The Chaos Conspiracy has been released!

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
Mamma Jamma
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Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 06 Mar 2010, 12:59

Sure Valla wrote:seriously you guys, where the hell is Tamara?

I sound like a noob, right?
Well, someone gives you a good hint. I'll PM to you the location, as it's a spoiler!

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 06 Mar 2010, 19:21

Thank you Mamma Jamma

I've noticed that every teacher in the game as switched places, its extremly hard to find anyone!

Is there a list of Teachers?

And if not can someone tell me where to find:
Expert Meditation
Master Meditation

Expert Air (aeros?)
Master Air (aeros?)

Expert Water (aqua?)
Master Water (aqua?)

Expert Learning
Master Learning

Expert Body (corrupus?)
Master Body (corrupus?)

Expert Leather
Master Leather

You can just tell me which town: north, east, south or west, or maybe you know a other way of telling me. (like close located to the church, or armory)

I would appriciate it!!
Many thanks!

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Unread postby Mn » 06 Mar 2010, 22:02

Expert Meditation- Suttersbay, east
Master Meditation - (?) Ellesia

Expert Air (aeros?) - Suttersbay, upper bank, you can see him without fly/jump - you must training aeros expert as soon as possible
Master Air (aeros?) - Mystic Isles, needs only expert4 rank and any (archer or mage) promoution

Expert Water (aqua?) - Port Sleiton, s/w from temple
Master Water (aqua?) - Mystic Isles, rank 12 needs

Expert Learning - Suttersbay, second floor of Self Guild (or above tavern?) - passages to second floors are in other side of houses
Master Learning - ? Avalon (expert tell you)

Expert Body (corprus) - s/w Port Sleiton (second teacher may by in western Suttersbay - don't remember)
Master corprus - Mystic Isles, rank 12 (If i do not mistake, in southern tavern back door)

Expert Leather - (old Ironfist), one of four southerh houses
Master Leather - (?) s/w region of Castle Birka location (near Temple of Tranquility, near one of eastern exits from underground)

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 07 Mar 2010, 09:51

Mn, thank you very much!!


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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 07 Mar 2010, 10:30

Mn i dont know about you but i cant get to expert Air (Aeros), without jump or fly (fly scroll also removed)

I cant get jump cause i have to be master air to get to the guild


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Unread postby Variol » 07 Mar 2010, 11:57

I always use the editor to give myself expert level. I don't know what the modders where thinking. I don't think expert wizard eye will unbalance the game. There's no need to have to fly to an expert teacher.
Last edited by Variol on 09 Mar 2010, 02:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby jeff » 07 Mar 2010, 15:15

Variol wrote:I always use the editor to give myself expert level. I don't know what the modders where things. I don't think expert wizard eye will unbalance the game. There's no need to have to fly to an expert teacher.
It is a shame that you decide to use the editor to "cheat" to get aeros expert. Trust me I know it is a very tempting thing to do, one that I myself have thought about more than once. As team leader, BDJ was the one that made the decision to make expert/master aeros a difficult skill to achieve early in the game and he had good reasons for this. Most people find a way to get the skills they need, but whatever. Just remember his warning that using the an editor on your save game files may make it fail when you try to import to part 2
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

Mamma Jamma
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Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 07 Mar 2010, 17:19

Sure Valla wrote:Mn i dont know about you but i cant get to expert Air (Aeros), without jump or fly (fly scroll also removed)

I cant get jump cause i have to be master air to get to the guild

Well, Mn is actually talking about the well-known bug in MM6: looking up, through the planks, you will see the door of the Aeros Expert at some point. But if you think that this is cheating, you can try buying a scroll of Fly or Jump. Port Sleigon would be a good place to try. Chernobog might have some too. You will receive two scrolls of Fly sometimes later, but better use them wisely.

Two notes on the teachers: master Meditation is no longer in Elessia, but also in Mystic Islands.
Second: there is also another Expert Aeros: just above Godwinson, 2nd floor in the castle. It may be of help, because you will receive a Fly scroll to do a quest in that area. So while you're at it, you might just pass by and become Expert Aeros too, without having to go all the way to Sutter's Bay!

And I would suggest, depending on your level, to go to the Rusalka lair (former Medusa Temple in Blackshire) and try to make your way (alive!) to the room where Q used to be: you'll find there in a chest two treasures that will make your life a lot easier: one Town Portal and one Lloyd's Beacon books! It can be done: I did it at level 15 (had to reload once or twice). Just don't try to kill any Rusalka; run like hell! And you also need to have a Gate Master with you, to take you out of there: there are two of them in houses in Port Sleigon.

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Unread postby Mn » 08 Mar 2010, 00:15

MJ, Are You sure about two Gate Masters in Port Sleiton? I know only well-known Wilma Cook (near northern magic shop). There live another GM? I only find second GM in Baal's Garden camp.

