Goblin Evolution

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Your favourite crafty little bugger is...

H1 Goblin
H2 Goblin
H3 Goblin
H3 Hobgoblin
H4 Goblin Knight
H5 Goblin
H5 Goblin Trapper
H5 Goblin Witch-Doctor
Total votes: 82

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Unread postby Suleman » 11 Nov 2007, 15:56

I'm the only one who voted for the Goblin Trapper?
"Yes, but what about David Beckham and the magic mushroom?"

I'm baaaaaack!

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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 11 Nov 2007, 18:53

Well, I finally cast my vote for the H5 Goblin because it looks like what my idea of a goblin looks like, only in my mind, they would be green. The H5 Witch Doctor almost got my vote just because I like its mask, but seeing the plain Goblin's face made the difference … so it got my vote.
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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 22 May 2008, 02:38

I have a newfound appreciation for Heroes 2 Goblins...

They are truly excellent at softening up powerful stacks, thanks to the barbarian's attack skill... goblins, wolves & orcs are a great early game creeping force.

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Macros the Black
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 29 May 2008, 18:38

Never liked the Goblins until HoMM V. So for me it's a choice between:

- Sniveling, rat-like, cowardly goblin with a hooked sword and a head that's too big
- That same guy, but then with chains, bandages and plants on it's head that's still too big.
- Or one with a mask and a wig, and a tamburin (or whatever the instrument is called in English)..

I'm gonna go with the plain Heroes V unupgraded goblin. They look exactly as I'd imagine them to look :) Bunch a' no-good cowards.
Besides, only use goblins have next to being thrown/eaten/sacrificed is doing damage (because their abilities never seem to even work, let alone do something worthwhile), so I think the sword fits alot better than chains/tamburin.
Really love how they look when the cyclops eats them, btw (doesn't matter which upgrade you have, when the cyclops eats them they look like normal goblins). You gotta try opening a replay in the movie editor and looking at the cyclops close-up when he eats or throws a goblin - it's hilarious, and really cool :D You can see the goblin trying to escape the cyclops' hand, and the cyclops bites off his head and throws the body away :-D
The goblin trappers are so useless, I really hate them.. At least the Witch Doctors have a funny animation and their ability actually works once in a while.

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