MMExtension v2.2 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [June 4, 2019]

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 09 Jun 2016, 07:22

I use this script for NPC on map, not in the building. This may be a problem.

Ps. I checked it and everything works when the NPC is in the house.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 09 Jun 2016, 15:24

Did you try it in MM8 or MM7?
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 10 Jun 2016, 05:24

Well, perhaps I've already fixed it. Time to release.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 11 Jun 2016, 19:52

Enlarged textures for terrain are cut instead of being matched and I don't see any way to change that. :/

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 12 Jun 2016, 15:07

Yes, there's no easy way. It can be easily done in D3D mode in MM7 and MM8, but Software mode support is tricky.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 16 Jun 2016, 15:34

GrayFace wrote:Yes, there's no easy way. It can be easily done in D3D mode in MM7 and MM8, but Software mode support is tricky.
I tried to use MMResTool but nothing changed. I do not comprehend it.

BTW, I wrote a script that changes in chosen map statistics of monster (Dragonflies in MM7) and then it summon them with changes. Unfortunately, script Game.MonstersTxt[28].Picture can't change their appearance. If it worked, it could easily overcome the limitations of Monsters.txt... I'm looking forward for new version of MMExt without this limit.

Ps. Are MonList.txt have any limit?

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 18 Jun 2016, 10:18

I have a problem. I added a new map to MM7 and when I placed on it some peasants (both with the scripts and manually) game crashes during the second visit of the map. I think it is associated with the assignment of identities for the peasants, because I tried to add them to the original map and it works and during the first visit they are always simple peasants.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Jun 2016, 19:12

Send me the ErrorLog.txt.

As for monster appearance, there is mon:LoadFramesAndSounds() method for that.
J. M. Sower wrote:Ps. Are MonList.txt have any limit?
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Jun 2016, 19:29

(from another thread)
Echo wrote: EDIT2: and since I'm already asking questions I might not get answered - is there a way to change values of enchantments? For example, to make Of the Gods one give say +30 stats instead of +10? I had hopes for the table that lists those, but it doesn't actually allow to change them.
It is possible like this: (haven't checked it in game)

Code: Select all

function events.CalcStatBonusByItems(t)
  if t.Stat >= const.Stats.Might and t.Stat <= const.Stats.Luck then
    for it in t.Player:EnumActiveItems() do
      if it.Bonus2 == 2 then
        t.Result = t.Result + 20
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 19 Jun 2016, 10:21

GrayFace wrote:Send me the ErrorLog.txt.

GrayFace wrote:As for monster appearance, there is mon:LoadFramesAndSounds() method for that.
Could you somehow explain this? Maybe a simple example? I can see some information in '01 common structs.lua' but I don't know how to use it.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 19 Jun 2016, 19:26

The crash is caused by NPCDist.txt and it's fixed in the new not-yet-released version.
J. M. Sower wrote:
GrayFace wrote:As for monster appearance, there is mon:LoadFramesAndSounds() method for that.
Could you somehow explain this? Maybe a simple example? I can see some information in '01 common structs.lua' but I don't know how to use it.
You already made some code to change monster attributes. After you set <mon>.Picture = <something> just call <mon>:LoadFramesAndSounds().
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 19 Jun 2016, 21:07

My script currently looks like this:

Code: Select all


Game.MonstersTxt[28].Spell=2-- Fire Bolt

Game.MonstersTxt[28].Picture="Bat A"

	if not evt.Cmp("MapVar88", 1) then
		local mon = SummonMonster(28, -19914, 12393, 2386)
		mon.Hostile = true
		local mon = SummonMonster(28, -19462, 11790, 2145)
		mon.Hostile = true
		local mon = SummonMonster(28, -19176, 11652, 2169)
		mon.Hostile = true
		local mon = SummonMonster(28, -22068, 11611, 2609)
		mon.Hostile = true
		evt.Set("MapVar88", 1)
You could write as you do on the basis of this?

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby AnotherMM6Fan » 07 Aug 2016, 22:03

Hello, I am trying to use MMExtension so I can use the HD mod on my mm6 game. I was having some problems and have narrowed it down to something I am doing wrong with the MMextension.

After I put the MMExtension files into the main directory of the game, I run the game and when I get attacked by a monster a debug window pops up. exiting the window causes the game to crash. I have included a picture of what I see when this happens.I doubt this is a bug and more something I did wrong.


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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 09 Aug 2016, 06:30

J. M. Sower wrote:You could write as you do on the basis of this?
Just follow each mon.Hostile = true with mon.Picture = <something> and mon:LoadFramesAndSounds(). (would actually be better to make a function that does all this instead of duplicating code)
AnotherMM6Fan wrote:I doubt this is a bug and more something I did wrong.
No, this is definitely my bug, I think I've fixed it in the upcoming version. Here's my current version, I'll soon do a release: ... on_tmp.rar
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby BTB » 10 Aug 2016, 21:05

Sorry I've been MIA around here for... damn, has it been almost a year? Got a little caught up with other modding projects, soul-crushing depression, and then a smoking hot redhead that did a lot to help alleviate said soul-crushing depression.

