H3 HD Launched

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BB Shockwave
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H3 HD Launched

Unread postby BB Shockwave » 03 Feb 2015, 01:52

Dang. I know they did not have the codes for the expansion, but how hard would it have been to make the updates and patches AB did? I am annoyed that Dragonflies do not cast Weakness on enemies, like in AB... Or how you cannot just hit space to activate an adventure map object without moving.

Oh and the tablet version crashes to desktop if you try to attack a ballista with a melee unit... Sheesh. Those can be annoying!

"Loving it so far. I miss the Conflux and combo artifacts about as much as I expected (i.e. not at all). :)"

I mostly just miss the improvements from the expansion, even the small ones. And yeah, the Conflux too - it was a fun town and finally made elementals useful for once.

Not missing the munchkin artifacts of the SoD expansion. I might be a veteran player, but SoD, after a while, stopped being fun and became a mad race against the AI.

"I'm so happy to find out that Heroes III is still as relevant as it was back in 1999. Despite the crude animations, it still looks quite fine and most importantly, it's still a lot of fun."

I had the same experience with my half-brother who is 15 years younger than me. :) I think it's the complexity and yet simplicity of the game, and that the graphics are colorful and the designs simple yet interesting. Something that Ubi has yet to grasp - creatures should have a simple, unadorned design that you can embellish in smaller details maybe, but not over-do just because you have the CPU speed to make it happen - we are doing overhead battles, they have to look recognizable from above.

regarding the below - check this screen: https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0004/p ... _1_HUD.jpg What can you tell about who is battling whom? Little colorful blobs with big number tags... In HOMMIII you could see which unit was which easily.

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Unread postby jeff » 03 Feb 2015, 21:35

Multiple consecutive posts merged into one.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby overall » 13 Feb 2015, 20:38

H3HD... God damn Ubisuft! stop putting trojans in to your games!... well good got fixed works fine now i played it through 4 days.... kind of funny it just might be that it was my first time that i played all those campaigns... before i usually fuck those up cuz campaigns needs to always start in saved games well this time i didn't make that mistake... i end up with 243 saves xD came handy on that Berserker achievement just loaded to that map x)
But yea this HD mod looks nice but after playing few hours i didn't anymore much think of it... some of those small changes items and hero looks feel bit unnecessary i would been just fine with polished old looks... hmmm... all this years it was coffee pot x)

Nice that this is on steam guess i cant lose this one... 15 bucks ain't so bad... sell some items on market if you don't want to pay it x) must be my 5 time i bought this game usually this end up not working or gets lost somewhere x) mostly i like physical copies but steam has it good things too... and it gets bit frustrating changing between different "gaming services" so i been trying stick with steam...

Well H3HD was classical blast but i would rather like to see more balanced version of this game some useless skills and creatures etc. could been fixed i think WOG has done this already.... and worth mentioning Hota was really good i haven't finished it yet i think im on last map... really good sequel to this game im not so in to pirate theme but game aesthetics are well preserved... i could easy pay 10 bucks for it but its FREE! x) gotta do some donation for you guys....
hmm... actually while waiting H7 gets done i could write some of my impressions on Hota i probably need to rerun it...

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