Xel II wrote:Marzhin told me (in PM) that in LotA M&M9 was shortly after the Reckoining, since Nicolai still believes he is on Enroth and nobody heard about the Refugees.
Shortly could mean anything, from a few weeks to a few years.
I think most of us have read over the Axeoth timeline, but nobody's disagreed with my date placement for the Second Crossing or the colonial Reckoning before.
Xel II wrote:Because Tim Lang agreed with MMT that Nicolai was born in 1151
Which doesn't explain things, as that would place the Reckoning in 1173/4.
Xel II wrote:But he is competent about M&M9, not about Axeoth in general or Enroth.
At Castle Gobs he admits that he is not competent about Heroes. Clearly he is competent about
part of Enroth (i.e. the Might and Magic part) since he was aware of Nicolai's existence and the whole circus thing.
Xel II wrote:So, if he said that Nicolai was around 23 in M&M9, that means he was around 23 in M&M9.
Alright... so he's to be marked as competent about one game world he's worked on in detail, but not the other. I love selective reasoning
Xel II wrote:Nicolai was born in 1155. If he was around 23 in M&M9, that means M&M9 was in early 1178.
Yet you state already that Tim Lang is unreliable about Enroth. If he doesn't know when Nicolai was born for certain, how could he be certain as to how old Nicolai should be?
Xel II wrote:We don't know if Kendal chose the new King by the time of Sword of Frost or not.
But we're 99% certain that he didn't, since no new King or Queen is mentioned by Lysander, Tarnum or anyone else. Also, Sir Kentaine from Heroes IV mentions having outlived two Erathian rulers, not three.
Xel II wrote:And Gelu could beard about the Sword six years after AB.
Xel II wrote:Fighting alngsides Parson's and Erathian troops, while Tarnum was freeing dragons etc.
And Tarnum didn't mention this or note that they were fighting for AvLee at the same time, nor did Gelu himself or Harke reference Gelu's presence during that war in SoF or LotA. Not to mention that Gelu, "AvLee's greatest hero", didn't participate in the final battle with Mutare which involved the Erathian King and the Kreegans (who were all dead and gone by the end of AB). Hmm.