Unread postby gaspi2 » 08 Mar 2007, 18:36
Well, I have some suggestions, too:)
(Or I can suggest whole heroes~~)
General: tier 8 added - more units(different) - more fun
Ultimate achieveable till lvl 25(that means 1 pre-req tree deleted, also gives player more choices:))
caster creatures regen 1 mana per round
Racial(y, why not? I like the racial skills idea)
- Faith -
basic: tier 1 and 2 can worship. faith multiplier 1
advanced: tier 3 and 4 also.faith multiplier 1,5
expert:tier 5 and 6.faith multiplier 2
Ultimate: tier 7 and 8.faith multiplier 2,5(means effect of faith is multipied, meand e.g. if squire recieve 2 def. per 3 faith, then def. is multiplied by this number)
worship multiplier: 2( means peasants - 50 pes. per 1 faith, 4 another 1 faith 100 peasants are needed, then 200, 400 etc...)
ultimate: every unit now have 'faith' ability. Faith ability power doubles for units that already posses the ability(crusaders, champions and archangels/angels)
Peasants: taxpayer
1 faith per 50 peasants
recieve 1 bonus health for every 7 faith(if ultimate is avaible)
archer/crossbowman: - (precise shot)(half ranged defense when doing full ranged dmg)
1 faith per 25 units
recieve 1 more attack per 4 faith(if ultimate is avaible)
pikeman: negate 1st strike, long ranged(just like in heroes 4), 30% chance of blocking mellee strike
1 faith per 17 units
recieve 1 more defense per 4 faith and 1 initiative per 13 faith(if ultimate is avaible)
footman/squire: shield bash, (shield wall), armoured
1 faith per 10 units
recieve 2 defense per 3 faith(if ultimate is avaible)
priest:spellcaster(area heal, cleansing, retribution, song of peace), faith
1 faith per 2 priests is made
faith: recieve 7 bonus health per 5 faith
paladin/crusader:two-attacks, (faith), armoured, (death resistance)
1 faith per 3 units is made
recieve 1 attck, 1 def and 1 dmg per 4 faith
champions:1st strike, charge, hero, blessed, faith
Hero: special: 1 champion would have only 100 hp but 4 each 1 champion killed 1 crusader is raised(nasty, huh?:))
1 faith per 2 champion is made
recieve 4 dmg per 5 faith
angel/archangels: flyer, blessed, faith, (ressurection), angel(gives + 1 morale)
1 faith per 1 angel is made
recieve 20 health per 7 faith, also recieve 1 bonus mana regeneration per 17 faith
20 mana, 20 mana ressurection cost(can be halved with 'refined mana' perk;))
- necromancy - (of course~~)
1.) upgrades units from necromancy if player already owns upgr. dwelling
2.) effect of necormancy raises by 1% per hero lvl(from those 15% if expert, so at lvl 33 necromancy effect is 20%)
3.) necromancer now raises tier units equal to tier killed. Depends on necromancy mastery(basic tier 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8)
otherwise raises skeletons(if player doesn't have this perk)
ultimate: necromancer is now so adept at raising dead that now he can make whole armies directly on battlefield(this means that necromancy gets it's effect right away in battle: e.g. 6 black dragons killed, 2 spectral dragons raised into spectral dragons stack etc...). Effect of necromancy doubles.
skeleton: undead, skeletal(half dmg from ranged)
zombie/ghoul: weakening strike(feed(zombie is healed after each his attack. No ressurection))
ghosts: flyer, mana drain, aging, fear(lvl 2), incorporeal
(fear: lvl 1 - 25% chance opponent won't retaliate
lvl 2 - 50% chance
lvl 3 - no retalation, enemy runs away for 1 tile(loss of initiative)
lvl 4 - no retaliaton - enemy runs away for it's maximum speed away from unit(loss of initiative)
lvl 5 - same, 10% chance that any unit on battlefield will freeze in panic(living only)
mummy/festering mumy: weakening strike(cursing attack - weakness, vurnerability and so on spells are casted upon attack( only 1 per strike of course;))
vampires: same as in heroes 4(undead, life drain, flyer, no retalation)
lich/archlich: undead, shooter, skeletal, cloud attack, (caster),
spellbook: (raise skeleton), (weakness), (mark of necormancy)
reaper: undead, life drain, raise dead, mark of necromancy, magical imunity
has low hp, but high defenses
raise dead: same as archangels(20 mana, 20 cost)
bone dragon/spectral dragon:undead, skeletal(changes to incorporeal upon upgr.), fear lvl 3(lvl 5 upgr.), (aging attack), flyer.
bone has 230 hp, spectral 180hp.
- wizardry -
basic 10% faster initiative 4 casting
adv.: 20%, all spells at basic effect regardless on school mastery
exp.: 30%, advanced lvl
ulti: 40%, all spells are instantly on expert level.
ultimate: all spells are written to hero spellbook and hero wastes only 1/4 of mana needed to cast spells, also every spell that wizard casts is banned in opponent's spellbook.
gremlin: repair(nothing else:))
stone gargoyle/obsidian gargoyle: stoneskin, elemental,(imunite to magic)
steel golem: slow imunity, 75% magic proof, magic mirror, mechanical,
naga/naga queen: no retalation, (4-handed attack), (30% chance of blocking any attack but spell)
dragon golem: mechanical, magica limunity, negate 1st strike, 1st strike, fire breath(activated ability, makes firewall in front of dragon, 1 tile range)
mage/archmage: caster,piercing attack , (magic mirror), (magic proof 90%)
spellbook: ice bolt, fire wall, (summon air elemental), retribution, (mass cleansing), (area effect slow), (deflect missiles), divine strenght.
genie: spellcaster, magic abosrb(absorbs any spell to gain mana equal to it's mana cost), incorporeal, flyer, no mellee penalty
spellbook: blizzard(area effect - casts ice bolt on all units in affected area every turn 4 4 turns), teleport, area effect haste, pain mirror, create illusion.
collosus/titan: (ranged), no mellee penalty, lighting absorb(4 health), (chain shot), imunite to mind control
maybe later I'll write other factions(:-/)
magic schools: dark, light, summon, destructive, enchanting.
e.g. some spells:
plague(dark) - 15 dmg per 1 spellpower, 2/5/8/10%(mastery) dmg increase per turn(eg 1st 300 dmg, then 330, then 363, then 399 etc...)
frenzy/raise dead
enchanting: hypnosise, teleport...
summoning: phoenix, summon treants, etc...
destructive: armageddon/firewall etc...
and so on...:-/
Heh if u like it I can write more:)