Ultimate MM7 party

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 00:17

Hi guys, long mm player here :)

Its after midnight and im starting my AAAC party. Got ulysses from emerald island dragon :)

What are the of darkness bows? Multilooting dragons will get me them?

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 29 Dec 2015, 16:02

I'm going off my memory here, but I believe "of Darkness" is a possible enchantment on bows that makes them both Vampiric and Swift. Very useful for healing as you go.
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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 29 Dec 2015, 18:19

Yes, they are of recovery and vampiric. I would say carnage (every shot is a fireball) are much much better but take some practice to avoid killing yourself.

Yes you can get them from dragons, although to multiloot a dragon to get 4 will take an absurd amount of time. 1 carnage bow will be enough.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 20:34


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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 20:49

Thanks guys!

My last mm7 party a few years back was KTAP and they were strong! But I wanted to try ranged as in mm8 darkelf has some issues with GM bow and bonus from equipment.

Now I have a few questions:
- should I keep Ulisses bow or try to get of darkness / carnage instead?
- crossbows are slower then bows?
- what is your opinion of ania sleving crossbow? it is a frequent drop so keep it or try to get of darkness / carnage?
- I already got one griffin bow of carnage :) it is a very rare drop! the other 3 are griffin of infernos and of ice and ulisses. OK or try to change the setup?
- cleric will only get ex leather and exshield for no recovery penalty. GM body and rest into Light. Bow expert of course
- what backup maleeweapon fp the A- 2H spears or spear + dagger?
- should i try to get charele and gibbet or just stick to the highest dmg spears with some noce additional dmg,like of acid, infernos etc?
- do archers get GM chain or run armourless ;)
- what attributs to focus on - i try to get as much speed and accuracy forthem?
- and what about artefacts /relics for cleric?

If u could please give some insights it would be cool!

cheers guys!

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 20:55

And one more thing:

what is your opinion about Learning? is it worth it to get Master Learning?

and NPCs - I have scholar and Instructor atm.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 29 Dec 2015, 21:05

Jacko wrote:Thanks guys!

My last mm7 party a few years back was KTAP and they were strong! But I wanted to try ranged as in mm8 darkelf has some issues with GM bow and bonus from equipment.

Now I have a few questions:
- should I keep Ulisses bow or try to get of darkness / carnage instead?
- crossbows are slower then bows?
- what is your opinion of ania sleving crossbow? it is a frequent drop so keep it or try to get of darkness / carnage?
- I already got one griffin bow of carnage :) it is a very rare drop! the other 3 are griffin of infernos and of ice and ulisses. OK or try to change the setup?
- cleric will only get ex leather and exshield for no recovery penalty. GM body and rest into Light. Bow expert of course
- what backup maleeweapon fp the A- 2H spears or spear + dagger?
- should i try to get charele and gibbet or just stick to the highest dmg spears with some noce additional dmg,like of acid, infernos etc?
- do archers get GM chain or run armourless ;)
- what attributs to focus on - i try to get as much speed and accuracy forthem?
- and what about artefacts /relics for cleric?

If u could please give some insights it would be cool!

cheers guys!
Carnage is better but you don't need more than 1. A single carnage bow mows down enemies by the dozens the first 2/3 of the game. Ulysses is far superior to Darkness. Tons of damage, an enchant, and +hit and accuracy.
Same speed for crossbows and regular.
Not very useful, low damage.
You are fine. Leave healing to the Cleric.
Merchant for Cleric is worthwhile as well.
The stat points are better used elsewhere until very late when your daggers+dagger enchant outweigh the damage boost from spear skill.
Get Charele the instant you can.
Get GM chain. Recovery goes to 0 at master.
Stats scale poorly. Get all to 30ish then push speed, accuracy, intellect, and might.
Nothing is gamebreaking, but if you are light I would get justice. What you really need for your Cleric is ring of body magic(there is a free spirit ring when you do the first knight promotion) and an item of light or dark magic such as the cloaks from the temples in Evermoon.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 29 Dec 2015, 21:12

Jacko wrote:And one more thing:

what is your opinion about Learning? is it worth it to get Master Learning?

and NPCs - I have scholar and Instructor atm.
Not really. The skill points are better used elsewhere until very late. The xp bonus is only applied on kills not quests and all you get is slightly higher hp/sp from reaching levels faster. If you get the learning cap I would get master for that character but that's it until you have mostly run out of uses for skill points. On a related note, save genie lamps for the last week of I think it's October where each one gives 8 skill points.

