Happy Christmas and New Year for everyone.
I played with MonstersTxt (mm8) few days ago and have found that i can not add monster with index above 267. Did not find any workaround, so tried to solve it myself. I am not sure if it is in best state at mean time, but you can test it:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwglo3lu37u67 ... s.zip?dl=0 .
In short words: no limits there anymore.
1. Replace "00 structs.lua" in ...Scripts\Structs with one from archive (dont worry, there are not many changes, it will not affect your current game anyhow).
2. Put MonList.txt from archive to your ...Data\Tables folder.
3. Replace MONSTERS.txt from your EnglishT.lod with one from archive.
Dont launch game between steps - it will not start.
As result, max number of monsters will be increased to 397. I just doubled all existing monsters in mm8 and added one more. You can see them and place on any map in MMEditor: create new monster, press "Type" button. Of course, you can change MONSTERS.txt and MonList.txt as you wish, but watch for indexes in MONSTERS.txt, game will crash if there are less of them then number in "00 structs.lua" at line 80 (also, you can increase this number if you want more slots).
Notice! Monsters.txt and MonList.txt from my archive are ready only for clear version of MM8 (MM7 and MM6 are not supported) with latest version of MMExt (MMExt temporary 2.2 version).
I have few dull questions, but i cant even formulate them now. I did try to keep my code outside of "00 structs.lua", except replacing predefined numbers with variables, but at some points functions from "00 structs.lua" did not see global variables, even after i changed "_KNOWNGLOBALS" at line 13. Maybe it is because of environment system of lua? My code starting at line 77 and ends at line 140, it is inserted between "else" and "define...", nothing more is changed.