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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 14 Sep 2007, 22:14

Romanov77 wrote:Well, I fixed the rune bug thingy...thanks for the suggestion.

Anyway, I'll restart the campaign and try to build a better hero....I expecially need to raise attack as my old wulf had sub-par attack value...do you recomend to pick it over defence in the Arenas?
Yes, when given a choice pick attack and spell power.

I went ahead and finished the campaign so I'll make a few more comments about it:

Map 4:
You can negotiate with the hirable stacks. If you don't like their price cancel and talk to them again. Fairly easy map.

Map 5:
I had mentoring by the end of map 4 so I started map 5 being able to create really nice squires. By the end of the map I could create instant level 21 heroes! Armageddon was in my mage guild but I resisted the urge to create armageddon bombs. :)

I sent Duncan and Wulfstan in different directions to gather resources quickly. I made one supersquire using mentoring. He had resourcefulness so he picked up all resources. That meant that I had enough resources for bulding and for runes when Wulfstan squared off against the first enemy heroe. I kept exploring until he headed for my castle then used town portal to get me back home.

The last bulding I finished was the mage guild (which was for Duncan's benefit.) I finally got the Dragonform rune on this map. :)

The most difficult battle was the first one. I let Lazlo come to me in town and had the guard post built to help. I really lost few troops since I let the guards from the post take the punishment from the invading griffons (etheral rune made no loses for them initially.) I put my precious beserkers on the back row between the dragons and warlords so the griffins couldn't attack them when the flew over the wall. :) Shieldguards defended the runepriests and skirmishers. Lost a couple of dragons but that's about it. Troops from the guard post led the charge out of the castle once the flyers were dead, taking out a lot of the champions in their first attack. The rest was mop up.

Late in the map I got the grail, which helped provide enough gold to hire all my troops, although they really weren't all needed for the final battle, which was something of a letdown.

Wulfstan wound up maxing his level at level 28 before the final battle and looked like this:

Stats 29/26/26/26 with artifacts.

Runelore(expert): Fine, refresh, greater
Logistics(expert): pathfinding, swift mind, snatch
Light (exptet): All 3 masteries
Luck (advanced): soldier's luck, magic resistance
Enlightenment(expert): Arcane knowledge, tap rune, mentoring
Leadership (advanced):

I had forgotten how much fun this campaign was. :) I played through all the campaigns as soon as I got the expansion and hadn't touched them since.

Edit: Oh, for some of the neutral battles against spell casters/shooters I used just the dragons and teleport or magic immunity.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
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Unread postby Romanov77 » 15 Sep 2007, 14:50

So Im about restarting mission3

This time I have:

Expert Runelore
Expert light
Expert attack
Basic destruction

Abilities: Only pathfinding, snatch and swift mind, refresh rune and fine rune

Got particulary unlucky (again) with spells and runes:

NO rune of speed (plain ridiculous, after maxing ALL the rune buildings in every scenario)
NO rune of resurrection

I have:

Rune of thunderclap
Rune of berserking
Rune of etheralism (?) - the one that makes incorporeal
Rune of battle Rage - chance of hitting every enemy who surround the unit

As spells got:

Ice circle
Ice bolt
World of Light (Thank you Nival for this awesome spell, I hate you)
Magical Immunity

attack 6
Defence 9
Spell power 8
Knowledge 5

Visited EVERY stat booster and when given the chance I always picked attack.
Im playing on Heroic...do I stand a chance?
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 15 Sep 2007, 15:22

Romanov77 wrote:So Im about restarting mission3......
Im playing on Heroic...do I stand a chance?
Of course you do. I played on heroic and didn't have resurrection or rune of charge at that point either (maybe rune of charge is disabled on the first map.) I also did not have any destruction magic to help me.

You will have a chance to learn more spells and runes. You have very powerful runes already. They will be enough.

However, I don't think you leveled up your heroe in a way that makes you powerful at lower levels. It looks like you probably took several skills at once instead of for instance focusing on developing light magic before moving on to other skills. The power of light magic is the mass spells. So when you get a chance, you need to grab some abilities that grant you the mass versions of the spells.

You may want to pick up luck when you can because you will want to take advantage of soldiers luck. The dwarves have 3 units that are affected by soldier's luck:
spear throwers/skirmishers (crippling strike)
black bears (paw strike)
rune priests/patriarchs (mark of fire)

The rune of thunderclap is also affected by soldier's luck.

When you have the soldier's luck ability those specials have a second chance to trigger if they don't trigger the first time. That is why I seldom have a dwarf hero without soldier's luck.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
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Unread postby Romanov77 » 16 Sep 2007, 07:54

Thanks for the tips GOW....one question...should I rush to the enemy town or get all the reinforcement scattered around first?

If wait too much I find a large stack of dragons (10+) and MANY (500+) shieldguards....

Also, since my only shooter suck on the distance, how im supposed to beat the crossbowmen and the zealots? The cpu just sits there, murdering my troiops with them , towers, hero and ballista...by the time the "melee session" starts, my army will be already weakened...thats what happened the last time....
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 16 Sep 2007, 11:18

Romanov77 wrote:Thanks for the tips GOW....one question...should I rush to the enemy town or get all the reinforcement scattered around first?

