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Unread postby okrane » 19 Jun 2007, 14:52

@Panda Tar

As I understood they're pretty much from all over the country. Most of the ones I asked about where they were from told me that they came from Sao Paulo (spelling?). But there is a guy from Rio de Janeiro here, and a girl from a town called Curitiba(spelling?) - somewhere in the South she told me... Another one told me that, as his mother was moving around a lot because of working at the Red Cross, they kept moving around and he has lived also close to the Rain Forest...

I totally agree that people are the ones to see and not places. I mean, I just hate people who come to Paris for like 3 days, rush into seeing the Louvre and La Tour Eiffel and then say they've been here, they've seen that... I think that the only way to see a city or a country is see it through the eyes of people who actually live here, see their way of having fun, of thinking, and live, even for a small period of time, in their way of life. That's what I would like to do with all the countries and cultures I am interested in, but, as we said earlier, time is scarce in this life...


Si de ce oare crezi tu ca se intampla toate astea... din cauza imaginii pe care noi si tara noastra o avem. Si asta e din cauza faptului ca toti romanii care ies din tara nu promoveaza deloc tara noastra, ci dimpotriva. Nu suntem cunoscuti pentru ca suntem neinteresanti din punct de vedere cultural, si vom ramane daca imbratisam fara nici o opozitie cultura americana si suntem priviti ca niste *rahati* pentru ca singura imagine a Romaniei si a romanilor care este perceputa in vest este aceasta.

De aceea am tot insistat pe acest aspect si pe faptul ca daca noi (*cough* TT *cought*) doar denigram tara in care traim, aspectele de care vorbesti nu or sa se schimbe niciodata. Mai mult, fiecare dintre noi ar trebui, atunci cand este in contact cu straini, fie el forum, excursie in strainatate sau vizite ale strainilor la noi, sa incerce pe cat posibil sa schimbe aceasta parere. Daca nu, vom fi tratati ca niste tigani in continuare - si asta pentru romanii din strainatate este o mare dificultate, dar este de asemenea o dificultate si pentru cei din tara, din motive in care nu mai intru. Pentru ca fie ca ne place sau nu, tiganii sunt singurii ambasadori ai Romaniei in acest moment.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 15:56

okrane wrote: As I understood they're pretty much from all over the country. Most of the ones I asked about where they were from told me that they came from Sao Paulo (spelling?). But there is a guy from Rio de Janeiro here, and a girl from a town called Curitiba(spelling?) - somewhere in the South she told me... Another one told me that, as his mother was moving around a lot because of working at the Red Cross, they kept moving around and he has lived also close to the Rain Forest...
São Paulo is the biggest city (and also the name of the most populous state with that capital) in Brazil. I know not much paulistas (those who are born in there). There this workmate who is from Campinas, in the countryside part of that state, although also a big city. At least at my point of view and I know I'm wrong, paulistas are hurried people, with so many concerns they cannot focus on themselves. There are two workmates that are from Rio de Janeiro and their spelling is really characteristic, saying words like Páscoa as if speaking Páshcoa. :D I don't like that sort of speech because it resembles me annoyiance, but, again, that's just because of the way they speak, because they are damn nice people. Curitiba is a very cold capital, an example of modernity, transport services, and very clean for its size. I think it's about 2.8 million people. But for cold, it's also known as having cold people as well, that are most alike not to welcome you so easily, and even curitibanos themseves say that. I have a friend from there, and my step-sister and brother were born in there too. For you to have an idea of the whole country :lol:, these three citys are a way to go, but, maybe 120 people from different places would do to tell you how this country is.
I totally agree that people are the ones to see and not places. I mean, I just hate people who come to Paris for like 3 days, rush into seeing the Louvre and La Tour Eiffel and then say they've been here, they've seen that...
Hehe, I'd like taking a photo in front of those or just staring at them for a while, but that's a memory, you'll carry on. Then, going out with some lot would really be the best thing to do at all. :) France must be spectacular for the tourist matter, but I know not much about people but what we speak with other fellow members like you or Wildbear. That's why I'd be going there someday.
That's what I would like to do with all the countries and cultures I am interested in, but, as we said earlier, time is scarce in this life...
I think you're still in the rush part of your life. But, as time comes, and I know that's right because all people I know that experienced that feels the same after that has passed: the more things you do, the more you'll find spare time to do other things. You master it, no matter how. It takes time, but that will be worth, you'll see. ;)
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 15:58

okrane wrote: @ South Americans...

