How does Berserk realy work?

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Artas1984 » 28 Oct 2008, 06:19

Actualy it was more than 410 - Hera sacrifised about 10000 troglodytes to ressurect her red dragons when they were at the limit of extinction - i was like LOL, what? 8| Good thing i had luck + morale on units like elves and stallions. :-D

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Unread postby Corbon » 28 Oct 2008, 15:16

Pol wrote:The Badge of Courage provides complete mind spells immunity in every H3 version. B-)
(Here's no need to test - Pol said that :p )
Just to clarify, the Orb of Vulnerability nullifies the NATURAL resistance of creatures but it doesn't counter the effect of artifacts like the Badge, Pendant of Second Sight etc., right?

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Unread postby Rainalkar » 29 Oct 2008, 09:50

I will negate the Badge, but not the Pendants or the Dragon Father, Armageddon's Blade and Sphere of Permanence. There are plenty of other things there as well.

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