If wait too much I find a large stack of dragons (10+) and MANY (500+) shieldguards....

Also, since my only shooter suck on the distance, how im supposed to beat the crossbowmen and the zealots? The cpu just sits there, murdering my troiops with them , towers, hero and ballista...by the time the "melee session" starts, my army will be already weakened...thats what happened the last time....
If you look on the previous page, you see where I discuss that battle.

I recommend that you sweep the rest of the ma before you go the battle. You want to max your level on the map. There are some nice artifacts (including the unicorn bow and boots of travel, if I remember right) underground. There is also an artifact merchant on the map. Flag all creature dwellings as you go and you can swing back later to pick them up just before the final battle.

The battle will be tough, but if you use your spells and troops wisely you will win. Remember your runes!

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 17 Sep 2007, 10:39

GoW, I tried this new approach:

I cleared the Dragon utopia and a goldmine....got expert destructive, implosion, bought many nice artifacts...

Lost All berserker and brawlers, but got around 100 bears, 400 spears, 80 skirmishers, 200 enforcers (joined) 1 magma dragon (another joiner).

Im facing 660 defenders and 18 magma dragons...

I arrived to a point that I had 20 skirmishers runnig around chased by 3 dragons...unfortunaly, towers (stupid catapult never breaks them) ballista and hero attack killed them before I could kill the 3 dragons...

The problem is that the cpu gets out as soon as I pound his marksmen and zealots...I tried to keep some of them alive, but it still exit the town...usually from holes made by my catapult....any suggestions??
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 17 Sep 2007, 21:46

Romanov77 wrote:GoW, I tried this new approach:

I cleared the Dragon utopia and a goldmine....got expert destructive, implosion, bought many nice artifacts...

Lost All berserker and brawlers, but got around 100 bears, 400 spears, 80 skirmishers, 200 enforcers (joined) 1 magma dragon (another joiner).

Im facing 660 defenders and 18 magma dragons...

I arrived to a point that I had 20 skirmishers runnig around chased by 3 dragons...unfortunaly, towers (stupid catapult never breaks them) ballista and hero attack killed them before I could kill the 3 dragons...

The problem is that the cpu gets out as soon as I pound his marksmen and zealots...I tried to keep some of them alive, but it still exit the town...usually from holes made by my catapult....any suggestions??
Well, losing all your brawlers and beserkers to the dragon utopia really hurt you. But from your battle you see that you only needed to kill 3 more dragons. Do you have raise dead? It can be used as a diversion or to help keep the gate plugged.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 18 Sep 2007, 04:58

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:
Romanov77 wrote:GoW, I tried this new approach:

I cleared the Dragon utopia and a goldmine....got expert destructive, implosion, bought many nice artifacts...

Lost All berserker and brawlers, but got around 100 bears, 400 spears, 80 skirmishers, 200 enforcers (joined) 1 magma dragon (another joiner).

Im facing 660 defenders and 18 magma dragons...

I arrived to a point that I had 20 skirmishers runnig around chased by 3 dragons...unfortunaly, towers (stupid catapult never breaks them) ballista and hero attack killed them before I could kill the 3 dragons...

The problem is that the cpu gets out as soon as I pound his marksmen and zealots...I tried to keep some of them alive, but it still exit the town...usually from holes made by my catapult....any suggestions??
Well, losing all your brawlers and beserkers to the dragon utopia really hurt you. But from your battle you see that you only needed to kill 3 more dragons. Do you have raise dead? It can be used as a diversion or to help keep the gate plugged.

I had used up all my mana to implode the dragons...
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 18 Sep 2007, 06:15

Ok, but when you replay the battle be aware that raise dead may help provide the diversion you need to let your skirmishers/spearthrowers kill the dragons. If you got the unicorn bow they'll have no range penalty and might land a crippling strike. Those are really key troops. Try to cripple a couple of stacks continually crippled at once and keep check on how long they are crippled.

You have some great runes. Be sure to use your runes wisely. They give you huge abilities.

Also, look through your artifacts and make sure you are using the best ones for the battle. If you got all the artifacts in the underground you should have some good ones. Plus, there is the artifact merchant. This is the toughest battle you will face in the campaign. You have to make sure you are efficient in using your troops, spells, and artifacts in the battle.

If necessary, you may want to relaod to a save before the dragon utopia and try not to lose all of your beserkers and brawlers. I fought the dragon utopia and keep most of my troops.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 18 Sep 2007, 09:58

Heeheh, I did it!

I just reloaded the battle and made some better decisions...the last dragon went down when I had 18 spearwielders left! Nothing else, they had even smashed my catapult! :D

I managed to let the stack survive by placing it in the middle of the walls, surrounded by enemy defenders and 4 shoot exausted zealots...this prevented the dragon stack to reach them and I was able to pound it with wulfstan, while my spearwielder fiercely (runes :D ) grinded down the defenders...

Thanks for your help GOW, you made me a better homm player! ;)
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 18 Sep 2007, 11:09

You are welcome. :)

Often you can learn a lot by replaying a difficult battle and seeing what you could have done differently for better results.

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

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