Mamma Jamma
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Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 08 Mar 2010, 09:28

Mn wrote:MJ, Are You sure about two Gate Masters in Port Sleiton? I know only well-known Wilma Cook (near northern magic shop). There live another GM? I only find second GM in Baal's Garden camp.
I'm not 100% sure, but I do remember seeing two of them. Although it may have been the vanilla MM6... Anyway, you really only need one, though, of course, two will enable you two TP's a day... But two Gate Masters are costly and the second one is not really so useful.

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 08 Mar 2010, 16:54

totally agree with you.

@Mamma Jamma
Thank you very much!

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Unread postby Variol » 09 Mar 2010, 02:31

I can get some really high-end swords, very early in the game. I know they are just placed there, but I guess it's not "cheating" when it's part of a mod?
The entire mod is a type of cheat. If I create a mod that does not require me to use a scroll to get expert air magic, somehow that's ok? I mostly use the editor to disadvantage myself, like giving a mage just one school of magic. The 4 clerics I have right now, have a cartographer with them, and will, until I get day of protection.
That's usually how I start. 1 cart. and 1 scholar.

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Unread postby jeff » 09 Mar 2010, 23:31

Variol wrote:The entire mod is a type of cheat. If I create a mod that does not require me to use a scroll to get expert air magic, somehow that's ok?
Can I get a copy of your dictionary :rolleyes: ; if a modder has to keep everything the same then how would it be different. Look use an editor whenever you want, if it helps you and others to get farther then that's a good thing.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby Variol » 10 Mar 2010, 17:00

I'd say giving everybody the bow skill for free at the beginning of the game, for example, offsets it too much. I know it's not called "cheating" because it's a mod, but I actually remove the skill for most of my parties, so I'm not tempted to use it. Is that cheating too?

I actually stopped playing it all together. I just lost interest. I'm playing MM7 right now, with 4 clerics.

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Unread postby BorG210 » 30 Mar 2010, 11:57

Need help again.
I've recovered a skull from the Idol in Baal Temple and brought it back to Oracle. Then He asked me to bring it to someone and to do whateverthat someone wishes. Then I stpopped playing and stardet to prepare for an importatn exam.
When the exam was over (a half aweek later) I completely forgot where am I suppose to go and who is this person i should bring the skull to. And it doesn't appear in a quest book.
Oh' yeah, I have a possibility to run again the whole temple (i have such a save in my savegames), but a pleasure of doing it is very, very questionable.

So, please help, whoever can.

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Unread postby BorG210 » 30 Mar 2010, 12:01

False alarm, found the guy.
Anyway, thanks.

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Queen Hera
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Answer below in white.

Unread postby Queen Hera » 30 Mar 2010, 12:05

Take skull to Magus Emeritus in Ellesia.

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Big Daddy Jim
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 30 Mar 2010, 14:56

BorG210 wrote:Need help again.
I've recovered a skull from the Idol in Baal Temple and brought it back to Oracle. Then He asked me to bring it to someone and to do whateverthat someone wishes. Then I stpopped playing and stardet to prepare for an importatn exam.
When the exam was over (a half aweek later) I completely forgot where am I suppose to go and who is this person i should bring the skull to. And it doesn't appear in a quest book.
Oh' yeah, I have a possibility to run again the whole temple (i have such a save in my savegames), but a pleasure of doing it is very, very questionable.

So, please help, whoever can.
[You tell the Seer of your success in the Temple of Chaos and then show him the Crystal Skull that you received when you defaced the final Idol of Chaos. The Seer takes the skull and examines it. His demeanor grows more serious than usual, and then he speaks.]

First an old enemy, the Drow have returned as key players intertwined with the actions of Chaos. Now you return with one of the ancient skulls. If these events are connected then the threat could be far worse than I anticipated. Take this skull to my friend Magus Emeritus in Ellesia; trust him as you would me. He is an expert on ancient artifacts and can determine if this is one of the true skulls. While there, perform any task he may have for you. Once you have finished return to me.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 06 Apr 2010, 18:06

while we are now talking about skulls, where the heck is the golden skull? ive cleaned out the Goudeh/Gouduah/something Curse from Orcs, gone down to that storage room, opened up the big hole, jumped up and looked around alot, but no Golden Skull.

am i supposed to go into that Troll room? seemed impossible to me, since they just respawns around you allt he time and insta-kill.

the room is also empty.

feeling strong urges to simply install part 2 and skip the whole first part.
Ultima, Elder Scrolls and Might and Magic Veteran.

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 06 Apr 2010, 20:56

Talin_Trollbane wrote:while we are now talking about skulls, where the heck is the golden skull? ive cleaned out the Goudeh/Gouduah/something Curse from Orcs, gone down to that storage room, opened up the big hole, jumped up and looked around alot, but no Golden Skull.

am i supposed to go into that Troll room? seemed impossible to me, since they just respawns around you allt he time and insta-kill.

the room is also empty./
Here's the sequence.






The Golden Skull is on one of the creatures in the "cross' room (last photo). You must reach the end of the room in the second photo to activate the teleportal. How you accomplish this is up to you.

Talin_Trollbane wrote:feeling strong urges to simply install part 2 and skip the whole first part.
Part Two will not install unless you have first ccompleted part 1.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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