Best elemental damage spell in M&M6?

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Macros the Black
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 25 Mar 2009, 23:16

hovgaard wrote:1. Fireball
2. Fire Blast (if you stay close to the target, all blasts will hit it, and damage will be far larger, than taken from incinerate, and twicw cheaper!)
3. Meteor shower.

Fire is cheap, fire has versatile arsenal, fire has the best destruction spells untill you possess dragon breath at dark magic skill above 15-20.
This is true. At the start of the game, Water and Air are the most useful with damaging spells because fire spells are too expensive (and dangerous - fireball). For the most part, though, I use the fire magic school to do the killing. Only at the end, when the enemies get all those annoying resistances and immunities, I use Shrapmetal instead of Fire Blast.

But to get back to topic, the best elemental damage spell imo is Meteor Shower. It may not work indoors, but it does wonders outdoors. And yes, it's not as efficient as Starburst after a certain level, but it's alot more reliable and plus it comes in the Fire magic school. I rarely get my air magic up high enough to even use Starfall in the first place..

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 28 Mar 2009, 11:56

Sparks + Starburst or Shrap metal

Starburst can inflict alot of damage in outdoor and sparks are GODLIKE

you have to see it like this:
1 spark does at master 11 damage and you shoot 7 of them so thats 11x7=77 (low mana fastest cast rate)
for advanced players you can also see it like this:
11x7=77x4=308 (which are 4 sorcerers)
well for some reason ppl think that sparks is extremly week but look at later in game with around 20 or 30 points on it!
21x7=147 21x7=147x4=588
31x7=217 31x7=217x4=868

also air has spells like fly (for almost everywere) and also has jump which is also usefull in some dungeons in-doors etc.

you have alot more luck in mm7 with sparks!

sparks can become Grandmaster which can shoot 9 of them
11x9=99 11x9=99x4=396
21x9=189 21x9=189x4=756
31x9=279 31x9=279x4=1116
And does dark go for an elemental?
Shrap Metal!! :devil:
does 1-6 points in dark magic!
lets take Master 10 point on it
6x10 = 60 damage x 7 fragments = 420 (beware 50 mana cost! advanced players only!)
Later in game:
6x20 =120x7=840
6x30 =180x7=1260

50 mana cost can become really enoying :tired:
take at least an master meditation and master water magic
Meditation: alot more mana
Water magic: Townportal/Beacon
Set a beacon - go to New Sorpigal heal for 10 gold and go to beacon you have full mana to cast alot of metal again

4 players shrap metal? you think Sparks are fun but this! is the END!
6x20 =120x7=840x4=3360!!
6x30 =180x7=1260x4=5040!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if i make any mistakes on this 'walktrough' please reply me thanks!
and goodluck

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Unread postby GrayFace » 29 Mar 2009, 19:50

Poison Spray is the best. Each skill point adds 1.5*5 = 7.5 damage instead of 7 for Sparks. You don't have to stand too close to monster to make all streams hit him, unlike Sparks. Another nice thing is that 12 points in Water Magic are always gained ASAP to have good Town Portal.
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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 29 Mar 2009, 22:14

It is common knowledge that magic is far more powerful than might by the end of the game in MMVI. But yeah, poison spray is good until you get shrapmetal.
Back from the dead? Maybe.

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 30 Mar 2009, 15:31

Interesting about the poison spray....
I shall try it as soon as posible

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Unread postby Sure Valla » 02 Apr 2009, 16:23

Deadguy118 wrote:It is common knowledge that magic is far more powerful than might by the end of the game in MMVI. But yeah, poison spray is good until you get shrapmetal.
Agreed, Poison spray is way more powerfull then Sparks. and also cheaper with mana. I think its more usefull then shrapmetal because that costs 50 mana and poison spray i believe 2? Anyway: advanced players, take 4 sorcerers with master 12 water magic and spray monsters to the dead with poison! :creative:

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 04 Apr 2009, 22:10

Iirc alot of monsters have poison immunity though..

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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 05 Apr 2009, 08:27

Macros the Black wrote:Iirc alot of monsters have poison immunity though..
You mean water :proud:

But why does it say lots have no resist against water? or is that only in mm7??

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Unread postby Avonu » 05 Apr 2009, 08:37

SureValla wrote:
Macros the Black wrote:Iirc alot of monsters have poison immunity though..
You mean water :proud:
No - poison. :P
In MM6 (like in previous MMs) you have Poison (Acid), Cold, Fire, Electricity and Magic resistances.
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Sure Valla
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Unread postby Sure Valla » 05 Apr 2009, 08:39

Ah yes i remember you get an green skull at the elemental box on the right ;)

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Unread postby Aul1kki » 05 May 2009, 19:26

I would say best spell depends on the situation. Interesting that nobody didn't mentioned Implosion or Mass Distortion.
Implosion max. 130 dmg. (skill 12)
Mass distortion max. 529 dmg. (skill 12, against blue dragon. True dragon killer before you have dark skill/mastery. Longfang is pece of cake because of this spell)

But I would say fire blast is best spell for most of the situations(unless enemy is immune to fire). Also ring of fire and inferno are very useful spells in temple of baa, ironfist (skeletons).
But in my opinion almost every offensive spell got their own place.
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