With that party, you really need a scholar. Your other slot should probably be a gate master or wind master if you can afford them, at least until you get the spells yourself after your second promotion.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 22:06

That was quick and informative! Thanks!

I already have a ring of Light and a ring of Body :) Justice, Ulisses, Governor Armour and Seven League boots :) But that's it for relics / artefats. Multilooting. The rest of equipment just OK with emphasis on +speed, accuracy and HP for Cleric.

Now Im clvl 8 after few quests. Got invisibility and fly scrolls and now will do the 1st promos for archer and cleric, then quickly light path and 2nd promos and only then I will go on kiling spree. ALl already bow experts. now either archers promo or trip for Master Bow.
I also did 5 xknight arena already at clvl 5.

Right genie lamps. COmpletely forgot about them.

I wander what they will perform like when somewhat developed.

One archer Master Water. Second Archer Master Air. 3rd Archer expert fire and disarm (got a ring +21 disarm).

As for relics / artefacts - I will get CHarele (easy drop so far) and maybe Taledon.

Btw, ring of Light will stack with Taledon helmet and ring of body with Justice?

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 29 Dec 2015, 22:46

No, of magic abilities don't stack. Taledon Helmet is bugged and doesn't actually give light boost so you might keep the ring. If you haven't noticed by now, the of magic boost is +50% rounded down, so level 7 skill casts as a level 10.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 29 Dec 2015, 23:07

Thanks for the helm tip!

Atm im trying to get the gatemaster for my nighon Master bow trip but he / she is nowhere to be found :(

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 29 Dec 2015, 23:25

Go to Tularean Forest. Gate masters don't show up in Erathia or Harmondale.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 08:01

I dont know what I would do without you ;) im reloding in ... erathia!

Gatemaster is a must for ninghon trip as i will just tp out of there. I dont imagine going all the way back..

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 08:03

Btw, do you have any other useful tips like the ones about helment not working or gatemaster?

I just woke up. Quick training breakfast and gaming ;) off work until Jan 7 :)

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 10:33

It turns out Tularean Forest has the wides selection of NPCs! Everybody seems to be there! Gatemaster on second load :)

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 13:08

Does Heroism affect bows?

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 13:26

I just stumbled across heroism elixir and it does not affect bows so basically there is a huge loss of dmg from inability to use this spell so these archers might actually be a bad choice after all. lots of arrows but weak dmg. Knight have armsmaster to pump dmg, so have the arhcers GM bow. but knights can use heroism and archers cannot;( so maybe a KKKC with knights GM swords would be better option ;)

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 30 Dec 2015, 18:28

AAAC is mediocre until you get hour of power and bow ranked past 20. Bows by themselves are never amazing for anything over skill 1, it's only when you combine them with haste for stupidly fast shots that deal 5x the damage of blasters that they really shine. Also when using hasted archers, make sure to use real time combat. The knockback, especially from the carnage bow, will let you mow down monsters with thousands of hp with little effort.

It's generally agreed here that KCS+ is the best combo for the whole game and we often argue who should fill the last slot. AAAC is very weak early game, mediocre mid game and super OP late game.

If you are looking for tips there is another thread up about things you wish you knew the first time you played MM7.
Last edited by Arret on 30 Dec 2015, 18:46, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 30 Dec 2015, 18:37

These archers r just not my playstyle. Awkward and i always end up malee anyway and of carnage more hinders then helps.

Given im currently running solo necro in mm8 i will forfeit LB and TP and fly and go for KKC and T maybe or 3rd K. Thief could be better actually for basic wizard eye and torchlight - no need for scrolls and expert disarm with + 20ish disarm from item.

Besides GM dagger looks appealing. What do u think? Thief or 3rd knight?

Ehh...again all this dragon looting :/

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 30 Dec 2015, 18:45

Given the option, third knight. KKCS or KPCS are my personal favorites for light side. Disarm is overrated, especially if you get a disarm ring early. The only place I run into problems with disarm is the Haunted mansion.

Ranged teams aren't for everyone, just like monks aren't for everyone.

GM dagger isn't that good. Anything you get with a dagger a spear can do better and start much stronger.

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