MMArchive v1.0.3 and other modding tools [April 14]

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby tolich » 03 Feb 2012, 05:13

wiwiwu wrote:Can any body teach me those terms in MM6's file Mapstats?
Like what is M1, M2, M3? And what is Dif and Appear#?
I think, this data are encounter information: monster type 1,2,3,difficulty(?),chance of encounter if not safe(?).
Monster type means all three grades of that type.

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Unread postby wiwiwu » 03 Feb 2012, 05:23

Thanks for your help.
I agree with you except
Appear # =chance of encounter if not safe?
Because there is a Enc in the file, expressed as a percentage like M1, M2, M3.

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Unread postby tolich » 03 Feb 2012, 06:23

It's why I've put these question marks: I'm not sure. Maybe it's a number of appearing monsters.

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