Brazilian women are so HOT :D
Thats a media-imported cliché that has little to do with reality. We are alltogether 180 million inhabitants, it would be a surprise if there wasnt beautiful people within them.

And you can trust me when I say that the women from Copacabana beach you see on TV and those who go study in France only represent a priviledged minority. The widespread poverty and bad work conditions prevent our people from exploring their looks and makes even the most beautiful ones look tired and used as early aging comes.

If I had to compare Id say there as many ugly people in Brasil as in any other developing country.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Jun 2007, 16:01

okrane wrote: Intrebarea se referea mai exact la faptul ca toata lumea vrea sa plece in State. Bani sunt peste tot in vest. Chiar si in Romania se pot face bani cu putina inovatie... chestia e ca tineretul roman este fascinat de plecat in USA in primul si-n primul rand...
Pentru ca e mai stiuta SUA decat altele (lipsa de cunostiinte explica orice). Nu ca nu e plin de romani la cules de capsuni prin restu vestului.

O, nu... nicidecum nu vreau subiecte despre ce studiezi la facultate... pt ca discuti despre munca ta, e totusi cam trist...
Problema e ca nu am tp sa ma gandesc la altceva...

De aceea am tot insistat pe acest aspect si pe faptul ca daca noi (*cough* TT *cought*) doar denigram tara in care traim, aspectele de care vorbesti nu or sa se schimbe niciodata.
Hei, dc ajungem intr-o situatie in care chiar o ducem bine si nu mai simt tiganii nevoia sa plece la furat altundeva avem mai multe sanse sa rectificam situatia decat dc toata ziua aberam despre ce bine e la noi.

Plus, dc chiar crezi ca se scapa asa usor de conceptii dastea io zic ca te inseli.

If I had to compare Id say there as many ugly people in Brasil as in any other developing country.
What does that have to do with looks?!

As for looking tired, that's only a lack of make-up, ppl in developed countries get tired too you know.
Last edited by ThunderTitan on 19 Jun 2007, 16:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 16:02

And by the way I love reading the rumanian posts from this forum.

It gives me the feeling that I am an inch close to understand it, but in the end I notice that I got nothing of it.

It has clear latin components but many other particular vocabules.

Fantastic combination.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 16:05

Wolfsburg wrote: And you can trust me when I say that the women from Copacabana beach you see on TV and those who go study in France only represent a priviledged minority. The widespread poverty and bad work conditions prevent our people from exploring their looks and makes even the most beautiful ones look tired and used as early aging comes.
:lol: Deveria vir para Floripa, então. Apesar do país ter seus pecados em beleza, há um certo desequilíbrio (muito agradável) por aqui. Nas praias, principalmente da praia Mole, há um certo clichê sim. É uma maravilha... :devious: Um clichê maravilhoso!
If I had to compare Id say there as many ugly people in Brasil as in any other developing country.
Since the developed countries have just beautiful people. :tongue: :D
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Jun 2007, 16:08

Yeah, getting invaded by everyone has it advantages.

Of course you're not using any Ş Ţ Ă Î Â on the forum, so it's even harder for a non-native to get anything (lets not mention the lack of proper spelling and grammar).
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 16:47

By developing countries I mean those who still experience extreme poverty.

Exemple: cheap food in Brasil, carbohidrates = spaghetti + potatos + rice + black beans.

