Didn't Einstein dislike the way quantum theory was heading coz it relied on a rather random (chaotic) universe?
Of course, Einstein's pantheism had something to do with it aswell. In character Einstein was actually probably chaotic good, since he didn't really have a very high opinion of traditions, or nations or goverments.
I think he said that nationalism was the measles of mankind at one point.
However it seems that quantum theory seems to point to order out of chaos, but also the imperfection of the order of that universe.
Whether the universe will eventually get more and more unstable until it eventually dissolves into a mass of random quantums, in other words 'pure' chaos, or whether the quantums will become more stable over time, or whether things will stay the same, I don't think anyone has any way of knowing.
The whole thing suggests that the universe originated not ex nihilo, but from a primal chaos. In other words, the original creation theories of the babylonians were actually correct.
And this is why following laws shouldn't be enough for the Lawful alignment.
True, I was pointing out that chaotic neutral characters might have a lawful whim, so for a short time they might behave in a lawful way, even if they are really chaotic.
What? A Lawful char would also be against tradition being misused or perverted.
True and that's the problem with working the true alignment of someone like Lysander. And then there is the problem that since Paleadra is less than 4 years old, really there isn't much tradition to follow. What there really, is the tradition of Erathia and Antagarich.
Certainly Lysander doesn't behave in what one would describe as a fashion befitting his rank as leader of a sovereign state. He runs off into the wilds, leaving his nation in the hands of others, he is restless and eternally on the move, never stopping in one place, least of all his capital city.
A lawful good ruler, would I think have not behaved in such an erratic fashion, they would perhaps even have stepped down when Sir Worton drew his blade, 'proving' that he was a Gryphenheart.
Chaotic Neutral or Evil, depending on her mood at the time. devil She's in some ways a better char then Gauldroth IMO
In which case she is almost certainly chaotic neutral. Chaotic Neutrals can behave in an 'evil' way at times, and they can behave in a 'good' way at times.
At times it is almost like Tawni likes to take mortal risks, for instance the way she declared herself captain and the way she pretended to be unarmed for the water-burial ceremony of her father.
And the whole Pirate Queen thing too. Her whole mission to become ruler, is based upon what amounts to a whim.