Now thats constructive critic! Way to go!Veldrynus wrote: Well, that's a bullshit, it is.
The foreign language thread
Ah, é assim mesmo. Talvez o cansaço que sofreu lá nos estudos ou algo assim tenha deixado ele um tanto mais seco que o normal, mas que seja.
Pois bem: o que é que deu para você ter ido parar na Suíça?
Pois bem: o que é que deu para você ter ido parar na Suíça?

"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.

- theLuckyDragon
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- winterfate
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Entre tontería y tontería se pasa el tiempo.Wolfsburg wrote:Entonces compreendes que solo hablamos tonterias...

Además, no todo en esta vida puede ser trabajo y estrés (dímelo a mí, que soy estrésico.

Y además, Panda dijo que ustedes estaban hablando de cultura. O sea, no todo es tontería, ¿verdad?

tLD wrote:Aun tienes que acostumbrarte con la manera de hablar de nuestro amigo...

Si...nuestro amigo es especial...

The Round Table's birthday list!
Proud creator of Caladont 2.0!
You need to take the pain, learn from it and get back on that bike... - stefan
Sometimes the hearts most troubled make the sweetest melodies... - winterfate
Proud creator of Caladont 2.0!
You need to take the pain, learn from it and get back on that bike... - stefan
Sometimes the hearts most troubled make the sweetest melodies... - winterfate
Well, I hope you're right, because right now, I am not very optimistic about things. Nevertheless between a job, a family and every day chores, I somehow doubt there will be so much time...Panda Tar wrote:I think you're still in the rush part of your life. But, as time comes, and I know that's right because all people I know that experienced that feels the same after that has passed: the more things you do, the more you'll find spare time to do other things. You master it, no matter how. It takes time, but that will be worth, you'll see.
I know it's just a misconception... I was just saying it to start a conversation... Still, regarding that the girls I've seen are pretty good-looking I would say it's not that far away from the truth...
Diacriticele sunt deprimante... mai ales cand tre' sa pui accente in vreo 3 limbi si tastatura ta nu suporta. Mai mult daca ati auzit vreodata de layoutul francez al tastaturilor care este AZERTY, o sa intelegeti de ce imi doresc sa o arunc pe fereastra din cand in cand...Şi eu întotdeauna scriu cu diacritice.
Partea buna e ca am inceput sa invat codurile ASCII si le compun din cifre... oricum sa fac asta la fiecare cuvintel ar fi teroare

