Do i really suck so much?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Apr 2006, 10:45

In H1-3 if you don't have a town for a week you lose by default. They went back to that in H5. The AI in the demo doesn't take back the castle, hopefully this got fixed.
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Galactic Gargle Blaster
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back from a long sleep.. :)

Unread postby Blue_Camel » 25 Apr 2006, 20:42

20 Inquisitors killed the whole stack of 200 Demons with one attack
i find that awfully hard to believe.. 200 inquis would surely do that but 20..? especially if it was near the beginning of the battle where the inquis would have a broken arrow due to the distance penalty.

and concerning training, haven looks mighty scary i must say.. you can get boatloads of marksmen so easily due to high peasant growth + training. then again all towns have their own strong , unique specialties.. ; if they do a good job balancing them then i think this could be an amazing game. and if the balance isnt so great, well then.. i'll play through the campaigns and wait for a patch before playing multiplayer. i was scared when i played the beta on this old comp and it ran horrificly.. but now the demo runs pretty smoothly so i am relieved. so all in all i am excited to be back in the homm loop. just a quick question.. did they say they would include a map editor in the initial release??


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Bandobras Took
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 25 Apr 2006, 22:56

ThunderTitan wrote:The AI in the first campaign map didn't try to get his castle back after i took it, so it looks like the problem isn't specific to that sp map. Big problem if this makes it in the final game.
On the non-campaign map, I did have a hero attack the Haven the day after I took it . . . they had only 15 Archangels, so I tore them apart, but they did try.
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