Yes, when given a choice pick attack and spell power.Romanov77 wrote:Well, I fixed the rune bug thingy...thanks for the suggestion.
Anyway, I'll restart the campaign and try to build a better hero....I expecially need to raise attack as my old wulf had sub-par attack you recomend to pick it over defence in the Arenas?
I went ahead and finished the campaign so I'll make a few more comments about it:
Map 4:
You can negotiate with the hirable stacks. If you don't like their price cancel and talk to them again. Fairly easy map.
Map 5:
I had mentoring by the end of map 4 so I started map 5 being able to create really nice squires. By the end of the map I could create instant level 21 heroes! Armageddon was in my mage guild but I resisted the urge to create armageddon bombs.

I sent Duncan and Wulfstan in different directions to gather resources quickly. I made one supersquire using mentoring. He had resourcefulness so he picked up all resources. That meant that I had enough resources for bulding and for runes when Wulfstan squared off against the first enemy heroe. I kept exploring until he headed for my castle then used town portal to get me back home.
The last bulding I finished was the mage guild (which was for Duncan's benefit.) I finally got the Dragonform rune on this map.

The most difficult battle was the first one. I let Lazlo come to me in town and had the guard post built to help. I really lost few troops since I let the guards from the post take the punishment from the invading griffons (etheral rune made no loses for them initially.) I put my precious beserkers on the back row between the dragons and warlords so the griffins couldn't attack them when the flew over the wall.

Late in the map I got the grail, which helped provide enough gold to hire all my troops, although they really weren't all needed for the final battle, which was something of a letdown.
Wulfstan wound up maxing his level at level 28 before the final battle and looked like this:
Stats 29/26/26/26 with artifacts.
Runelore(expert): Fine, refresh, greater
Logistics(expert): pathfinding, swift mind, snatch
Light (exptet): All 3 masteries
Luck (advanced): soldier's luck, magic resistance
Enlightenment(expert): Arcane knowledge, tap rune, mentoring
Leadership (advanced):
I had forgotten how much fun this campaign was.

Edit: Oh, for some of the neutral battles against spell casters/shooters I used just the dragons and teleport or magic immunity.