoothly? I got two ideas, and that would be to either redefine vampires as humans in the race table, or to enable male and female voices to male and female undead in the character voice table. Vampires are known for being able to blend in with humans, but they can't do that if they sound like monsters. :/

An older version of the files determining the voices for races etc. would of course instantly solve this. But I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I remember being able to pick from all normal voices in earlier versions.
Line 242 of Scripts/Structs/CharacterOutfits.lua should be changed from

Code: Select all

and Game.Races[Portrait.Race].Family ~= const.RaceKind.Vampire then

Code: Select all

and Game.Races[Portrait.Race].Family ~= const.RaceFamily.Vampire then

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