Eu vorbesc de faptul ca romanii care au contacte afara in loc sa isi tina gura despre ce se intampla in bucataria noastra interna si daca au ocazia sa zica un lucru bun despre tara lor (cum observi ca fac tipii astia despre tara lor - care e cam la fel de dezvoltata ca si a noastra), peste tot spun ca Romania e "a sh!t hole". Si asta e un citat dintr-un roman cunoscut de un amic francez de-al meu intr-un pub din Dublin.TT wrote: Hei, dc ajungem intr-o situatie in care chiar o ducem bine si nu mai simt tiganii nevoia sa plece la furat altundeva avem mai multe sanse sa rectificam situatia decat dc toata ziua aberam despre ce bine e la noi.
Plus, dc chiar crezi ca se scapa asa usor de conceptii dastea io zic ca te inseli.
Mai mult, dragii nostri compatrioti, cand ajung in strainatate se apuca si fac, "de la merde" - cum se zice pe aici - sporind astfel conceptia despre toti romanii in general.
Chiar daca o vom duce mai bine - asta nu va insemna ca nu vom fi disconsiderati in continuare, pt ca tot tiganii europei vom fi, si in plus, strainii nu vor stii cat de bine o ducem noi acolo.
Nu se scapa usor de conceptii dar trebuie sa nu le mai intarim si noi...
- theLuckyDragon
- Round Table Knight
- Posts: 4883
- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
Vai da, ştiu cum e cu tastatura în franceză... Eu în română mă refeream. În franceză, eu las tastatura pe engleză şi folosesc combinaţiile de taste: CTRL + ' = e cu ascuţit, CTRL + ` = e cu grav, CTRL + , = c cu sedilă ş.a.m.d. Numai că nu merge peste tot aşa. Aici pe forum nu merge, dar în Word şi Messenger merge.
"Not all those who wander are lost." -- JRRT
Ca sa fiu sincer cred ca ar trebui sa ne pese mai putin de parerea celorlalti. Cand se iveste ocazia ii contrazicem si gata. Avem de lucrat la multe nu numai la imagine. Mi-ar place sa vad de exemplu ca alesii respecta termenele la anumite proiecte, ca nu cheltuie banii alocati din buzunarele noastre pe studii de fezabilitate a unor proiecte ce nu sunt puse in practica, ca repara strazile si nu se strica la loc la prima ploaie, ca pun functionari civilizati in institutiile statului, ca marlanii numai arunca seminte, hartii sau alte chestii pe strada din masina sau mergand pe jos etc.
Altceva care am observat - noi nu ne respectam pe noi intre regiuni, ce pretentie sa mai avem de la straini. (fac referire la faptul ca daca esti in alta zona, mai ales in trafic esti foarte pasibil sa primesti un epitet alaturat provenientei; spre exemplu - moldovean prost)
Altceva care am observat - noi nu ne respectam pe noi intre regiuni, ce pretentie sa mai avem de la straini. (fac referire la faptul ca daca esti in alta zona, mai ales in trafic esti foarte pasibil sa primesti un epitet alaturat provenientei; spre exemplu - moldovean prost)
Where exactly does the rainbow end?
Vorbesti pe messenger in Franceza?
well, daca si-au format deja o parere e greu sa le-o schimbi doar printr-o contrazicere.
Sunt de acord cu tine ca avem probleme interne destul de grave, dar ceea ce vreau sa subliniez eu aici este ca nu ar trebui sa povestim cat de naspa e la noi. Daca chiar vrem sa povestim ceva, zicem ceva de bine. Daca nu avem nimic de bine de spus, tacem din gura... ramanand filozofi...
well, daca si-au format deja o parere e greu sa le-o schimbi doar printr-o contrazicere.
Sunt de acord cu tine ca avem probleme interne destul de grave, dar ceea ce vreau sa subliniez eu aici este ca nu ar trebui sa povestim cat de naspa e la noi. Daca chiar vrem sa povestim ceva, zicem ceva de bine. Daca nu avem nimic de bine de spus, tacem din gura... ramanand filozofi...
Tipo isso. É que mesmo as piores, hum, tonterias (bobagens) podem conter resquícios de cultura. Huhu. *disturbed smile* Or not. *more disturbed smile*winterfate wrote: Y además, Panda dijo que ustedes estaban hablando de cultura. O sea, no todo es tontería, ¿verdad?
Nah!okrane wrote: Well, I hope you're right, because right now, I am not very optimistic about things. Nevertheless between a job, a family and every day chores, I somehow doubt there will be so much time...

Hum...vou tentar em espanhol, então, fechem os olhos por um momento:

I was wondering whether I could right that in Spanish, but I think I failed miserably.

"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.

Suddently spanish!theLuckyDragon wrote:@Wolfsburg
Aun tienes que acostumbrarte con la manera de hablar de nuestro amigo...

I got that he was stressed with the whole situation and I was not offended by his comment.
I just found ironical that exactly that kind of approach is what makes teachers "moronic". The inability to think further than "plain right and wrong". They might as well take your test and think to themselves (thats bullshit), some will perhaps talk it outloud. But sometimes they would get quite surprised with what lies underneath an apparently false conclusion.
Thus, I am quite aware of his fame

