Da' vane wrote:Well, it is H5. A lot of people think a new Heroes game is the best thing ever, regardless of what it is actually like.
And a lot of people are going to complain about a new game no matter what. DL takes every chance he can to complain about H5 -- repeatedly -- and even after having been shown to be wrong. It's his favorite way of passing the time.
And even he's not complaining about the skill system, as he said.
Da' vane wrote:
The skill system is improved over H3 - heroes actually do lot more. It's not like H4, where heroes were actually on the battlefield, which is a shame, but not everybody liked. Depending on your opinion of H4, H5 is an improvement, or a step back.
I liked H4. I feel H5 is an improvement. Does this mean that those who didn't like H4 feel that H5 is a step back?
Da' vane wrote:
It's just that games have moved on, and there's much more inspiration out there, that the system we see in H5 is not the best way it could be done. But that's Nival all over it seems, as they appear to have been extremely lazy in the development of H5. They could have looked towards other systems and ideas and seen better ways of doing things - but instead, they forced 3d on us, even when it wasn't neccessary, and basically made an unfinished product. It's not unplayable, but it could be a lot, lot better...
Yes, it could have been better. The point of contention is whether allowing people to get every single subability of a skill is a way to make the game better. As it stands now, I look at a skill chart, decide which three subabilities I want, and get them. I have yet to fail in getting the subabilities for which I was aiming. This complaint seems akin to those on the Ubi forums who feel that the Necropolis is weak because they rely a great deal on Skeleton Archers and Summoning Magic.
Da' vane wrote:
I don't want to have to wait for the H5 equivalent of Wake of the Gods or Equilibris to mod H5 to actually make it what it could have been.
Fortunately, most of the game files are .xml and easily unlocked with a trial version of WinRAR, so you won't really have to. You said that Nival was lazy and didn't look towards other systems and ideas, but that level of freedom is far beyond anything previous Heroes titles offered, and is much the same as Civ IV's.
Da' vane wrote:
I mean, the title of the game should have given Nival some clue where the focus should be - HEROES of Might and Magic.
No, the
gameplay should have given Nival some clue where the focus should be. Since Heroes I, it's been about Heroes
and Armies. If you want games that focus solely on Hero-building, may I recommend the Might and Magic games?
Da' vane wrote:
They took a step in the right direction... but really, they should have been down the other end of the road at their destination by now, not waiting for patches and expansion packs...
But they're not going to get there by listening to minority complaints. Once we cut through everything, your complaint is that you can't get all the subabilities for a skill. Approximately one other person has agreed with that, as far as I can tell. The rest of us seem to be just fine choosing the subabilities we want and going for them.
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.