That sequence is the problem. If you track the original MM6 game, the Intro Button provided the Credits, and the three beginning game videos provide, not the credits, but the game-related videos.vladimir-maestro wrote:what's wrong with the file sequence?
they are:
1) tcc logo
2) presents
3) staff team
and when game begins there is a button "intro" and there we've got intro movie.
and final video will be 1 single film instead of 3 videos. 2 videos will be 1 framed-empty ones.
but if you wish - i can cut whole ending video onto 3 small pieces. in that case 2 of 3 videos are ready (only sound need to be done).
so, what was wrong?
So the official release will stands as-is, in keeping with the original MM6 display sequences (Intro Button is Credits and beginning-of-game videos include the book/narration). If any changes should be made it is to re-label the Intro Button to Credits.