- theLuckyDragon
- Round Table Knight
- Posts: 4883
- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
I know. And that was pure success. You started a beautiful and phylosofical conversation. Far more interesting than talk about beautiful women.okrane wrote: @Wolfsburg
I know it's just a misconception... I was just saying it to start a conversation...
And about your struggle with time I am perhaps not the role to be followed, since I live quite fast and busy with the whole medical life-style + house-maintance + wife + hobbies. Time priority gets quite unbalanced sometimes, but its all about how you deal with it.
A small and valuable tale from a close friend (origin unknown):
"Once a young and massive lumberer from a village, after gathering enourmous fame for his impressive physical deeds proposed a challenge to the most experienced lumberer of the region (by the present time old and less muscular). The time for fresh reforest-pine lumbering was coming and there was plenty of work to be done. The challenge consisted in seeing which one could clear a pre-dertermined forested area in less time. The old lumberer accepted.
The day was beautiful and they started at the crack of down. Both started working like machines. The young man started giving all his power and making the shards of wood fly all around with the might of his axe.
The older was giving quite a lot of power as well, but clearly less than the younger one.
After the first hour of lumbering the young man noticed that the old one was taking a break, sitting on a rock visibly tired bent on his axe. That encouraged him to give more power to his moves and take the advantage.
The same scene repeated itself over and over. He saw the old man resting and he just gave more of himself. He was chopping a large stem when someone tapped him in the back and told him that the old man was done with his job.
He got furious and said that the old bastard was clearly cheating since he was spotted over and over by resting and he didnt take a single break.
To this the old lumberer replied with a discrete smile: I was not resting, young one, I was sharpening my axe..."
You may understand this tale as you want, or chose not to understand it at all. I understand it as this: the time I take for myself, and for my hobbies when nicely planned, only makes my work more effective.
- ThunderTitan
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Cred ca exista un cuvant pt asta.... ceva cu ascunderea adevarului.okrane wrote: Sunt de acord cu tine ca avem probleme interne destul de grave, dar ceea ce vreau sa subliniez eu aici este ca nu ar trebui sa povestim cat de naspa e la noi. Daca chiar vrem sa povestim ceva, zicem ceva de bine.
'Şi eu întotdeauna scriu cu diacritice.
saracu de tine... (avand in vedere la ce fac esti macar atat)
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €

I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €

Just compare the average american woman with one from East Europe.Veldrynus wrote:Well, that's a bullshit, it is.Wolfsburg wrote:I just said that poverty its one of the factors that indirectly make people look ugly.

Of course, the picture is not representative, but there is some serious truth in it.
Well, the truth is, that there might be a link between wealth and looks. Basically it comes with the genes:
A rich guy can marry everybody he wants. The obvious choice is a good looking woman. Therefore the chances that the children inherit some good genes increase significantly.
However, you don't need money to look good. That's always an excuse to do not make any efforts improving it.
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.
I can perfectly accept that you disagree with my estatement. But first I want to be sure you really got what it is about. Im not saying that extreme poverty is the only factor that determines beauty. Genes, diet, life-style, personal body-expression, etc... they all have an influence on that matter.
But I dont see how the most genetically perfect woman, can compete with your east-european model, after beeing fed manioc flour as main course since early-childhood, working 60 hours a week under equatorial sun, without dental care.
Those people are not shown smiling on the television.
P.S - Loved the photo
But I dont see how the most genetically perfect woman, can compete with your east-european model, after beeing fed manioc flour as main course since early-childhood, working 60 hours a week under equatorial sun, without dental care.
Those people are not shown smiling on the television.
P.S - Loved the photo

Acho que acabei de descobrir que gosto dessas lordoses lombares - nas mulheres, é claro.
Eu é que preciso me cuidar. Estou com uma coisa quase virando tendinite no cotovelo esquerdo, devido às altas cargas do fisiculturismo - mas já estou cuidando com um gelinho, Jointment, alongamentos e exercícios de suporte para as articulações, além de ter que abaixar a quantidade de peso em exercícios para tríceps.
Espero não demorar muito para melhorar.
Você aí na Suíça, Wolfsburg, tem planejamento para praticar algum esporte ou algo assim ou não tem interesse?

Eu é que preciso me cuidar. Estou com uma coisa quase virando tendinite no cotovelo esquerdo, devido às altas cargas do fisiculturismo - mas já estou cuidando com um gelinho, Jointment, alongamentos e exercícios de suporte para as articulações, além de ter que abaixar a quantidade de peso em exercícios para tríceps.

Espero não demorar muito para melhorar.

Você aí na Suíça, Wolfsburg, tem planejamento para praticar algum esporte ou algo assim ou não tem interesse?

"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.

Problema majora nu este imaginea. Intrebarea este, daca ar merita aceasta tara o imagine mult mai buna?okrane wrote: Si de ce oare crezi tu ca se intampla toate astea... din cauza imaginii pe care noi si tara noastra o avem.
Veldryn 15:15 And Vel found a dirty old jawbone of a walrus and put forth his hand, and took it, and in his unholy rage, he slew thirty four thousand men and children therewith.
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