I'm going to Speed Run M&M 8.... Come help!

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 25 Jun 2008, 06:40

Seems pretty good plane.. 6 boxes (Ravage) is good to open, because of two diamods (horseshoes) and sword. Ogre fortress (Ravage) is actually not the issue, just use distance weapons. Do not forget to grab the Artifact from hidden box. Lair is also not big problem. Just cast Berserk to Crusaider and let him have deal with others.
Actually I am thinking to make similar run also (possible). Just will finish Oblivion may be...

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Unread postby Snowbird » 25 Jun 2008, 06:47

Okay it took me about 2 hours just kinda beating the first part of the game, that is dagger wound to finishing regna..

To my dismay, you cannot hire the level 50 lich unless you have completed the lich training; also you can't get dervin chevrish(level 50 cleric) until you rescue blazen... So now I get to take some speed out of my run in exchange for more power.

My final party will be most likely: lich, lich, lich, lich, cleric
I'll get expert, master, and grandmaster meditation for the liches and expert, master meditation for the cleric..

And i'll get GM Dark for the 3 other liches
Dark magic: around 12-14
Meditation: the rest
Body magic: 12-14
Meditation: the rest

I guess this means I will actually have to collect money throughout the game D=
And I'll also have to use massive luck abuse to get all the spells I need, that ol take forever..

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 25 Jun 2008, 10:16

And , of course, Town portal/LLoids Beacon spells. It will save a lot of time. I put LB near the Temple and visited every time to 'refuel" mana after using Dark spells.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 26 Jun 2008, 04:16

That is quite a good idea and I will most definitely be doing that. The part I like the least is having to do book of khel/ lich jars/blazen..

The most fun part to watch for me so far is the telekineses abuse, it's pretty funny what you can do with it, you shall see.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 29 Jun 2008, 13:33

Started run for fun also. Picked up Necro as a main character. DWI just made Pure speed, some quests, barrels. Hired all possible NPC, Vampire Expert Disarm.
Ravenshore just made some gold, picked up Last Stage leather.
Alvar - Town Portal spell, departed to Murmurwoods.
Unstoned Kauri, departed to Garrote. Collected two flowers, hired Dragon. Used horses and in Ravenshore again. Kauri learned TP.
With this team cleaned up Smuglers cave, got quest from Alvar.
Traveled to Shadowspire and hired Necro 15 and Vampire 15 LVL. Under Invisibility got Book of Khel, Liches Jars, Ebonest, healed Sthormlance.
This team able to clean all necessary dungeons. After Alliance quest is possible to hire Karania , nekro 15 lvl, so totally will have after fleet quest 5 liches GM.
That is in short. Spend real time some 5-6 hours, because of some experiments. Could be done faster, but I would like to enjoy the process of game.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 29 Jun 2008, 23:45

Ya sounds like your just having fun. It does feel pretty good to be able to beat the game within like 5 hours but I've played mm8 too much and would rather push it down to as fast as physically possible. Can you think of any type of party members that would be better than having to do all of blazen stormlance, ebonest, lich jars, book of khel.

Liches are fun but I already get that level 30 female lich from shadowspire and Nathaniel will be like level 35 and i'll make my orgional member a nec..

So 2 Necromancers(Master Dark, Master Meditation), 1 Lich(GM water, GM Dark, Master Meditation), Dragon(level 5 billion dragon ability lol), Level 50 Darkelf or 50 Troll or 50 Minotaur or 50 Vampire... I might even switch to dervish chevrin once I get Llyods becon.. maybe.. I'm thinking sub 3 hours or close to.. or maybe way shorter who knows..

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Unread postby Snowbird » 30 Jun 2008, 00:33

can you use Lloyd's beacon with enemies near?

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Unread postby darknessfood » 30 Jun 2008, 09:48

Snowbird wrote:can you use Lloyd's beacon with enemies near?
Depends on what skill level you got. Can be done from Master is believe...
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 30 Jun 2008, 10:25

Lloid's Beacon Grand Master level only. Works any place.

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