This kind of chronic "hypercaloric mal-nutrition" is responsible for an alarming rate of obesity increase within the poorer layers. Brasil is currently leading the rank of weight gain and young obesity among the development countries.

Those people havent got the money wether to buy make-up or to eat healthy. Following that line of thinking you will probably conclude quite fast that they dont know very much about dental higiene as well, and if so will surely not spend their money on tooth paste.

And by bad working conditions I mean the enormous rural mass explored by the landowners thats forced to abdicate their primary rights for health and dental care in order to get something to eat...

...And not stressed doctors that work 10 hours a day in New York.

Only the people under the poverty line (miserables) represent in the moment a chunk of almost 30 million people. And they dont have time to consider lookings (or to rise to Florianopolis for the vacations).

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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 16:51

Panda Tar wrote: Since the developed countries have just beautiful people. :tongue: :D
Please dont take me wrong. I live in Switzerland and I damn hell know it is not so. But extreme poverty has a clear link with bad appearance. And I havent seen much of poverty here (or Norway, or Sweden...)

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 16:56

Wolfsburg wrote: Only the people under the poverty line (miserables) represent in the moment a chunk of almost 30 million people. And they dont have time to consider lookings (or to rise to Florianopolis for the vacations).
Or leaving their homes, as I did when I left Rondônia. That was a place very well the like you described. This is a sad picture, indeed, as we are one of the most biggest countries producting food, but, yet, having starving people all over. And, yet, when you get to know them as I did, they are still happy, mature. These things really change us, deeply.
Please dont take me wrong. I live in Switzerland and I damn hell know it is not so. But extreme poverty has a clear link with bad appearance. And I havent seen much of poverty here (or Norway, or Sweden...)
Estava somente brincando. Estou bem ciente da situação a que você estava falando. ;)
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 17:05

Tá falado! E pode ficar tranquilo que meu sotaque é bastante suave apesar de ser carioca. Lá em casa tem Páshhhhhhcoa, mas para a gente é só páshcoa. ;)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Jun 2007, 17:10

Yeah, rich countries like the US don't have people with weight problems... :rolleyes:

As i said, it's more about how much they have to spend on make-up.
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 17:13

Nah! I learn fast! Not discuss with Thundertitan! :D

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 17:19

Wolfsburg wrote:Tá falado! E pode ficar tranquilo que meu sotaque é bastante suave apesar de ser carioca. Lá em casa tem Páshhhhhhcoa, mas para a gente é só páshcoa. ;)
Sem problemas. E eu que não tenho sotaque? :rolleyes: Quero dizer, eu tenho, mas não sei de onde que é. O povo nunca sabe dizer de onde que sou, mesmo quando vou para Brasília ou para Rondônia. Deve ser uma espécie de brasilês-sem-noção.

E eu ainda prefiro o sotaque carioca ao sotaque da ilha. Tem que ouvir para ver o terror. "Entendesse!? Entendesse!?" Cacilda....:D
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Jun 2007, 17:27

Wolfsburg wrote:Nah! I learn fast! Not discuss with Thundertitan! :D
Seriously, the US has a problem with fat people.
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 17:30

Maybe that's the opposite? :rolleyes:
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 19 Jun 2007, 18:41

În momentul ăsta urăsc toţi antiviruşii din lume şi toţi providerii de Internet din lume şi alte chestii asemănătoare.

Şi eu întotdeauna scriu cu diacritice. :P
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Unread postby Wolfsburg » 19 Jun 2007, 19:23

ThunderTitan wrote:
Seriously, the US has a problem with fat people.
;) :D I know, I know. It would be crazyness to contest that fact. I just said that poverty its one of the factors that indirectly make people look ugly. Although it is not the only factor.

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Unread postby Veldrynus » 19 Jun 2007, 19:29

Wolfsburg wrote:I just said that poverty its one of the factors that indirectly make people look ugly.
Well, that's a bullshit, it is.
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 19 Jun 2007, 19:51

Bullshit also makes people look ugly, specially on the face.
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