ANYWAY... glad to see you're still around, Grayface. Last we spoke, I believe you had mentioned that the newest version of MMExtesnsion had the hooks to do most/all of the things that I wanted to do, but couldn't?

(List of said things:

I think I'd also asked you about a problem I had trying to set up new transport locations, but I gave you a bad link to the tables right before I vanished.


13: Tatalia -> Erathia (stables) from Tue/Thu/Sat to Mon/Wed/Fri
18 & 19: Erathia no longer has boats to Bracada or Evenmorn
22: Tularean Forest has boat to Emerald Isle (1 day) instead of Tatalia
24: Bracada has boat to Tatalia instead of Erathia (4 days; added a route on Friday)
25: Added Bracada -> Evenmorn on Saturday
26: Evenmorn -> Bracada from Tue/Thu/Sat to Mon/Wed/Fri
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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 15 Aug 2016, 21:54

Latest almost always when I work with the editor (both on Win7 and WinXP) and I try to save the map, or when I click on a few other buttons in the editor the program shuts down. :S

BTW, I don't remember if I already asked this question, so how to assign a monster as the guardian of the other monster (villager)?

And a little more interesting question. Would it be possible to add to the interface a window containing a list of the player 's reputations among various factions (based on variables modified by performing the quests , etc.)? And whether because of the level of difficulty you could help me by writing scripts for it?

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Aug 2016, 13:07

I was able to create a special reputation menu for different fractions, but it could look better (It's just a dialog menu).

Currently it opens only when you click on "E". GrayFace, could you write for me a script that displays the graphic button for this window at the location shown in the picture below? Prepare button images is not a problem for me, but write this script is just too hard for me, and I really want this.

Below is a script for this menu.

Code: Select all

function events.KeyDown(t)
	if t.Key == const.Keys.E then
			t.Key = 0
		if Game.CurrentScreen == 0 then
QuestNPC =15
	Slot = -1,
	Texts = {
		Greet = "           TWOJA REPUTACJA WŚRÓD FRAKCJI KARIGORU\n\n   Im twoja reputacja jest wyższa u wybranej frakcji, tym jej wyżej postawieni przedstawiciele będą chcieli z tobą rozmawiać. Maksymalnie może ona wynosić 100%. Można wyróżnić pewne przedziały: 0-30% - tylko najbiedniejsi zechcą z tobą rozmawiać; 31-70% - każdy wieśniak, czy mieszczanin, a także przedstawiciele władz; 71-100% - dosłownie każdy przedstawiciel frakcji, włączając samych władców. Należy pamiętać, iż łatwiej utracić dobrą reputację niż ją zyskać. Aby ją zyskać należy wykonywać zadania zlecone przez członków danej frakcji, czy też zabijać jej przeciwników. Utracić ją można poprzez wykonywanie zadań dla jej wrogów, bądź też poprzez zabijanie jej członków. \n\n Kościół Słońca " .. vars.repa .. "%\n Kościół Księżyca " .. vars.repb .. "%\n Królestwo Karigoru " .. vars.repc .. "%\n Czerwone Krasnoludy z Redclaw " .. vars.repd .. "%\n Nekromanci " .. vars.repe .. "%\n Syreny " .. vars.repf .. "%\n Piraci " .. vars.repg .. "%\n Elfickie Królestwo Vori " .. vars.reph .. "%\n Państwo Tatalii " .. vars.repi .. "%\n\n[Przed wczytaniem zapisanej gry najlepiej zrestartować program, gdyż wartości reputacji mogą się błędnie wyświetlać. Jednak nie wpływa to na rozgrywkę.]",
Apart from that I was trying to write a script that changes reputation after killing the monster of the chosen group. Unfortunately, I was able to only partially achieved. This script works well :D , but also works when a monster is killed by another monster, and I want it to work only when a player kills him. :wall: GrayFace, can you help?

Code: Select all

function events.MonsterKilled(index, callDef)
	if index.Group == 38 then
		vars.repa = vars.repa - 1 -- Sun
		vars.repb = vars.repb + 2 -- Moon
		vars.repc = vars.repc - 1 -- Karigor
		vars.repd = vars.repd  - 0.2 -- Dwarfs
		vars.repe = vars.repe + 2 -- Necro
		vars.repg = vars.repg + 1 -- Pirates
		vars.reph = vars.reph  - 0.2 -- Vori
		SimpleMessage("" .. index.Group .. "") -- shows the group number

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Echo » 30 Aug 2016, 09:33

Sorry to be off-topic, but that's a cool wolf you got there! And I see it's a MM8 mod in creation on AC? On my way to check it out :> Excited already.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 31 Aug 2016, 00:37

Thanks. I must finally add a topic for my mod in this forum.

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