In general, which School of Magic is Strongest/Most Useful?

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Which School of Magic is Strongest/Most Useful?

Total votes: 39

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Unread postby tb5841 » 16 Feb 2008, 15:25

A Warlock has 50% more spellpower than a Wizard, which gives just under 50% more damage. Elemental Gargoyles add more damage than this, though they are obviously very situational. Empowered Spells add 50% damage for double mana cost, MotW adds 100% damage for double mana cost. Elemental Chains adds a small amount more damage to a Warlock, but if MotW and Elemental Gargoyles are set up right, a Wizard will actually do more damage.

Warlocks have Irresistible Magic, which can be quite useful, but Wizards have golems they can heal with spells, and can make much better use of Armageddon. MotW also lets Wizards make far better use of Master of Fire/Ice/Storms and Cold Death. And Wizards have far more mana. So I'd say Wizards are actually better destructive casters now.

Sylvan can also do more damage than Warlocks in theory, as a Ranger can cast 10 fireballs in the time a Warlock can cast 1 (if each enemy stack is a favoured enemy). Or more against Inferno. And High Druids are bugged - according to the manual, Channelling cannot raise your hero's spellpower higher than their knowledge, but I've tested it and they can. 30 High Druids will give you an extra 20 Spellpower or so.

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Unread postby Tensho » 16 Feb 2008, 16:12

Well the most strongest is summoning...if you have sorcery.Using blade barrier,summoning crystal and hives,landmining the whole battlefield,summoning phoenix(with regeneration :-D )and a lot of stuff...
However this poll is about useful of the magic,so my vote goes for light :D
You can always use ressurect,its really useful.Divine vengeance can turns the battle for your cause.And the mass spells make your army imba.
However i know the power of the dark magic-its really dark and powerful(got good animation too).Lets not forget the Destructive.I killed 20 angels,40 paladins and the whole army with just one empowered meow shower :victory:

But i guess it all triggers to HOW you use magic,not which one
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